Tadeo's Research

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Rationale of the Study


The study's justification describes why the study was carried out (in an
essay or thesis) or why it was necessary (in a proposal).

How the rationale of the study is different from your research question or

from the statement of the problem of your study?
Basically, the rationale of the study links the background of the study to your
specific research question and justifies the need for the latter on the basis of
the former.
According to Merriam-Webster, a rationale is:
 1 : an explanation of controlling principles of opinion, belief,
practice, or phenomenon
 2 : an underlying reason : basis

In the context of research writing, a rationale pertains to the reasons why the study
must be conducted. Such justification is provided by the researcher to highlight the
significant points of the problem to be addressed in the study.

!Now that you already have a glimpse of what rationale is, let us dig deeper on how it is used in

 Research justification is considered as the initial step in writing a research paper.

This step involves the skill on how the researcher will provide the readers with critical background or
contextual information that introduces the research topic.

Moreover, it needs to indicate the reasons why the proposed research actually matters. In doing so,
the researcher must be able to get the audience's attention right from the introduction.
How to Write the
Rationale of the Study
The rationale of the study must contain the following components:
1. Existing Literature - a background on what researches have already
been done about the
given subject.
2. Relevance to Local/Global Context - situational interconnectedness of
individuals or things in varying
3. Critical Background/Contextual Information
- circumstances forming a background of an event, idea or subject, that
enables the readers to understand the nature of the problem.
How to Write the
Rationale of the Study

4. Research Gap
- problems, issues or questions that have not been addressed or
are yet to be understood.
5. Proof of Urgency
- an urgent need to solve the existing problem.
6. Research Goal/Objective
- the purpose why there is a need for the proposed study to be
Rationale of the Study

 As a student-researcher, you have to determine the sense of all the

things you plan to do in your proposed study.

 Consider the following questions:

 Is there a need to conduct a study about your chosen research topic?
 Does it pose a significant research problem?
 Does it matter to your academic discipline?
Here are some questions to be considered in
presenting justifications:
 ➢ Why is this research important?
 ➢ What real life or everyday problem, issue, or question does the research relate
 ➢ Can people relate to the problem in local or global context?
 ➢ What benefit does the research promise?
 ➢ Are the units of analysis and observation clearly identified?
 ➢ What does the researcher hope to find out?
 ➢ What was wrong or incomplete about prior efforts already conducted?
 ➢ Does the research extend understanding of the phenomena being investigated?
 ➢ Does it elaborate or fill in the gaps in the present knowledge?
 ➢ What is the research ultimately trying to achieve?
These are the guides in composing your
write-up for your own rationale.
 Existing literature- is a detailed review of existing literature
related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation. In an RRL,
you talk about knowledge and findings from existing literature
relevant to your topic.
 Relevance to local and global context-situational interconnectedness
of individuals or things in varying perspectives.
 Critical background/ contextual information-The background
information should indicate the root of the problem being studied,
appropriate context of the problem in relation to research, and,its
scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully
investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that
your study 
These are the guides in composing your write-
up for your own rationale.
 Research Gap-a topic or area for which missing or insufficient
information limits the ability to reach a conclusion for a question.
 Proof of urgency or general research objectives- It is formulated
not only by stating the reasons of the conduct but also narrating
incidences from local and international scenarios.
 Research goal/ objective-describe what you intend your research
project to accomplish.
The Educated Citizen: Cultural and Gender Capital in the Schooling
of Aetas’ Children in the Municipality of Janiuay (Moralista &
Delariarte, 2014

Republic Act No. 8371 is an act to recognize, protect and promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities/indigenous peoples,
created a National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, established implementing mechanisms, appropriated funds therefore, and for other
purposes (Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress, 1997). This Act is known as "The Indigenous
Peoples Rights Act of 1997." The State shall recognize and promote all the rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples
(ICCs/IPs) as enumerated within the framework of the Constitution.

Toward these ends, the State shall institute and establish the necessary mechanisms to enforce and guarantee the realization of these
rights, taking into consideration their customs, traditions, values, beliefs, interests and institutions, and to adopt and implement measures
to protect their rights to their ancestral domains (Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Third Regular Session. No. 1728;
H. No. 9125, 1997). The State recognizes its obligations to respond to the strong expression of the ICCs/IPs for cultural integrity by
assuring maximum ICC/IP participation in the direction of education, health, as well as other services of ICCs/IPs, in order to render such
services more responsive to the needs and desires of these communities.

The UN Declaration of Human Rights especially on education and the 1987 Constitution of the Republic the Philippines are among the
foundations on which this study was anchored. As educators, the researchers are curious about the plight of the Aetas, their hopes and
how they see education in relation to their own indigenous culture.

This study aims to understand the cultural practices of Aetas’ children in the Municipality of Janiuay; to
investigate the gender capital in the schooling of Etas’ children in the Municipality of Janiuay; to determine the
Aetas’ role in preserving their cultural practices as influence.
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s Political Speeches: A Critical
Discourse Analysis (Remorosa, 2018)

 A message from the president is given almost unparalleled importance in contrast to other
communications. Speeches and addresses of any sort should therefore be read as statements of
presidential power and they are all attempts to assert the power of the presidency in some way
either through policy proposal, attempts to move public opinion through appeals to the people, or Existing literature
direct address to specific audiences (Chimbarange, Takavarasha,& Kombe, 2014)

The present study is concerned with investigating an aspect of discourse that has not received adequate
Relevance to local
attention within the Philippine political discourse. The absence of a research study in the national and
local setting has prompted more the researcher to conduct this investigation.
and global context

It has been found out that due to the pressure of media and its effort to catch the attention of their
consumers the traditional view of political speeches has been changing and is now nearer to the Critical
everyday informal speech. Political speeches should therefore be not only interesting but also
entertaining so as to be enticing to media holders who have the privilege of what would be
presented and how (Brno, 2011). contextual
. The researcher has noticed that analyses of oral texts, particularly in political speeches as a
discourse, have been rarely studied by CDA researchers. Thus, Wang (2010) calls for more
attention to CDA studies since they can help explore the relationship between language, Research gap
ideology, and power.
 There is an urgent need to pursue this research because the Philippines is now facing a
great change in administrative reform, thus it is in the realm to listen to the core messages Proof of urgency
of the current president and understand his plans as well as visions to uplift the life of
every constituent, and the country as a whole. Through Critical Discourse Analysis, this
study aims to bring understanding on the discourse of politics as well as power and Research
dominance. goal/
Social media:such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many
more(PEREZ ALONE 2012)
In todays world of connected learning, the impact of social media on education is becoming a driving factor. The world is getting smaller,
and through the use of technology such as social media, the way we deliver instruction is changing. The technology referred to here
really transpires just social media technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. The technologies that allow these platforms to
function are also one of the driving forces behind the impact of this technology on education(Bruce Hupkins,2008).In addition, students
are attempting to multi-task. They are trying to check various social media sites while they study. This leads to reduced academic
performance. Besides, their ability to concentrate on their task at hand gets significantly reduced due to the distraction that is brought by
all these social media sites.(Steve Armstong,2012).
The social media also have numerous positive impacts.Firstly,it enhances learning and education.Students, with the help
of the Internet now havee access to all form of information. nothing is strange to google. No matter how old the
information is, the Internet serves as search lights to them. Some information that cannot be found in the libraries and
research centers are now available online.(John Rusty,2015)
In addition, students are attempting to multi-task. They are trying to check arious social media sites while they study.
This leads to reduced academic performance. Besides, their ability to concentrate on their task at hand gets significantly
reduced due to the distraction that is brought by all these social media sites.(SteveArmstrong,2012)
With all the ideas gained and mentioned above, the researchers aims to find it relevant to conduct this research which will
prove how social media can really affect the students particularly the Tech Voc Maritime Students in the Uniersity of
Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue.
Education during COVID-19 Era: Are Learners in a Less-Economically
Developed Country Ready for E-Learning?
(Alipio, 2020)
The Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic remains a compelling issue destabilizing not just the economy, but also the
education in most parts of the world, especially the less economically developed countries. As of April 25, 2020,
2,833,961 confirmed cases with 197,368 deaths were reported affecting 210 countries and territories around the world and
2 international conveyances.
Geographical variation of case severity was observed with less_x0002_economically developed countries anecdotally
being reported to suffer the most due to poverty and low testing capacity. The Philippines, one of the less-economically
developed countries, is a hotspot of COVID-19 case in Southeast Asia with an accumulated total case of 7,192 and deaths
of 477. Existing evidence shows that areas in the country with low accumulated annual income had high COVID-19 cases
and high case fatality rates. With the current state of Philippine government coupled with the crippling pandemic, notable
impact on economy and education has been observed. The recent adoption of K-12 program, the transition of first K-12
completers to college, and provision of free and inclusive education have challenged the education governing bodies in the
country even more.
In response to the rise in confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte suspended classes at
all levels in Metro Manila initially on March 9, 2020 and provided indefinite date of resumption. Concordant with the
public health emergency measures, the Department of Education issued guidelines prohibiting public schools in areas with
suspended classes from administering the final examinations for students and instead compute the final grades of students
for the academic year based on their current academic standing. The department also advised schools in areas without
suspension to immediately administer final examinations within that week on a "staggered basis" and for teachers and
students to observe social distancing measures.
Education during COVID-19 Era: Are Learners in a Less-Economically
Developed Country Ready for E-Learning?
(Alipio, 2020)

Parallel to the Department of Education, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) advised other institutions of higher
education in the Philippines in the Philippines to implement distance education methods oftlearning for its classes, such as the use of
educational technology, to maximize the academic term despite the suspensions. The commission has also advised other institutions
of higher education in the Philippines to implement distance education methods of learning for its classes, such as the use of
educational technology, to maximize the academic term despite the suspensions. Several other public and private tertiary institutions
implemented such arrangements for its classes; however, several student groups appealed to CHED to suspend mandatory online
classes in consideration of the logistical limitations and well-being of a majority of students.
With the ongoing surge of cases in the country, a possible alternative to continue education while preventing potential infection
spread, is electronic learning (e-learning). E-learning has been a common delivery media for education in developed countries.
Several developing countries like the Philippines have attempted to embrace the new learning space; however, financial and
acceptance factors remain to be a problem that would limit its potential use.
While both the supply and demand for e-learning opportunities have risen in recent years, many professionals are beginning to
question whether students are prepared to be successful in an online learning environment. After all, the demonstrated success of
students in a conventional education and training classroom may not be an adequate predictor of success in an e-learning classroom.
Drawn on the existing pandemic and potential shift to full e-learning, this study has focused on the descriptive evaluation of
readiness of higher education Filipino students for e-learning.

One of the essential elements of teaching and learning mathematics is boosting learners’ ability, and it can be achieved
through board game-based approach. A board game is a generic term for a game played by placing, moving or removing
pieces on a board and that utilizes a game format in which pieces are moved in particular ways on a board marked with a
pattern (Noda, Shirotsuki, and Nakao, 2019). The Board Game “Equate” helps in encouraging the students to improve
the learning process in numeracy. Choosing game-based learning encourages strategic mathematical thinking, students
find innovative strategies to solve problems and strengthen their understanding of numbers. The progress of the students
relies on the strategy of the teachers. Thus, educational games are highly recommended by experts to let students
understand and practice the basics of math (Integra,2021). Jimenez-Silva, et.al (2010), stated that math board games as
learning tool through multiple schools in order to motivate students learn math in different ways. (Noda, Shirotsuki, and
Nakao, 2019) stated that board games as a tool can be expected to improve the understanding of knowledge, enhance
interpersonal interactions among participants, and increase the motivation of participants.
Instruction, even when planned and based on instructional ideologies, oftentimes does not kindle students’ motivation to
learn. The result may be that students may not be motivated to pursue lifelong learning and use the knowledge and skills
learned to deliver education. To design effective instruction, teachers must think students’ learning motivation into
consideration, because students learn only if they want to learn (Fairbrother, 2000). Fairbrother (2000) indicated that
student motivation is the single most important factor in raising standards of a national curriculum. But the educational
reforms of the past years have concentrated more on both changing the organization and structure of the educational
system and on attempting to improve the quality of teaching and teaching materials. Few efforts have addressed helping
students encourage their motivation for learning.
HIGH SCHOOL (Quilang & Mendoza, 2023)

The implementation of Board Game Equate as a tool for intervention is to increase the level of numeracy and motivation of
grade 7 students of Ueg National High School. Hence, the researchers aim to conduct a study that seeks to provide
additional imperial evidence on the effect of Board Game Equate as a tool for intervention in assessing the students’
progress in numeracy.

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