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they refer to the clues or hints used by the
writer in order for the reader to understand
They are definitions of challenging word/s in the text. The clues
words that are based on may be found within the sentence where the
challenging word/s is/ are or in the
the dictionary. sentences that precede or follow the
wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.
"the allegations are patently absurd"
more important than anything else; supreme.
"the interests of the child are of paramount importance"

Katie was aggravated when her little sister kept messing up the

A. Happy

The girl was so downcast when she failed to join the online
classes due to poor internet connection.

A. Excited
C.Low in spirit

Example Definition

Synonym Antonym

Non-biodegradable materials such as plastics, tin cans, and bottles should be disposed
properly for them not to block our drainages.

 In this sentence, the examples given,

(i.e., plastics, tin cans, and bottles) help
the reader realize that non-
biodegradable materials are things that
do not decay.

The children were able to observe several crustaceans, including

crabs, lobsters and shrimps.

 In this sentence, the examples given,

(i.e., crabs, lobsters and shrimps) help
the reader realize that crustaceans are
animals with a hard shell and several
pair of legs.
Piscatorial creatures, such as flounder, salmon, and
trout, live in the coldest parts of the ocean.
A. shells B. corals C. fishes

It was an idyllic day like sunny, warm, and perfect for

a walk in the park.

A. peaceful B. disturbing C. rainy

Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars,
have fascinated man through the centuries.
A. astronomical objects B. microscope C. cells

The things like candles, flashlights, and lamps

illuminate the room.
A. darken B. light up C. weaken
Sunlight can’t shine through opaque objects like brick
walls and wooden doors.
A. TransparentB. Thick C. Clear

Vicissitudes, such as circumstances, developments, or

journeys in life, can change a person forever.

A. Life Experiences B. Family C. Vacation


Global warming, an increase in the average temperature of

the Earth’s atmosphere, is what we are experiencing today.

Ricardo is so arrogant. He is always bragging on

Fluoroscopy, examination with a fluoroscope, has
become a common practice.

The dudeen – a short-stemmed clay pipe – is found in

Irish folk tales.

His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance,

was frightening to see.
The dates are listed in chronological order; they start at the
beginning and end with the last event.

The patient is so somnolent that she requires medication to

help her stay awake for more than a short time.

The doctor’s writing was utterly illegible; no one could

read those scribbles.
old: elderly, aged, senior

loyal: faithful, ardent,


deterioration: pollution,
defilement, adulteration
Example using synonym as
context clue
My mother has always been passionate in taking care of the
environment. She does not fail to share with us her fervent desire to
be a good steward of God’s creations.
The word passionate helps the readers realize that fervent means
strong feelings on something.
The heat coming from the intense rays of the sun is scorching.
It was a frigid winter night; even the lake was frozen solid.

The annual bazaar is scheduled for the last day of school.

It's always a fun festival.

"That charlatan!" he cried. "That absolute fake!"

It was a frigid winter night; even the lake was frozen solid.
crazy – sane

union – separation

positive - negative
Example using antonym as
context clue
Some people do not see how vital coral reefs are that they use dynamite in
fishing as if these reefs are not important for the survival of the fish.
In this sentence, the word not important help the readers realize that the
word vital means something that is considered important.
The vast mall could not even compare to a tiny boutique.
When the light brightens, the pupils of the eyes contract;
however, when it grows darker, they dilate.

My dog is so overweight that he is obese. He has not been

thin since he was a puppy.

Be careful driving when the road is wet and hazardous. It is

only safe when it is dry.
This painting of the landscape is picturesque, while one of
the old houses is just plain ugly.

The feral cat would not let us pet him, unlike our friendly

While James is very outgoing, his older brother is very

 What is a lexical clue?
Context clue?

Enumerate the types of

Context clue? (EDSA)

What do you think is the easiest

type of context clue to identify?
Answer the following game
 Multiple Choice
 Identification
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box. Good luck!

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