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Evolution of Management

What is the importance of evolution

 Helpsdetermined What management principles

and practices Work best for your business.
 Helps
you manage your team and
Scientific Management

 Founded and develop by Frederick Winslow

 Father of Scientific Management
 Proposed by oprimizing and simplifying jobs,
productivity would increase
Scientific Management as define by Taylor

 According to Taylor, “Scientific Management is an art of

knowing exactly what you want your men to do and seeing
that they do it in the best and cheapest way”. In Taylors
view, if a work is analysed scientifically it will be possible
to find one best way to do it.
Administrative Theory

 Founded by Henry Fayol (1840-1925)

 He was contemporary of Taylor
 Father of Modern Management Theory
 He
was the first to suggest the functions of
Administrative Theory

 Administrative Theory is characterized by people

"on the ground" who share personal experiences,
improve practices, and help others to run an
14 principle of Management
 Division of Work.
 Balancing Authority and Responsibility.
 Discipline.
 Unity of Command.
 Subordination of individual interest to general interest
 Equity
 Remunation of Personnel
14 principles

 Scalar of chain
 Centralization
 Esprit De Corp
 Order
 Unity of Direction
 Stability of Tenure
 Initiative
Behavioral Management Theory

 Elton Mayo (1880-1949)
 Hawthorne Studies
 Human relation refers to the way in which
managees interact with their subordinates.
 Focus on the human beings
Abraham Maslow Psychological Needs
Management Science Theory

 Emphsizes on application of mathematics and

statistics for taking decision and for solving
management problems
 Thisapproach develop during the second world
war to solve miltary.
Bureucratic Theory

 Max Weber (1864-1920)

 German sociologist,
 Bureucracy is a form of organizationcharacterized by
division of work, clearly defined hierarchy, detailed
rules and regulation and impersonal relation

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