Gentic Code

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DNA is a genetic material and carries genetic information from cell-cell and generation to generation.
 Genetic code is a particular sequence of nucleotide that tell which amino acid are to be linked together to form a protein
 Sequences of nucleotides in mRNA that contains information for translation
 Genetic code was first coined by George Gamow in 1945-4 base
 In 1961 Marshall Nirenberg who discovered the “triplet”.
 Triplet codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that code for specific aminoacid
 The genetic code consist of 64 triplet of nucleotides that codes for amino acid each of the triplet are called codon .
 There are 20 amino acid and 64 genetic codons are present.

There are nine properties for genetic codes:

 The code is triplet codon: each codon has three nucleotides
 the genetic code is degenerate: there are 64 codons and 20 amino acid. A single amino acid can coded by more than one
codon this property of genetic code is called degeneracy. Eg; amino acid or proline can be coded by CCU, CCC, CCA,
A single codon will be scored for a single amino acid eg: AUG- always code for methionine
 The code is non- ambiguous in nature
 The genetic code is non overlapping:
 The code is comma less
 the genetic code has start code(AUG) and stop code(UAA,UAG,UGA).
 The code is universal
 The code has polarity

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