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People Growth - Annual Road Map

Planning vs. Execution

People Growth - Annual Road Map

● Challenges & Opportunities

● Road Map Model & Template
● Additional Tips
What’s you major challenges?

● Remains as a nice document on your desktop

● Too long and detailed
● Not business oriented
● No measurable results
HR Annual Road map
● Desired Outcomes
● Core Initiatives
● Required Resources
● Main Milestones
Desired Outcomes
● What are the business goals for 2023?
● What are the major HR Challenges?
● Map & Prioritize - What are the most critical areas that HR should focus on this year?
● Define measurable KPI for each focus: TIME | QUANTITY | QUALITY
Desired Outcomes - Example of KPis
● Increase Revenue - 25% increase in upsells fromm all customer facing employees.
● Employee Retention - 15% decrease of voluntary turnover rate.
● Leadership Effectiveness - 20% increase of the leadership score.
Core Initiative
● High level description of the initiative or program you intend to execute.
● How will it enable us to meet our goals and KPIs?
● Key success factors
● Target audience - who is it for?
● Predict barriers and suggest optional actions to overcome them.
● Who will be the owner in the HR team?
Required Resources
● Working Hours
● Technology development

● Consulting firm
● People Analytics tools
● Equipment
Main Milestones
● Quarterly main activities for each focus area
● KPI for each quarter.
● Reverse engineering
● Plan the annual Gantt considering holidays, business peak times, company events, etc.
People Growth Roadmap in 1 page

Desired Core Required Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Outcomes Initiatives Resources
Main Milestones
● Quarterly main activities for each focus area
● KPI for each quarter.
● Reverse engineering
● Plan the annual Gantt considering holidays, business peak times, company events, etc.

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