Training 1

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• It is an act of increasing the knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a specific

• e.g. Trainee acquire new skills, technical knowledge, problem-solving ability etc .

• Training improves the performance of employees.

• Now there is always a confusion: IS TRAINING CAN BE

(Training is a skill learning),

(While Education is Conceptual Learning).

• Though Training & Education differ in nature& Orientation,

They are Complementary to each other.

• There is some Education in all Training & in all Education

there is some Training.

Conceptual : Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion.

Complementary : Something Additive
Objectives of Training:

• The basic obj. of training is to help development. capacities &

capabilities of employees both new & old by upgrading their skills
& knowledge for the benefit of organization.
• T aims to help existing employees in improving their level of
performance on their present job assignments.( e.g. to new
employees it becomes very necessary to provide training &
induction process)
• Aim of T are not only providing new knowledge & job skills to the
employees, but creating in themselves consciousness & the greater
awareness to recognize their responsibilities.
• Sometimes it is not possible for organization to fill in some imp
work positions from outside. Under such conditions the T or
apprenticeship programs helps to develop & get workforce from
• The main aim of T is to bring out both efficiency & effectiveness of
work & work culture.
Need & Imp. Of Training:

• Increased Productivity:
• Higher Employee Morale:
• Less Supervision
• Less Wastages:
• Easy Adaptability:
• Reduced Turnover/Absenteeism
• Employee Development
Benefits of Training to Organization:
• Improved Profitability.
• Improved Knowledge & Skills
• Improves Morale of Work Force
• Helps People Identify with Org. Goals.
• Provides Better Corporate Image.
• Creates Authenticity & Trust.
• Improves Inter-Org. Relationships.
• Provides Org. Development.
• Provides Information for Future Needs in all Areas of Org
• Improves Decision Making Process.
• Helps in Development for Promotion from Within.
• Helps in Developing Leadership Skills, Motivation, Loyalty, Better Attitudes,
& many other Aspects.
• Helps to Reduce The Cost of Operation.
• Creates an Appropriate Climate for Growth, Communication.
• Helps Employees To Adjust With Technological Development & changes.
• Aids in handling Conflicts, thereby Helping to Prevent Stress& Tension.
3. Types of Training
Types of Training

1. Skills Training. 5. Creativity Training.

2. Retraining. 6. Literacy Training.
3. Cross-Functional. 7. Diversity Training.
4. Team Training. 8. Customer Service.

Focus on job knowledge

and skill for:
• Instructing new hires.
• Overcoming performance
deficits of the workforce.
2. Retraining

Maintaining worker knowledge and

skill as job requirements change due
• Technological innovation
• Organizational restructuring
3. Cross-Functional Training

Training employees to perform a

wider variety of tasks in order to
• Flexibility in work scheduling.
• Improved coordination.
4. Team Training

Training self-directed teams with

regard to:
• Management skills.
• Coordination skills.
• Cross-functional skills.
5. Creativity Training

Using innovative learning

techniques to enhance
employee ability to spawn
new ideas and new
6. Literacy Training

Improving basic skills of the

workforce such as
mathematics, reading, writing,
and effective employee
behaviors such as punctuality,
responsibility, cooperation,etc.
7. Diversity Training

Instituting a variety of programs

to instill awareness, tolerance,
respect, and acceptance of
persons of different race,
gender, etc. and different
8. Customer Service Training
Training to improve
communication, better
response to customer
needs, and ways to
enhance customer
Methods of training
1. Classroom Instruction
2. Video and Film
3. Computer Assisted Instruction
4. Computer Assisted Instruction
with Video
5. Simulation/Vestibule
6. Off the job training
1. Classroom Instruction
• Efficient dissemination • Learner does not control
of large volume of pace or content
information. • Does not consider
• Effective in explaining individual differences.
concepts, theories, and • Limited practice.
principles. • Limited feedback.
• Provides opportunity for • Limited transfer to job.
2. Video and Film
• Provides realism. • Does not consider
• Adds interest. individual differences.
• Allows scheduling • Limited practice.
• Limited feedback.
• Allows exposure to
hazardous (Dangerous) • Limited transfer to job.
• Allows distribution to
multiple sites.
3. Computer Assisted Instruction
• Efficient instruction. • Limited in presenting
• Considers individual theories and principles.
differences. • Limited discussion.
• Allows scheduling • Transfer depends on
flexibility. particular job. (Good for
• Allows active practice computer work.)
for some tasks.
• Allows learner control.
• Provides immediate
feedback to tasks.
4. Computer Assisted Instruction
with Video
• Same as basic CAI. • Same as basic CAI.
• Adds realism.
• Adds interest.
• Allows exposure to
hazardous events.
5. Simulation / Vestibule
• Provides realism. • Cannot cover all job
• Allows active aspects.
practice. • Limited number of
• Provides immediate trainees.
feedback. • Can be very expensive
• Allows exposure to (for example, “aircraft
hazardous events. simulators” and “virtual
• High transfer to job. reality” simulators).
• No job interference.
6. On-The-Job Training
• Provides realism. • Disruptions to operations.
• Allows active practice. • May damage equipment.
• Inconsistent across
• Provides immediate departments.
feedback. • Inadequate focus on
• High motivation. underlying principles.
• High transfer to job. • Lack of systematic
• Lowers training cost. feedback.
• Transfer of improper
• Trainee stress.
Off the job training
• Case studies
• Role plays
• Conference method
• Lectures
Methods of Training


Cognitive methods are more of giving theoretical training to the trainees.
The various methods under Cognitive approach provide the rules for how
to do something, written or verbal information, demonstrate relationships
among concepts, etc.
FOCUSES- changes in knowledge and attitude by learning.
Methods that come under Cognitive approach





• This method is used to create understanding of a topic or to influence behavior,
attitudes through lecture.

• A lecture can be in printed or oral form.

• Lecture is given to enhance the knowledge of listener or to give him the theoretical
aspect of a topic.
• It is difficult to imagine training without lecture format.

• There are some variations in Lecture method.

• The variation here means that some forms of lectures are

interactive while some are not.
• This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do
Example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to do the tasks
of the job.

• Helps the focusing their attention on critical aspects of the task

Discussion method
• This method uses a lecturer to provide the learners with context that is supported,
elaborated, explains, or expanded on through interactions both among the trainees
and between the trainer and the trainees.

Discussion method is a two-way flow of communication

• knowledge in the form of lecture is communicated to trainees

• Then understanding is conveyed back by trainees to trainer.

Cbt training
• Providing training to employees through Intranet or Internet.

• CBT does not require face-to-face interaction with a human trainer.

• Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the

• The various methods in this allows the trainee to behavior in a

real fashion

• These methods are best used for skill development.

Methods that come under Behavioural approach
• Game is defined as spirited activity or exercise in which
trainees compete with each other according to the defined set
of rules.
• Simulation is creating computer versions of real-life games.
• It is about imitating or making judgment or opining how events
might occur in a real situation.
Business games
• These are based on the set of rules, procedures, plans, relationships,
principles derived from the research.

• In business games, trainees are given some information that describes a

particular situation and are then asked to make decisions that will best suit
in the favour of the company.
Role plays
• Role play is a simulation in which each participant is given a role to play.

• Information is given to Trainees related to:

• description of the role

• concerns
• objectives
• responsibilities
• emotions, etc.
• Then, a general description of the situation, and the problem
that each one of them faces, is given.example,
• Situation could be strike in factory,
• Managing conflict between two parties
• Scheduling vacation days, etc.
In basket techniques
• In this technique, trainee is given some information about the role to be played such as,
description, responsibilities, general context about the role.

• The trainee is then given the log of materials that make up the in-basket and asked to
respond to materials within a particular time period.

• After all the trainees complete in-basket, a discussion with the trainer takes place.
Equipment simulators can be used in giving training to:

 Taxi Drivers

 Telephone Operators

 Maintenance Workers

 Product Development Engineers

 Airline Pilots
• The trainee is given with some written material, and the some
complex situations of a real or imaginary organization.
Executive/Management Development Programmes

• Executive management may be defined as a systematic process of

training and growth by which managerial personnel gain and apply
skills, knowledge, attitudes and insight into managing the work in their
organization effectively and efficiently.
Development vs. Training
Benefits/Objectives of Executive Development

• To develop managers to perform better on their present

• To prepare them for higher assignments
• To help them to grow fast
• To increase quality and productivity
• To improve the technical performance
• To improve the leadership and supervision skill
• To improve organizational climate
• To develop innovativeness and creativity
• To improve interpersonal communication and team work

Techniques of Executive Development

On-the-job development Off-the-job development

On-the-Job Development Methods:
1. Coaching
2. Understudy assignments
3. Job rotation
4. Committee assignments
5. Mentoring
6. Multiple Management
7. Action learning
Off-the-Job Development Methods:
1. Seminars/Lectures
2. Sensitivity training
3. Team building
4. Transactional analysis
5. Behavioural modeling
6. Case study
7. Simulation methods
Self Management

• Self-Management teaches people to observe their own behaviour, compare their

outputs to their goals, and administer their own reinforcement to sustain goal
commitment and performance.

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