PRES-formula in Writing

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PRES-formula in writing

• The PRES formula is a method used when discussing debatable problems,
when performing exercises in which you need to take a certain position. This is
a simple form of work in the classroom, when you need to develop arguments,
allowing you to formulate and present your opinion in a clear and concise
form. This method is most effectively used in the lessons of studying new
material. The scheme of work is as follows.
• P — position (what is the point of view) –… I think that … I believe that
• R — reason (arguments in support of the position) — … because…
• E — explanation (facts illustrating the argument) — … for example…
• S — summary (conclusion, call to take a position) — … So … therefore…

• This method contributes to the formation of skills such as the ability to

structure material; formulation of conclusions; explanation, proof and defense
of one’s own ideas; manifestation of creativity in a problematic situation.
The first of the sentences (position) should begin
with the words: «I think that …».

It is necessary to express your own opinion on the

given problem.
The following wording can be used for this:
"I think that...", "In my opinion, this problem
deserves / does not deserve attention", "I agree
The second sentence (explanation, justification
of his position) begins with the words:
«Because …».
Here you should give all possible arguments to support
your opinion. The answer should be substantiated, not
empty. It should address points from the studied course or
topic, disclose definitions and concepts. In this block the
main question - why do you think so? This means that it
should begin with the word "Because..."
The third sentence (focused on the ability to prove
the correctness of one’s position in practice)
begins with the words: «For example …».
To illustrate and confirm the understanding of your words, you
should give facts, and there should be at least three of them.
This item reveals the ability of students to prove the rightness of
their position in practice. As examples we can use our own
experience, even far-fetched ones, or knowledge from history
course or social studies. The main thing is that they should be
convincing. The turns of speech used at this step are
"For example...", "I can prove it with an example...".
And finally, the fourth sentence (consequence,
judgment, conclusions) begins with the words:
« So … ».
This block is the final block, it contains your final
conclusions confirming the stated position. The
beginning of the sentences in it can be as follows:
"Thus...", "Summarizing...", "Therefore...", "Based
on what has been said, I conclude that...".
Theme: « Most teenagers like to play computer games »
P - Position - I think that computer games are popular.
( Here we express our own opinion on the given problem. )
R - Reason - Because computer games are fun and interesting.
( Here we give all possible arguments to support our opinion. )
E - Explanation - For example, computer games are training for a brain and
some of them help to develop strategic thinking.
( On this stage we illustrate and confirm the understanding of our words, we
give facts and prove the rightness of our position)
S - Summary - So Iconsider gaming a good hobby, because it gives bright
emotions and develops certain skills. ( It’s final conclusions)
Theme : “Sport in our life”

P - Position - I think that …

R – Reason – Because …
E – Explanation - For example …
S – Summary – So …
Task: Write an email giving advice. Your English friend has just moved
to a new school and he/she is having trouble making friends.
He/she has written an email to you asking for your advice about
how to make friends.
You should:
-expresses ideas clearly;
-writes grammatically correct sentences;
-uses a range of comparative and superlative adjective forms;
-recommend solutions of the problem;
-use at least 5 linking words;
-use the appropriate vocabulary accurately.

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