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Can you identify what verb

tenses these timelines

refer to?

Past Future
Past Simple
Christopher Columbus discovered America. (Focus in on
the action-Event started and finished in a point in the past)
Past Perfect Continuous
He had been having dinner when he had the
(A longer action which was in progress up to when
another action interrupted it)

Past Future
Past Continuous
I was watching TV at home when the first tower
collapsed.(Something happened during a longer action;
there was no interruption)


Past Future
Past Perfect Simple
I had finished my homework when you came in.
(An action happened before another action in the past).


Past Future
Past Perfect Continuous
When John got back from work I was worn out because I
had been writing letters all day. (The focus is on the activity
itself or its effect on us rather than the completed action. The action
or event was finished right before the event in evidence.


Past Future
When the police came in they verifyed that they had
been fighting. They were both bloody, laying unconscious
on the floor.

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