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Mubasher Marketing Team

US Competition Marketing Report

Table of content

 US Objectives and outcome

 Marketing actions
1. ASO
2. Email in phases
3. Social media in phases

 Campaign designs
 Challenges
 What should be done
Objectives & Outcome
US objectives:
Position Mubasher as a leading platform in the stock market industry
Increasing the engagement rate at Mubasher digital vehicles
Gathering data for potential new customers

Data cleansing
Monitor challenges and report them (etc silos – Set KPIs for each department)
Checking the current engagement rate
Reporting the organization silos and forming a process for better communication
Tracking codes for a better tracking process
Marketing actions

1. Website and app design updates

2. Website and content updates
3. Three Email campaigns design and content
4. Analysis of the outcome
5. Campaigns on Social media and optimizing
6. Campaign Designs
App design and content
Sample of design edits
Before After
Content was changed according to the ASO rules to be more catchy
Email designs & Analysis
Email Campaign designs
Email Campaign designs
Email Campaign Analysis
5 Email had sent with 3 email content to engagement customer segmentation, 1 Thank you email after registration
The outcome is data cleansing and monitoring of the engagement rate

5582 … 2.8% Open

14 Clicks
157 Open Email
11 Register
146 Open and didn’t register
4. Social Media
Social Media Activity

First Phase Second Phase

Price Before Optimization Price After Optimization

Number of Objectives (5 Objectives)
Number of Ad Sets (24 Ad Sets) Landing page visit: 8 $ Landing page visit: 5 $
Number of Ads (48 Ads)
Number Social Media Design (28 Designs)
Engagement: 0.08 Engagement: 0.02$

Reach: 1$ Reach: 0.78$

Video View: 0.04$ Video View: 0.02$

Estimated Price Final Price
Landing page visit: 8 Landing page visit: 6

Engagement: 0.30 Engagement: 0.25

Video View: 0.04 Video View: 0.02

Reporting and Analysis
Registration 118

Impressions 1,922,385

Reach 657,278


Page 46
Campaign designs
Challenges What Should be done

1- Efficient time as the equation is known limited

1- Cost: due to time constraints time will cost time and affect quality.

2-Time: Not enough time will reflect on the cost and 2- The stakeholders should be all well known and
quality. communicated always via email on all the updates

3- Tracking Tools: must be inserted and tested 3-Handling with Bihdy all the needed tracking
tools and testing them and test the whole entire
4- Silos between different stakeholders registration process through all the
stakeholders for gathering different comments
5- Data customer data wasn’t accurate and acting accordingly.

4- Solving Mubasher info problem with the IT

development company in Pakistan

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