Unit 8 Our World Heritage Sites Lesson 2 Language

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Unit 8:

Lesson 2: Language
Các phương pháp lược bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ
1:Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được rút gọn bằng cách
dùng present participle phrase ( V-ing)
EX1: The man who is sitting next to you is my uncle
MĐQH (Xác định)
Dạng chủ
Who is sitting = sitting
=> The man sitting next to you is my uncle
Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể chủ động (active), ta
L dùng Ving thay cho mệnh đề đó (bỏ đại từ quan hệ và trợ động từ,
T đưa động từ chính về nguyên mẫu rồi thêm đuôi -ING)
ĐTQH + V thì =Ving
Ex2: Do you know the boy who broke the windows
last night? CHỦ ĐỘNG (QKĐ) = V-ing = breaking
=> Do you know the boy breaking the windows last night?

Ex 3: The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood

CHỦ ĐỘNG (HTĐ) = V-ing = surrounding

=> The fence surrounding our house is made of wood.

Ex 4: Do you know the woman who was coming towards

us at 10 a.m yesterday? Chủ động (QKTD) = V-ing = coming

=> Do you know the woman coming towards us at 10….?

2:Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được rút gọn bằng cách dùng
past participle phrase ( V-ed / Cột 3)
EX1: The books which were written by To Hoai are
MĐQH(Xác định)

Dạng bị động

Which were written = written

=> The books written by To Hoai are interesting.

Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể bị động

L (passive), ta dùng past participle phrase thay cho mệnh
T đề đó (bỏ đại từ quan hệ và trợ động từ, đưa động từ
chính về dạng V-ed hoặc cột 3) : ĐTQH + be + Vp2=Vp2
EX2: The students who were punished by teacher are
lazy. Bị động (QKĐ) = V-ed/ Cột 3 = punished

=> The students punished by teacher are lazy

EX3: The house which is being built now belongs to Mr.

Bị động (HTTD) = V-ed / Cột 3= built

=> The house built now belongs to Mr. Brown

Ex4: I come from a city that is located in the southern

part of the country. Bị động ( HTĐ) = V-ed / Cột 3 = located

=> I come from a city located in the southern part

of the country.
3/ Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được rút gọn bằng to-
infinitive hoặc infinitive phrase (có dạng for +O+ to-inf):

EX1: Tom is the last person who enters the room.

Số thứ tự

Who enters = to enter

=> Tom is the last person to enter the room
Trong trường hợp đúng trước MĐQH có các từ the first , the
L second, the last,the only….. so sánh nhất (superlative), mục
T đích (purpose)……… ta có thể rút gọn MĐQH bằng TO + V
EX2: John is the youngest person who takes
part in the race. SS hơn nhất To take

EX3: English is an important language which

we have to master For us to
2 chủ ngữ khác nhau = for sb + to V master
Þ English is an important language for us to master

EX4: Here is the form that you must fill in

Có Here đầu câu thay bằng For you to fill
CT:For sb + to V
=> Here is the form for you to fill in
 * Lưu ý: Trong phần to_V này cần nhớ 2 điều sau:
a. Nếu chủ ngữ của hai mệnh đề khác nhau thì thêm cụm for sb trước to_V.
Ví dụ:
I have so many cards that Linda can take to send to her friends.
→ I have so many cards for Linda to take to send to her friends.
(Tôi có vài tấm thiệp cho Linda để cô ấy đem tặng bạn.)
b. Nếu chủ ngữ đó là đại từ bất định có nghĩa chung chung như: we, you,
everyone.... thì có thể lược bỏ.
Ví dụ:I come up with some ideas that we can discuss.
→ I come up with some ideas to discuss. (Tôi nảy ra vài ý tưởng để thảo luận.)

c. Nếu trước đại từ quan hệ có giới từ thì phải để giới từ cuối câu.
Ví dụ:
I had a garden that he could play in.
→ I had a garden for him to play in.
(Tôi có một khu vườn để anh ta có thể chơi trong đó.)
Exercise 1: Underline the correct word or phrases
1.Have you visited the pagodas (to lie / lying / lain) on Tran Phu Street in
Hoi An?
2.Irresponsible tourists damaged the archaeological site and some of
the relics (to date / dating / to be dated) back to the last ruling dynasty.
3.The ancient houses (to destroy / destroying / destroyed) by the fire are
now under reconstruction.
4.Most tourists like buying clothes, lanterns, and other handicrafts (to
make / making / made) by local craftsmen in Hoi An.
5.The only thing (to see / seeing / sees) at the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty
is the stone walls.
6.The Complex of Hue Monuments was the first site in Viet Nam (to be
recognised / be recognising / recognises) as a World Heritage Site by
Ex2/Looking back/Grammar/40
Combine 2 sentences using Ving or Vp2
1. A taxi was taking us to Hoi An Ancient Town. It broke
down. taking us to Hoi An Ancient Town
⇒ The taxi ………………….. broke down.
2.There’s a path at the end of this street. The path leads
to the Perfume River. Park leading to the perfume river
⇒ At the end of the street there’s a …………………………..
3.The Citadel gate was damaged in the storm. It has
now been repaired. damaged in the storm
⇒ The Citadel gate………………………….  has now been
4.Some excavation relics were stolen from the
museum. They haven’t been found yet.
Excavation relics stolen from the museum
⇒ The………………………….. ………… ……haven’t been
found yet.
5.Some foreign guests were invited to the opening of
the heritage museum. Many of them were not able to
come. invited to the opening of the heritage museum

⇒ Many of the foreign guests…………………….  were not

able to come.
15 minute test

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