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Chapter 5

Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment

Facilitator: DERO Juan Pablo Salas del Río

Honestidad Integridad Equidad Verdad Libertad Respeto a la Vida

Respeto a la Naturaleza Paz Justicia Comportamiento Ético Solidaridad

Form that takes a company or a corporate when it suffers positively or
negatively a change in its organizational structure.

Chapter 5
Honestidad Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
3 Types of Configurations

Chapter 5
Integridad Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
People who authorize a configuration in a Lonely
Sole Owner

People who authorize a configuration in a Corporate

Sole Owner

Chapter 5
Comportamiento Ético Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
It occurs when two or more solitary companies and even two or more
corporate companies, which are dedicated to the same business or
complement each other, decide to join due to certain interests.

Chapter 5
Equidad Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
It occurs when a corporate purchases the entire or a part of a division
(company) owned by another corporate. The corporate can also buy a
solitary company that is not part of a corporate.

Chapter 5
Respeto a la Naturaleza Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
It is when a corporate puts on sale all or part of any of its divisions

Chapter 5
Verdad Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
Reasons for a Fusion
One of the solitary or corporate companies has no presence in any
country and they decide to join.

One of the solitary or corporate companies requires the raw material

of the other party.

One of the solitary or corporate companies has no individual prestige.

Chapter 5
Verdad Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
Reasons for an Acquisition
The corporate needs raw material that a lonely company can provide.

The corporate knows that it can make a solitary company or one of

the divisions (companies) of another corporate more successful

The Corporate purchases from a solitary company or one of the

divisions (companies) of another corporate that competes with it.

Chapter 5
Equidad Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
Reasons for a Disinvestment
The corporate decides that one of its divisions (companies) is not
being successful (profitable) and sells it.

The corporate knows that it brings financial problems and the best
way to solve them is by selling one of its divisions (companies).

Some government is being hostile to the corporate.

Chapter 5
Paz Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment
… We continue with Theoretical Evidence, Practical Evidence or Video …!

Chapter 5
Libertad Fusions, Acquisitions and Disinvestment

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