Classroom Observation Report

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Classroom Observation in

Literature and Language


Melawati Dewi
Siti Nurhasanah
Classrooms Observed
1. English Learning
2. Indonesian Learning
Teaching Observation Report
Level of class observed : Senior high School of SMA Al Aziz
Islamic Boarding School
Subject : English
Topic of the day’s lesson : Passive Voice in a Narrative Text
The class that was observed is 10th grades, the
teacher taught passive voice in a narrative text
with a good approach. She used interesting
method by giving a text in the first step of
learning, so the students could analyse the text
that has grammatical structure which is Passive

Students have a high sense of enthusiasm for the

lesson. This can be seen when the teacher
provided material in a form of text and the
students can follow it happily.
The teacher uses collaborative learning
method to teach literature context in
the classroom, she divides the students
into some groups.
The strengths of the classroom
management strategies observed:
 Using fun learning method by making
a group discussion and learning
grammar in a context.
 Teacher asks the students to order
the text by giving some sentences in
paper cuts to become a coherent
 Teacher encourages the student to
solve the problem by working
together in a learning group.
 Teacher gives opportunity to the
students to analyse grammar
structure in a story of Narrative.
 Teacher gives the presents to the
students as a reward of learning.
 By learning in a group, teacher
teaches them how to respect other’s
Interview Result
 The teacher also shares some ways to solve the problem when
she has difficulties in teaching English. Such as she gives a game
in learning grammar.

 At her school there is no specific book but she can provide a

material by herself.
 One of the difficulties is when she runs out of learning media,
nevertheless she tries to find out other medias on internet to
teach in a class.
 The way of teacher always finds some ideas to teach English in a
class is the best part of an English teacher to apply learning
Teaching Observation Report
Level of class observed : Senior high School of SMA Al Aziz
Islamic Boarding School
Subject : Bahasa Indonesia
Topic of the day’s lesson : Teks Anekdot
Bahasa Indonesia Class

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