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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing

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F4 英文作文
6 月 JUNE


全国 100 间分行 100 人的资料研发团队 100 位 10 年以上精英导

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing

Contents Paper 2 (1119/2)

Instrument Writing

Short Communicative Writing

Items Guided Writing
Extended Writing

3 questions :
Section 1 : one question (20 marks)
Number of
Section 2 : one question (20 marks)
Section 3 : three questions
(choose one) (20 marks)

Total marks 60 marks

Time 1 hour 30 minutes


Article – Time Management 时间管理  

Article – Challenges

Report - Indiscipline

Paper 4 - Listening

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing


1 • Paraphrase the statement and give your own
3 • Describe each argument to support opinion in
a separate paragraph. 2-3 body paragraphs
• Use linking structures, vocabulary to write
4 essays
• add more details to make it interesting
5 • briefly summarize what you have written and
restate your opinion

• 看题目 + 指示 (题目给的 “点”)
• 分析主题 + 主题生字
• 回答问题 (所有题目问的 “点”)
• 扩充 (问自己 Wh- Questions )
• 写成段落 – 用连接词 (对的语调)
STEP 3 PRESENT • 重点在生字 / 长句子 + 短句子 / 字

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing

主题生字【 Part 1 】

Time Management

 1 in term of / in the field of phr 在…方面

[seize/grab] [precious/golden] 把握难得机

 2 [opportunity/chance] phr

 3 channel / medium n 管道

 4 entertainment / amusement n 娱乐

all works but no play makes Jack a 休息为了走

 5 dull boy prv
relax / unwind
 6 v 放松
*let ( 人称 ) hair down

 7 [learning/study] efficiency n 学习效率

 8 migraine n 偏头痛

 9 tip-top condition phr 一流的状态

 10 mentally and physically adv

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主题生字【 Part 2 】

Time Management
pass the examinations with flying 考取辉煌成
 1 colours phr

 2 burn the midnight oil phr 熬夜

 3 paramount importance phr 很重要

 4 have a sleep / hit the sack 麻袋 phr 睡觉

 5 master v 掌握

 6 practice makes perfect prv 熟能生巧

 7 time is gold prv 时间是黄金

 8 achieve / reach / accomplish v 达成

by all
 9 [means/ways/solutions/measures] phr 用尽办法

 10 possess v 拥有

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing


Write your answer in 200-250 words in an appropriate style.

Your class has been talking about the best way to prepare for
examination. You think that the best way is to study with your
friends. Your teacher advisor has asked you to write an essay bout

In your essay, you should write about:

• What is the reason? 原因
• What actions can be done? 怎样学习 ( 动作 )
• How is it affected? 后果

Write your article.

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Spelling 8/6
1. 用尽方法
2. 时间是黄金
3. 熟能生巧
4. 睡觉
5. 很重要
6. 熬夜
7. 考取辉煌的成绩
8. 在…方面
9. 把握难得的机会
10. 管道
11. 娱乐
12. 休息是为了走更长远的路
13. 学习效率
14. 一流的状态
及格率: 10/14
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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing
* 大部分时间和朋友 – 共同话题
What is
the * 愿意伸出援手
reason? * 愿意聆听问题 / 意见 / 想法
What 去哪里?
can be * 去图书馆 – 假期 / 周末
done? * 做大量的练习题 – 讨论
* 交换笔记
* 学习更有效率 – 不浪费时间
How is it * 考取佳绩
* 促进彼此的关系


R3: MP 3:

Eff 3: Ex 3:

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing
Ways to Prepare Examination
By Agnes Khew
1. 解释 ( 主题 ) – 名词 / 主题式名句 ( 谚语 / 名人名言 )
2. 现况 / 重要性 / 个人看法
3. 反问问题

Time is gold. [In actual fact/In fact/As a matter of fact] 事实上 ,

time management is really [important/significant/crucial] 重要 in our
daily routine 日常生活 . In my opinion, when time is involved I have
to make things done by now, accomplish things by all means and not
to wait for tomorrow as tomorrow may bring another task to be
completed. Hence, how can we plan our time during an

[Firstly/First and foremost/First of all], in order to 为了 fully

equip myself before the examination, I will spend time to form a
study group with my friends during weekends. It cannot be denied
that 无可否认地 everyone will [face with/be in the face
of/encounter/come across] 面对 problems when we are studying.
Besides, it is sure that we spend [majority of/most of] 大多数 our
time with friends when we are out of the classroom. They will lend a
helping hand 伸出援手 in term of academics when we face troubles
without expecting anything in return 不求回报 .

On the other hand, I will seize this golden opportunity to ask

questions to my friends. Every Saturday, I will ask my friends out to
the library for revising together. We will have discussion on topics that
we do not understand together. Moreover, we will do extra exercises
together and exchange short notes with each other.
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Apart from that, by forming a study group, it will help to improve
our learning efficiency. It is better and easier study method than
finding the answers by my own. Furthermore, we will manage to 成功
地 pass our examinations with flying colours. Relationships among
friends can also be fostered 被促进 indirectly 间接地 .

In conclusion, forming a study group is one of the ways to prepare

for our examinations. In this way, time is like a mother to us. It guides
us in our daily activities. We should learn to allocate time 分配时间
so that we can study wisely for examinations. One last thing to
remember is that, “Time flies when you’re having fun”. 时光飞逝

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主题生字【 Part 1 】

 1 fundamental/foundational adj 基础的
 2 go through/experience/undergo phr 经历
 3 kaleidoscopic/ever changing adj 千变万化的
加剧 ( 冲突 / 活
 4 exacerbate/aggravate/intensify v
动 / 病情 )
 5 physically and mentally phr 身体与心理的
 6 backbone/pillar/mainstay n 支柱
 7 immature/juvenile adj 不成熟
 8 do not differentiate right from wrong phr 不会分辨是非对错
 9 bad/delinquent behaviour phr 坏行为
 10 social [issue/problem/ills] n 社会问题
11 be seduced by v 被诱惑
12 get laughed at/being made fun of v 被嘲笑
13 getting the balance phr 拿捏平衡
14 stereotypical mindset phr 刻板印象
15 strict/harsh/rigid adj 严格
16 curfew n 门禁
[break/destroy/sabotage] intimate
17 relationship phr 破坏感情

18 rebellious adj 叛逆
19 honest,open communication phr 诚实 / 开放的沟通
20 encouragement/motivation n 鼓励
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主题生字【 Part 2 】

 1 sooner or later phr 迟早
 2 complex/confused/complicated adj 复杂
 3 personality/individuality n 个性
 4 see eye to eye/go along with phr 赞同
 5 harmonious adj 和谐的
 6 a stitch in time saves nine prv 及时处理
 7 belief n 信念
 8 negative comment phr 负面评价
 9 change/transform/alter v 改变
 10 eye contact n 眼神交流
11 introverted/endocentric adj 内向
12 isolated adj 孤立
13 resilience n 恢复力
bounce back from tough 辛苦
14 times phr 从失败振作

15 benchmark n 标杆 ( 榜样 )
16 ups and downs phr 起起落落
17 absenteeism n 缺席 / 旷工 / 旷课
18 juggle v 兼顾
19 further education phr 升学
20 entertainment/amusement n 娱乐
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Spelling 15/6
1. 不求回报
2. 伸出援手
3. 面对
4. 无可否认地
5. 为了
6. 事实上
7. 经历
8. 支柱
9. 不成熟
10. 不会分辨是非对错
11. 社会问题
12. 被诱惑
13. 被嘲笑
14. 破坏感情
15. 叛逆
16. 诚实 / 开放的沟通
及格率: 12/16
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NO 人物 名言
1 Eleanor Roosevelt “The future belongs to those who believe in
the beauty of their dreams.”
艰难 不会持续 坚强
2 Robert H. Schuller Tough times never last, but tough people do.
3 Howard Schultz You have to be authentic, you have to be true,
and you have to believe in your heart.
4 Abraham Lincoln The best way to predict the future is to create

5 JK Rowling Failure is so important. We speak about

能力 to 抵制
success all the time. It is the ability resist
failure or use failure that often leads to greater
6 Henry Ford When everything seems to be going against
飞机 takes
you, remember…the airplane 起飞 off against
the wind, not with it.

7 Oscar Wilde Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

8 Dr Seuss Be who you are and say what you feel

重要 and
because those who mind don't matter
事情 don't mind.
those who matter
9 Virginia Woolf There is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can
set upon the freedom of my mind.

10 JM Barri Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard

enough. You can have anything in life if you
牺牲 everything else for it.
will sacrifice
( 吸引力法则 )

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Write your answer in 200-250 words in an appropriate style.

In your English class, you have been talking about challenges

faced by teenagers nowadays. Now, your English teacher has
asked you to write an essay.

In your essay, you should write about:

• Peer pressure. 同辈压力
• How are teenagers influenced? 怎样被影响 ( 什么方面 )
• How is it affected? 后果

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your
point of view.

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- 思想不成熟
Peer - 喜欢比较
pressure - 很容易被影响 ( 不会分辨是非 )

- 行为变坏
How are - 变得叛逆
teenagers - 旷课 – 成绩退步
influenced - 牵涉社会问题
- 影响自己和家人的名誉
- 变得很自卑
How is it - 怕被别人笑
affected - 变得孤僻 – 社恐

R1: MP 1:

Eff 1: Ex 1:

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing
Challenges Faced by Teenagers Nowadays
By Agnes Khew
1. 解释 ( 主题 ) – 名词 / 主题式名句 ( 谚语 / 名人名言 )
2. 现况 / 重要性 / 个人看法
3. 反问问题
Teenage 青少年时期 is a fundamental stage of life 生命中的基
本阶段 that [each human being/every Tom, Dick and Harry] 每个人
being passes through. In actual fact, the teenage years are difficult.
They cannot handle their problems themselves. They have no
backbone to face the problems in their life. Hence, the question is
what are the challenges faced by teenagers nowadays?

As a teenager myself, I personally think that every

[youngsters/adolescents] 青少年 will have to deal with peer
pressure. This is due to the reason that most of the adolescents in this
modern era 现今 are still immature. They are still not able to
differentiate right from wrong. They also love to compare with each
other. Therefore, they will easily be [affected/influenced] 被影响 by
the people around them especially the peers as 因为 they spend
most of the time together.

Let us further illustrate on this point 让我们详细地扩充这个点 .

As a result,

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To :
From :

State what the report is about. Use phrases like:
• The aim / purpose of this report is to …
1 • This is a report on …
• The report describes / focuses on / deals with …

2 • Give information and expand on the points you
want to make.
3/4 • Make recommendations / suggestions.

State your overall impression / opinion. Use
phrases like:
• All in all…
• To sum up …
4/5 • On the whole …
• In conclusion …
• In my opinion…
• From my point of view…

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REPORT 固定连接词

• The aim / purpose of this report is to…
• After interviewing some…, we have identified some
pertinent issues.
• As requested , I am writing this report to …
• this report aims to outline / assess…
• the purpose behind this report is to…
• some members have been complaining that…
• this report looks at / describes …
• it is based on …
• My findings are outlined / presented below.
• it seems / appears that…
表达 • The majority / minority of ….
观察 • it was found that/…
• It was felt that…
• One of the advantages is …
好 • There are strong arguments in a favour of …
处/坏 • The drawback of … is…
处/后 • As a consequence, …
果 • For this reason, …
• In order to solve this, I suggest
• According to …
格言 • As quoted by …
• As the saying goes,…
猜想 • it may / could / might (well) be that
• In general,
• On the whole,

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REPORT 固定连接词

• Interestingly, …
• Surprisingly,…
• As might be / have been expected…
• curiously,…
• predictably,…
评论 • equivocally, …
• oddly,…
• strangely,…
• It is interesting that,…
• I recommend that…
• It would be advisable to …
• it would be a good idea to / if …
• I believe it would be beneficial ….
• you may wish / want to consider…
• Having considered the opinions,…
推荐 • I would like to suggest / recommend …
• I therefore suggest / recommend…
• You may wish to consider…
• I recommend that…
• it would be great if…
• (perhaps), it would be advisable for … to do …
• To sum up,
• To summarise,
• Last but not least ,
总结 On balance,

• In short,
• In conclusion,

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing
Write your answer in 200-250 words in an appropriate style.
You see an announcement on school bulletin board:


Indiscipline is ranked as one of the major problems among students

in school. What are the types of indiscipline? What are the causes
and measures to be taken to curb the problem among students?

Submit your report to school principal.

Write your report.


types of


measures to
be taken

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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing
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SPM ENGLISH [2021 LATEST FORMAT] Paper 2 : 1119/2 Writing
Questions 6 and 7 are based on the sixth
SPM PAPER 4 - LISTENING situation.
Questions 1 to 7 6. You overhear part of a conversation about
You will hear people talking in six different moving to a new place. What happened to the boy's
situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the first visit to the city centre?
correct answer (A, B or C). You will hear each A. He lost his wallet.
recording twice. Answer all the questions. B. He lost his way.
C. He made friends with a stranger.
1. You hear two friends talking about travelling
in the city. What does the woman think is a 7. What does the boy say about being in the city?
dangerous choice? D. At first he felt confused, but now he likes it.
A. taking the Underground at busy times E. He doesn't enjoy getting lost all the time.
B. riding a bicycle in the city F. He doesn't believe he will get used to his new
C. getting around by bus way of life.

2. You hear part of a phone conversation. What PART 3

is the problem? Questions 16 to 20
D. The traffic lights are not working properly. You will hear five short extracts in which people are
E. There has been an accident because of the talking about their attitude to healthcare.
traffic lights. For questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to
F. The traffic lights are completely broken. G) what each speaker says. Use the letters only
once. There are two extra letters which you do not
3. You hear a girl talking about a city break she's need to use.
just been on. What did she think of it? You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the
G. The bad weather spoiled her holiday. questions.
H. It was surprisingly interesting.
I. It wasn't as good as she had expected. G. Feels guilty about going to the doctor
4. You hear part of a talk about the Great Fire of H. Prefers to pay money for better quality care
London. What was the result of the fire? I. Doesn't like the personality of the local doctor
J. Thousands of houses were burnt but not J. Feels positive about going to the local doctor's
many people died. surgery
K. Thousands of people died and lost their K. Cannot avoid going to the local doctor
homes. L. Doesn't trust the local doctors' medical
L. The only person who died was a baker's knowledge
servant. M. Prefers self-medication than going to the local
5. You hear part of a phone conversation about
the city of Dublin. What can wheelchair users
M. They can visit all the attractions and stay in
any hotel.
N. They can't visit the attractions, but they can
stay in some hotels.
O. They can visit most attractions and stay in a
few hotels.

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8. In what way can free time be a problem for teenagers?
A. Teenagers have too much free time.
B. Teenagers may not use their free time in a good way.
C. There aren't enough activities for teenagers to do.

9. What should parents do to support their teenage children?

D. Ask them what chores they want to do.
E. Make them do housework.
F. Set out some rules.

10. What can teenagers learn from working?

G. how to work together with others
H. how important it is to earn money
I. never to be late

11. Why is it a good idea for teens to participate in community programmes?

J. They will learn important lessons about life.
K. They will enjoy it more than their usual hobbies.
L. It will help them with their school work.

12 What is the talk mainly about? teenagers can take up new hobbies
N. how teenager can use their free time positively
O. how teenager can earn money in their free time

13. What does the speaker mean when she says it goes without saying that
teens need free time to spend with friends, relax and have fun?
P. Many people say that teens need free time.
Q. Some people don't agree that teens need free time.
R. Everybody know that teens need free time.

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14. Who can teenagers learn responsibility and life skills from?
A. peers
B. parents
C. local community

15. Life skills are

D. jobs around the house that are done regularly.
E. abilities to do something necessary for everyday life.
F. skills to save and protect lives.

Questions 21 to 30
You will hear Sandra Nichols, a life skills coach, talk about various types of
non-verbal communication. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each

Non-Verbal Communication

21. Sandra says we may not always know that we are using _____________
22. When someone's behaviour does not _____________ what they are
saying, something may be wrong.
23. People who don't look presentable for a job _____________ are unlikely
to be professional at work.
24. We don't look directly at people when we are being _____________.
25. Emphatic gestures can mean Keep away or show _____________.
26. Proximity is the extend we allow other people into our _____________
27. Moving away from someone shows that we are not _____________
around them.
28. The amount of physical contact we receive as infants affects our
_____________ development.
29. We reveal a great deal about ourselves through our lifestyle ___________.
30. In order to fit in with a particular _____________ right style.

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