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Essay and Types of Essay

Present By ;
Aqsa jabbar or
Nirma ilays
What is an Essay ?
 As essay is a composition with several
paragraphs .
 An essay is a group of paragraphs that

support a single point .

Types of Essay ;
4 Major types of Essay ;
To see the types of Essay ;
 Descriptive Essay
 Narrative Essay
 Argumentative Essay
 Discursive Essay
Narrative Essay ;
Definition Narrative essay ;
 A narrative essay tells a story. In most cases,
this is a story about a personal experience
you had. This type of essay, along with the
descriptive essay, allows you to get personal
and creative,
 When writing a narrative essay, one might
think of it as telling a story. These essays are
often anecdotal, experiential, and personal—
allowing students to express themselves in a
creative and, quite often, moving ways. unlike
most academic writing
Type of Narrative Essay ;
 Linear Narrative. ...
 Non-linear Narrative. ...
 Quest Narrative. ...
 Viewpoint Narrative…..
How do you start Narrative Essay?

 Story starters
 I didn't mean to kill her.
 The air turned black all around me.
 Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness.
 Wandering through the graveyard it felt like
something was watching me.
 The eyes in the painting follow him down the
 A shrill cry echoed in the mist.
Ending of Narrative essay ;
 The 5 Essential Elements Of A Perfect Ending
 Narrow your protagonist's options. There

should be a building sense of the inevitable

here. ...
 Make everything worse for your
protagonist. ...
 Resolve all story lines. ...
 Tie up loose ends. ...
 End on a strong note.
Example of Narrative Essay ;
 First Person - In this point of view, a
character (typically the protagonist, but not
always) is telling the story. ...
 Second Person - In this point of view, the

author uses a narrator to speak to the reader.

 Third Person - In this point of view, an

external narrator is telling the story.

Descriptive essay ;
What is a descriptive
Definition of Descriptive ;
 The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that
asks the student to describe something—
object, person, place, experience, emotion,
situation, etc. This genre encourages the
student's ability to create a written account of
a particular experience.
What is a descriptive essay example?
 A few examples of personal essay topics
might be: Describing the experience of a long
nature hike through beautiful surroundings.
Explaining the things you love about your
favorite sport or game. Reflecting on your
birthday and all the things that have shaped
you in the past.
Types of Descriptive Essay ;
 Two Types of Description:
2) Impressionistic.
Argumentative Essay ;
Definition of Argumentative Essay ;
 The argumentative essay is a genre of writing
that requires the student to investigate a
topic, collect, generate, and evaluate
evidence, and establish a position on the
topic in a concise manner. Argumentative
essay assignments generally call for extensive
research of literature or previously published
Types of Argumentative Essay ;
1) Types of argumentative essays include;
2)  persuasive
3) research
4) analysis
5) personal
Example of Argumentative Essay ;
 A good argumentative essay uses evidence
and facts to support the claim it's making
apart from the writer's thoughts and opinions
to make strong reasoning. For example, you
wanted to write an argumentative essay
testifying that New York is a great destination
to with your group of friends for a trip .
Discursive Essay ;
Definition of Discursive Essay ;

 Discursive essay is a genre of writing that

asks you to investigate a topic; to gather,
read and evaluate evidence; and to present a
position on your topic based on the evidence
 Moving from topic to topic without order :

rambling. gave a discursive lecture. discursive

prose. : proceeding coherently from topic to
Types of Discursive Essay ;
There are two basic types of discursive essay;
I. Persuasive
II. Argumentative
Example of Discursive essay;
 A discursive essay is written in order to
present a topic in a balanced way. It presents
all sides of an argument, and provides the
reader with objective evidence about a
particular topic. It is written in an impersonal
style, which helps to keep things unbiased.
 If people accuse you of rambling from topic

to topic in your speech or writing, they may

say you have a discursive style — with
changes in subject that are hard to follow.
One Person Asked ;


The End

Any Question ?
Thank you and Best
Of luck .

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