Pancake Day

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Colegio La Salle Peñitas De León.
Members: Carlo, Fátima, Andrea,
Abraham, Diego & Miriam.
Teacher Regina.
Vocabulary to know
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Lenten Fast
Bell Church
Difference Between Hot Cakes and Pancakes: What is the difference between
the two? Talking about the ingredients of these both are the same. The definition
of hotcake is "a pancake". The definition of pancake is a cake batter that is fried
on both sides. At the end of everything is the same, but everything can change
in the way of preparing them.


The legend of Pancake Day begins in 1445. On

Shrove Tuesday, Christian households use
perishables before the long Lenten fast. And when
the bell of the commemoration of the church rings,
all the parishioners ask forgiveness for their sins.

The story tells us that a startled housewife lost

track of time and started making pancakes for
lunch. When she heard the bells, she knew she was
late and ran to church with her apron and a pan full
of pancakes. At that moment a tradition was born.
■ Pancake races are celebrated all over the world. This tradition happens on
Shrove Tuesday, in which the prize is a kiss from the sacristan, from the
church and they receive a blessing from the vicar. The race consists of
running with the pan in hand, flipping his pancake all the way, 451 yards
to St. Peter & St. Paul Parish Church.
The recipe
■ 100g plain flour
■ 2 large eggs
■ 300ml milk
■ 1 tbsp sunflower oil
■ butter for frying
■ pinch of salt
■ lemon wedges to serve
■ caster sugar to serve
The recipe
• Put the flour, eggs, milk and vegetable oil with a pinch of
salt into a bowl.
• Whisk to a smooth batter.
• Leave for 30 minutes to rest.
• Put a frying pan over a medium heat and wipe it with some
kitchen paper and butter.
• When the pan is hot, cook your pancakes for 1 minute on
each side until golden (flip your pancake if you dare!)
Keep the pancakes warm until they are all cooked.
• Serve sprinkled with sugar and a squeeze of lemon.
• Enjoy!
Currently, the contestants race to get to first, covering 380 meters, throwing
pancakes and scooping them back into the pan along the way without falling
Participants must wear a suitable apron and scarf. Around these races stalls are
set up, shows such as live music... Without a doubt, if you have the opportunity
to celebrate a day like this, you will have a great time.
Thanks for your attention.
the 6ºA group wishes you a nice day
we hope you liked the topic, God bless you.
Jesus lives in our hearts, forever.

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