Advertising: DR Seema Bashier

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Dr Seema Bashier

Philip Kotler:

■ “Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods,

services, or ideas by an identified sponsor.”

Kotler and Armstrong –

■ “Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,

goods and services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or
radio by an identified sponsor”.
■ “Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with
desires and belief.”
■ The modern age is an era of competition manufacturers have to think of new and
unfamiliar uses for their products or they have to find out new buyers for their products.
■ To put it more clearly demand creation is as important as meeting existing demand.
■ For demand creation what is more important is advertisement.
■ Advertisements could do wonders if they are properly done. 
Elements of Advertising

■ In describing advertising we refer to 4 broad factors:

■ 1. Advertising Strategy
 Strategy is the logic and planning behind the advertisement that gives it direction and
 The advertiser develops an Ad to meet specific objectives, carefully directs it to a
certain audience , creates its message to speak to its audience’s most important
concerns, and runs it in media.
■ 2. Creative Idea
 The creative concept is the ad’s central idea that grabs your attention and sticks in your
 Creativity is required everywhere in an Ad.
■ 3. Creative execution
 Effective Ads are well executed.
 Advertisements often sets the standard or establishes the cutting edge for printing,
broadcasting, and internet design because clients demand the best production their
budget allows.
■ 4. Creative media use
 Every message has to be delivered somehow.
Characteristics of Advertising

■ 1. Tool for Market Promotion:

 There are various tools used for market communication, such as sales promotion, personal
selling, and publicity.
 Advertising is a powerful, expensive, and popular element of promotion mix.

■ 2. Non-personal:

 Advertising is a type of non-personal or mass communication with the target audience.

 A large number of people are addressed at time.

 It is called as non-personal salesmanship.

■ 3. Paid Form: ■ 4. Wide Applicability:

 Advertising is not free of costs.  Advertising is a popular and widely used

Advertiser, called as sponsor, has to means for communicating with the target
spend money for preparing message, market.
buying media, and monitoring advertising
efforts.  It is not used only for business and
profession, but is widely used by
 It is the costliest option of market museums, charitable trusts, government
promotion. agencies, educational institutions, and
others to inform and attract various
 Company has to prepare its advertising target publics.
budget to appropriate advertising costs.
■ 5. Varied Objectives: ■ 6. Forms of Advertising:

 Advertising is aimed at achieving various ■ Advertising message can be expressed in

objectives. written, oral, audible, or visual forms.

 It is targeted to increase sales, create and ■ Mostly, message is expressed in a joint

improve brand image, face competition, form, such as oral-visual, audio-visual,
build relations with publics, or to educate etc.
■ 7. Use of Media: ■ 8. Advertising as an Art:
 Advertiser can use any of the several  Today’s advertising task is much
advertising media to convey the message. complicated.
 Widely used media are print media  Message creation and presentation
(newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, require a good deal of knowledge,
booklets, letters, etc.), outdoor media creativity, skills, and experience.
(hoardings, sign boards, wall-printing,
vehicle, banners, etc.), audio-visual  So, advertising can be said as an art.
media (radio, television, film, Internet,
etc.), or any other to address the target  It is an artful activity.
■ 9. Element of Truth: ■ 10. One-way Communication:
 It is difficult to say that advertising  Advertising involves the one-way
message always reveals the truth. communication.

 In many cases, exaggerated facts are  Message moves from company to

advertised. customers, from sponsor to audience.

 However, due to certain legal provisions,  Message from consumers to marketer is not
the element of truth can be fairly
assured.  Marketer cannot know how far the
advertisement has influenced the audience.
Nature of Advertising

■ Advertising is a growing business today.

■ It has been gaining importance in every economy.
■ The role which advertising plays continues to increase in significance year after year.
■ The host of new products marketed, the expenses and the risks involved in launching them, and
the low cost of personal selling are among the conditions which have placed a heavy
responsibility on the advertising industry.
■ In India, with its growing productive capacity and output, there is a need for finding consumers
for this growing output, and advertising plays an important role in the process of moving the
goods from the producers to the consumers.
■ With mass marketing to distribute the output of our production, the gross national product may
increase to a considerable extent.
■ Advertising helps to increase mass marketing while aiding the consumer to choose from amongst
the variety of products offered for his selection.

■ Advertising Programme as an integral part of the promotion campaign may have one or
more of the following specific objectives:
■ (1) Promotion of New Product: ■ (2) Support to Personal Selling:

 Advertising can make prospects at least  Advertising can move the prospect
aware of the entry of the new product in nearer and nearer to the point of
the market. purchase.

 Under favourable atmosphere,

salesman’s job is easier and simple.

 Actual closing of sale is, thus, facilitated

by advertising.

 Selling costs are reduced incidentally.

 It should be noted that advertising and

salesmanship are really complementary
and in no way competitive tools of
■ (3) Brand Patronage: ■ (4) Immediate Buying Action:
 In the long run, effect of advertising on  Advertising may attempt to obtain
brands and campaigns may be of great immediate buying action.
 For instance, mail order advertisement,
 The advertising programme can aim at
direct-action retail advertisement, price-
consumer awareness and attitudes. deal offers, last-chance offers are special
Buyers may be induced to purchase and advertisements persuading prospects and
re-purchase. securing prompt actions.
 If the trial is satisfactory, consumers may  Direct mail is the usual medium for
stick with the brand. coupons, samples, and other forms of
 Thus, advertising tries to create and direct-action advertising.
retain brand preference and brand
■ (5) Pre-Sold Goods: ■ (6) Dealer Support:

 Well-advertised brands are pre-sold  National or big firms advertise

goods. Buyers are pulled by such extensively and intensively to support
advertisements. dealers and distributors so that they can
assure accelerated distribution.
 Supermarket advertisers pull customers
and goods are sold without active help of  Advertising alone can create mass
counter sales force. markets for products which are
intrinsically sound and can easily fill the
customers’ needs and desires.

 Mass marketing brings about reduction

in the cost of production as well as cost
of distribution.

■ 1. Brand ■ 2. Retail and local advertising

■ The most visible type of advertising is ■ A great deal of advertising focuses on
national consumer, or brand advertising. retailers or manufacturers that sell their
merchandise in a certain geographical
■ Brand advertising such as Volkswagen’s area.
Beetle, iPhone, etc focus on development
of a long-term brand identity and image. ■ The message announces facts about
product that is available in nearby stores.
■ 3.Direct response advertising ■ 4.Business to business advertising

Direct response advertising can use any
advertising medium, including direct ■ B2B is send from one business to
mail, but the message is different from another.
that of national and retail advertising in
that it tries to stimulate a sale directly. ■ For example, it includes message directed
at companies distributing products, as
■ The consumer can respond by telephone well as industrial purchasers and
or mail, and the product is delivered professionals. B2B is not directed at
directly to the consumer by mail or some general consumers.
other carrier.
■ Advertisers place most business
■ Of particular importance in direct- advertising in professional publications or
response advertising has been the journals.
evolution of the Internet as an
advertising medium.
■ 5.Institutional Advertising ■ 6.Non-profit Advertising
■ Also called as corporate advertising. ■ Not for profit organisations like hospitals,
museums, religious institutions advertise
■ These messages focus on establishing a for customers, members and volunteers,
corporate identity or winning the public as well as for donations and other forms
over to organisations point of view. of program participations.
■ 7.Public Service Advertising (PSA)
■ PSA communicates a message on behalf
of some good cause, such as stopping
drunk driving or prevent child abuse.
■ These advertisements are usually created
by advertising professionals free of
charge and the media often donate the
necessary space and time.
Other forms of Advertising
■ (1) Product Advertising ■ (2) Institutional Advertising:

■ When the company tries to sell its ■ Where the advertising is to project the
products or services through advertising, image of a company or its services, it is
it may be referred to as product known as institutional advertising.
■ Institutional advertising is not at all
product-oriented, but is designed to
enhance the image of the company.

■ Institutional advertisements are not

aimed at consumers.

■ Whereas it is aimed at shareholders,

creditors and various sets of publics.
■ (3) Primary Demand Advertising: ■ (4) Selective or Competitive Advertising:

■ It is intended to stimulate primary ■ When a product enters growth stage of

demand for a new product. the life cycle and when competition
begins, advertising becomes competitive
■ It is heavily utilised during the and selective.
introduction stage of the product life
cycle. ■ Under this type of advertising,
information will be less and it will be
more emotional.

■ Pricing also will be used as a key

promotional weapon as products become
very similar.
■ (5) Comparative Advertising: ■ (6) Shortage Advertising:

■ When there is severe intensity of ■ When there is short-supply of products

competition, comparative advertising is shortage advertising is resorted to.
resorted to, comparative advertising
stresses on comparative features of two ■ Example- oil crisis. In such kind of
or more specific brands in terms of advertising, new promotional objectives
product/service attributes. may be incorporated such as- 

■ This method is adopted in the maturity ■ (a) Educating the people about the most
stage when similar products are fastly economic use of the product. 
appearing in the market and constitute a
■ (b) Making appeal to save resources. 
stiff competition.
■ (c) To reduce customer pressure on the
■ Comparative advertising “delivers
sales force.
information not previously available to
■ (7) Co-Operative Advertising: ■ (8) Commercial Advertising:

■ ■ It is also termed as business advertising. Such

When manufacturers, wholesalers and
advertising is only meant for affecting increase
retailers join and share the expenditure
in sales.
on advertising it takes the form of co-
operative advertising. ■ Usually the following forms of commercial
advertising are recognised: 
■ Such advertising would carry the names
■ (a) Industrial advertising — this is exclusively
of all the parties involved.
meant for selling industrial products. 
■ From the point of view of the customers ■ (b) Trade advertising — advertising relating to a
this is beneficial as they get the articles trade. 
directly from the authorised outlets.
■ (c) Professional advertising — undertaken by
professionals like doctors, accountants, etc. 

■ (d) Farm advertising — exclusively used for

selling farm products such as fertilisers,
insecticides, farm implements etc.
■ (10) Direct Action Advertising:

■ (9) Non-Commercial Advertising: ■ Advertising that stresses and persuades

immediate buying of the product is
■ These are usually published by charitable known as Direct Action advertising.
institutions preferably to solicit general
and financial help e.g., collection of ■ Direct mail advertising is capable of
donations or sale of tickets. achieving immediate action to a greater

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