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 Web development is the specific field that focuses on building
web pages. Web pages or web apps, are downloaded and run
in our web browsers ( Google chrome, IE, Mozilla firebox). It
is downloaded once and run as a standalone application on our
computer or smart phone. The major building blocks of web
are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are two main division
of web development. They are
 Front end development

 Back end development

 Front end:- All information have ever been seen on web is
considered ‘front end’ when open a web page. Code is
downloaded form server and in rendered to the screen by a web
browser. It is referred as ‘Presentation layer‘ in software
development terms. It is built with three languages : HTML, CSS
and JavaScript.
 HTML allows putting content on the pages: text, headers,
images, buttons, link etc
 CSS ( Cascading style sheets) is used to style our page. It allows
the contents to have different text colors, background colors.
 JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used to add
functionality and interactivity to web pages. It makes the page
dynamic and allows for the content to change on the mouse click
and also submit data that have been rendered to our pages.
 Back end:- Back end refers to what happens ‘behind the scenes’
servers, databases etc. it is the place not seen by users. This
consists of data storage (databases) and servers running to
provide data for the front end. It computes the data and content
that is to be sent to the front end and displayed by browser. Back
end scripts are written in many different coding languages and
frameworks, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, Java, Python,
ASP.NET, Perl, Node.js etc.
 Web browser is the communicating software application ( a
program ) that is used to search for, reach and explore websites.
As Excel is a program for spreadsheets and word is a program for
writing documents, a browser is a communicating program for
internet exploring.
 The leading internet browsers are Google chrome, Opera, Mozilla
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge etc.
 A web browser knows how to go a web server on the internet and
request a page, so that the browser can pull the page through the
network and into user’s machine.
 A web browser knows how to interpret the set of HTML tags
within the page in order to display the page on user’s screen as the
page’s creator intended it to be viewed.
 There are two basic categories of web browser. They are
1. Text-only browsers :- a text only browser such as Lynx allows
you to view web pages without showing art or pages structure.
The advantages of text only browser is that it displays web
pages very fast.
2. Graphical browsers :-to enjoy the multimedia aspect of the
web, you must see a graphical browsers such as Netscape
Navigator or NCSA Mosaic. Graphical browsers can show
pictures, play sounds and even video clips. The drawback is
that multimedia files, particularly graphics, often take a long
time to download.
 Search Engine is a service that allows Internet users to
search for content through the world wide web (WWW).
A user enters keywords into a search engine and
receives a list of web content result in the form of
website , image videos or other online data.
 A lot of information is available on the internet in
different websites. There are billions of websites on the
internet. The websites address can be search through
search engines.
 www :- Tim Berners Lee invented the world wide web in 1989.
He is a British Computer scientist. Www or web is the leading
information retrieval service of the Internet. The web gives
users access to a vast array of documents that are connected to
each other by means of hypertext of hypermedia links,
 Web server :- web server is a computer that run websites. It is a
computer program that distributes web pages. The basic
objectives of web server is to store, process and deliver web
pages to the users.
 Website :-Website is a collection of web pages and related
content that is indentified by a common domain name and
published on a web server.
 Web page :- Web page is a hyper text document, commonly
written in HTML. It is viewed in web browser. It can be
accessed by entering a URL address into a browser’s address
bar. A web page may contain text, graphics and hyperlinks to
other web pages and files. A web page is used to provide
information to viewers, including pictures or videos to help
illustrate important topics.
 Home page :- it is the name of main page or starting page of a
website where visitors can find hyperlinks to other pages on
the site.
 Internet :- in simplest words it is a global networks interconnected
using communication protocols that are standardized. The internet
standards describe a framework known as internet protocols suite.
This model divides methods into a layered system of protocols.
These layers are as follows.
 Application layer :- concerned with the data , where HTTP, HTTPs
etc come in.
 Transport layer :- responsible for end to end communication over a
 Network layer :- provides data route.
 Web technology refers to the means by which computers communicate with
each other using markup languages and multimedia packages. It gives us a way
to interact with hosted information, like websites. Web technology involves the
use of hypertext markup language(HTML) and cascading style sheets (CSS).
 According to Microsoft, web technologies include the following.

 Mark-up language such as HTML, CSS, XML, HTTP

 Programming languages and technologies that help create applications for the
web. Eg Perl, c+, java , visual Basic , .NET etc.
 Web server and server technologies that enable request handling on a network,
where different users have to share the same resources and communicate with
each other.
 Databases, which are extremely important for data and information storage on a
computer network.
 Business application that are customized for specific execution of task on a
 HTML5 :- This is the recent addition to the HTML family id very
equipped and potent in assisting in web development activities.
 Javascript :- This programming language lets you to make communicate
for your website. It was developed by Netscape and borrow a lot of
syntax from C language. Using JavaScript you can manage your browser,
edit content and document.
 Java :- This is the top programming language in the industry and is
currently the perfect language for web development. This language is
created by Sun Microsystems in 1990.
 PHP :- This stands for PHP Hypertext Processor. It is one of the widely-
used languages for web development and was created in 2004. This
languages is used to create websites such as WorldPress , Digg, and
 Python :- This is the advanced programming language and is used for
creating websites and mobile apps. It is very flexible and has a broad
range of applications.
 Ruby :- This is a user friendly language for beginners. It is
created in 1993 and used for mobile apps and creating websites.
 NET :- This was created by Microsoft in the year 2000. Though
it is used primarily in system running on windows, this
language is used in scientific research and academic fields.
 Perl :- This is an interpreted script language and presents unique
tools for system programming.
 C :- This is a standard programming language created in the
1970’s. it is appreciated for its efficiency and is known for
writing systems software.

 Content management system (CMS) is a software applications

that are used to create and manage digital content. It helps to
create and manage a website through a human-friendly
interface rather than needing to work directly with code.
 A CMS is a tool that helps you build a website without needing
to write all the code from scratch (or even know how to code at
 A content management system, often abbreviated as CMS, is
software that helps users create, manage and modify content on
a website without the need for specialized technical knowledge.

 How Does a CMS work?
 With a content management system like wordpress, you can just write
your content in a interface looks a good bit like Microsoft word.
 What makes up a content management system ?

 On a more technical level, a content management system is made up

of two parts.
1. A content management application( CMA)- This is the part that
allows you to actually add and manage content on your site.
2. A content delivery application (CDA) – This is the backend, behind
the scenes process that takes the content you input in the CMA,
stores it properly, and makes it visible to your visitors.
 The popular CMS software are jomla, Drupal, Magento,
squarespace, wix, TYPO3.
 Wordpress is the most popular content management ystem. It is free
to download and use. It is also easy to learn, flexible, and user
 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is the most
widely used language on web develop web pages. HTML was
created by Tim Berners Lee in 1990.
 Originally, HTML was developed with the intent of defining the
structure of documents like headings, paragraphs, lists and so
forth to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between
researchers. Now, HTML is being widely used to format web
pages with the help of different tags available in HTML language.
 There are two types of web pages. They are
1. Static web pages :- static pages, as the name indicates,
comprise static content (text or images). So you can only see
the contents of web page without being able to have any
interaction with it.
2. Dynamic web pages :- Dynamic web pages are those where
the content of web page depend on user input. So interaction
with the user is required in order to display the web page.
 Create website – create a website or customize an existing web
 Becomes a web designer :- a web designer, HTML, CSS designing is a
must skill.
 Understand web :- to optimize website, to boost its speed and
performance, it is good to know HTML to yield best results.
 Easy to learn other languages :- ones understand the basics of HTML
then other related technologies like JavaScript, php are easy to
 Responsive UI:- HTML pages now a days works well on all platform,
mobile, tabs, laptops owing to responsive design strategy.
 Offline support :- HTML pages once loaded can be made available
offline in the machine without any need of internet.
 Game development :- HTML5 has a native support for rich experience
and is now useful in gaming development areas in HTML.
 HTML is the standard markup language used for creating web
pages. Some objective of HTML are
 Create a link, table, form, list etc within a web page.

 Describes the structures of a web page and consists of a series

of elements.
 Insert a graphic, headings levels within a webpage.

 Use a cascading style sheets.

 Publish a web page.

 Web publishing :- It is the process which includes building and
uploading websites, updating the associated web pages, and
posting content to the internet. It is also known as online
publishing. It comprises of personal, business and community
websites in addition to e-books and blogs. The content of web
publishing can include text, videos, digital images and other
form of media. The five steps of web publishing are
1. Planning a web site.
2. Analyzing and designing a website
3. Creating a web site
4. Deploying a website
5. Maintaining a website
 Web hosting is a service that allows posting a website on a
internet. A web hosting service provider provides the
technologies and services needed for the website to be viewed in
the internet. Websites are hosted on a special or main computers
called servers. When internet users want to view website , all
need to do is type website address or domain into their browser.
 The steps of web hosting are

1. Find a reliable and experienced web host company

2. Search via the deals offered by web hosting company
3. Setting up the whole domain
4. Connectivity to the host
5. Finally testing the website after upload
 HTML is a markup language and makes use of various tags to
format the content. These tags are enclosed within angle bracket
<Tag Name>. HTML tag is signal to a browser that it should do
something other than just throw test up on the screen. HTML
tags can be of two types.
1. Container/ Paired Tag:- Most tags come in pairs and surround
the material they affect. They work like a light switch. The
opening tag activates the effect and the closing tag turns the
effect off. Eg <head> </head>
2. Empty/ singular Tag:- A empty tag does not have end tag. Tags
that are used by themselves are called empty tag. It is also
called stand alone or singular tag. The example of empty tag
are <IMG>, <BR>, etc.
 Tags are used to mark up the start and end of HTML element. A
tag consists of opening angle bracket (<) followed by the element
name , zero or more space separated attribute/values pairs, and a
closing angled bracket.
 HTML Attributes :- An attributes defines a property for an
element, consists of an attribute /value pair, and appears within
the element’s start tag.
 A tag starts with no attributes: - <p>

 A tag starts with attributes :- <p class=“info”>

Tags Attributes
A tag is a way of denoting an An attribute is a way of defining
HTML element in the program. the characteristics of an HTML

HTML tag are used to hold the HTML attributes are used to
HTML element. describe the characteristics of an
HTML element.

HTML tag starts with < and ends HTML attributes are found only in
with >. the starting tag.

HTML tags are almost like HTML attributes specify various

keywords where every single tag additional properties to the
has meaning. existing HTML element.
 The different types of basic tags that are used to design a web page
are described below.
1. HTML Tag :- It is necessary to write the code for an HTML page
between <HTML> and </HTML>. Here opening tag tells the
browser that ‘This is the start of an HTML document’ and
closing tag of HTML tells ‘This is the end of HTML document’.
2. Head Tag:- The headlines tags are used to display headings on
the web page in various sizes. These tag can provide main and
sub headings. HTML documents supports six levels of heading
tag from <h1> to <h6>.
3. Title Tag :- The title tag is used inside the <head> tag to mention
4. Body Tag :- All the content to be displayed on the web page has
to be written within the body tag. So whether text, headlines,
textbox, checkbox or other any possible content every thing to be
displayed must be kept within the <BODY> tag.
1. BGCOLOR :- It can be used for changing the background color of
the page. By default the background color is white.
syntax :- <BODY BGCOLOR=“VALUE”>
eg :- <body bgcolor=“silver”>
2. Background Image:- It is used for specifying the image to be
displayed in the background of the page.
eg :- <body background=“photo.jpg”>
3.Background sound :- sound can be embedded in the web page .
syntax :- <BGSOUND src= soundURL loop=value>
eg :- <BGSOUND src=“music.mp3” loop =infinate>
specifying the color of the text displayed on the page.
e.g :- <body bgcolor=“silver” text =“yellow”>

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