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Political Economy


Crislyn David John Ver Dela Cruz
Russel Cordova Charles Castillo
Political economy
• The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are
wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else.
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are
usually the slaves of some defunct economist. (John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money, 1935)

• Economic ideologies are themselves phenomenon to explain

• Political economy “interrogates economic doctrines to disclose their
sociological and political premises”
Political Economy
and the rules of the game
• The need for economic and social institutions
• What are institutions?
• The rules of the game – often unspoken
• Social institutions determine how economic and social actors interact with each other
• Individuals and society

• Groups of individuals with similar or overlapping goals will pool together their influence in order to alter the
rules of the game
• As the economy evolves these power blocks will break apart and reform in different manifestations over and over again in a
perpetual process
• They can coalesce in a number of ways e.g. political parties, interest groups, issue based lobbyists

• The relationship between markets and the State

• There are varieties of capitalism
• Historical development and experience, the institutional architecture, societal pressures and the underlying structure of the
economy all determine the form of economic system pursued
Political economy
and private prejudices
• ...the private interests and prejudices of particular orders of men...have given occasion to very
different theories of political economy...These theories have had a considerable influence, not
only upon the opinions of men of learning, but upon the public conduct of princes and
sovereign states. (Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 1776)

• Free market laissez-faire

• The economics of control
• “New political economies”

• Economic power blocs and historical path dependency

• Political economy and distributional conflicts
• Power relationships in resource allocation
Political economy
and schools of thought
• Political economy draws heavily on economics, political science, law, history
and sociology to explain the politico-economic behaviour of a country

• Economics has very different schools of thought e.g.:

• Neoclassical (rational preferences, utility maximisation, perfect information)
• Post-Keynesian (economic cycles, principle of effective demand, full employment)
• Marxian (exploitation, labour theory of value – surplus value, economic crisis)
• Austrian (methodological individualism, free choice, tyranny of the State)
• Institutionalist (rules of the game, bounded rationality, path dependency)
• Public choice (special interests, rent seeking)
Political economy
and understanding the economy
• Alternatively, political economy can be thought of as the study of how political forces
affect the choice of economic policies, for example:
• Distributional conflicts
• Political institutions

Political economy helps us understand the economy i.e.

• The structure of the Irish economy
• The workings of the economy
• The forces which impact on the economy
• The purpose and nature of government intervention in the economy
Political economy
and economic policy
Political economy heavily influences economic policy:
• Monetary policy
• Money supply and inflation; Interest rates; Reserve requirements
• Taxation policy
• Who pays and how much; Corporation tax and FDI; Tax breaks and tax justice
• Public spending
• Redistribution; Merit goods (education, health, housing); State investment
• Regulatory policy
• Consumer rights; Privatisation and competition; Sustainability
• Wage and Incomes policy
• Collective Bargaining; Wage floors; Pensions
• Industrial policy
• Regional development; Mixed economy; Innovation systems;
• Trade policy
• Protectionism; Globalisation; Free trade
• Growth policy
• Human capital (e.g. education); Physical Capital (e.g. broadband infrastructure); Productivity (e.g. R&D)
Economic Justice
Economics as
‘social’ science
• Economics is the study of resource allocation and production under
• What should be produced?
• How should it be produced?
• Who benefits from its production?

• What should we demand from our economy?

• Different conceptions of economic justice
• Conservative maxim
• Liberal maxim
• Radical maxim
Economic justice:
Conservative maxim
Conservative maxim: Payment according to the value of one’s personal
contribution and the contribution of the productive property one owns
• A fair definition of equity?
• What about inherited property or property acquired in any way other than
through merit (i.e. sacrifice or personal contribution)
• Historical wealth inequality was often the consequence of unfair advantage –
e.g. force of arms, better connections, inside information, luck, willingness to
prey on others
• Studies of wealth tend to show that between 60% and 80% of personal
wealth comes either from direct inheritance or the income on inherited
Economic justice:
Liberal maxim
Liberal maxim: Payment according to the value of one’s personal
contribution only
• i.e. labour income is ok but not capital income
• Is the genetic lottery any fairer than the inheritance lottery?
• Talent requires training – is the training the sacrifice?
• Yet training requires multiple inputs – including from the trainer (teacher) and
other scarce resources (educational facilities)
• What about inequality of opportunity?
Economic justice:
Radical maxim and Humane maxim
Radical maxim: Payment according to effort, or the personal sacrifices
one makes
• How do we define or measure personal sacrifices?
• Longer work hours? Less pleasant work? More dangerous , unhealthy work?
• Does this mean that a person without sufficient ‘sacrifice’ would be denied
access to a costly medical treatment

Humane maxim: Payment according to need

• Do we want a just economy or a humane economy?
Inequality and the 1%
(The Capitalist Class)
• Occupy Wall St. And the 1%

• In 2013 the wealthiest 1% owned

• 20% of the total wealth in Sweden
• 25% of the total wealth in France,
• 30% of the total wealth in the United Kingdom,
• 32% of the total wealth in the United States. 

• If we include the portion of wealth that is hidden in tax havens or in other ways, these
percentages would increase by at least 2 or 3 points.
Source: Thomas Piketty, Le capital au XXIe siècle, Le Seuil, 2013, 970 pp. (Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Harvard University Press, 2014 996 pp
The Welfare state
The idea of
the welfare State
• The idea of the welfare state underpins a variety of different economic
and social organisations

• Reflects activist state policy to protect and promote the economic and social
well-being of its population
• Redistribution of income and wealth
• Provision of public services (health, education, housing, public transport)
• Basic protections e.g. a state provided pension

• The welfare state is funded through redistributive (progressive) taxation

the welfare state
• A form of economic and social organisation
• A system in which the state plays a role in the protection of its citizens
• Not just physical protection and the maintenance of order, but promotion of
the economic and social well-being of its citizens

• The welfare state can be seen as a combination of collectivism,

capitalism, social welfare policy and democracy
Purpose of
the welfare state
• Equality of opportunity
• Or equality of outcome?

• Equitable distribution of wealth and income

• What is equitable?

• Protection of those unable to provide for themselves

• E.g. children, the sick, the elderly, the unemployed

• Minimum standards in housing, education, health

• Poverty reduction and basic income (minimum wages, social transfers)

Funding of the Welfare State
• Funding is achieved through redistributionist taxation
• Progressive taxation
• Proportionally larger tax contributions from those on higher incomes (or
those with higher levels of wealth)
• Helps reduce income gap between rich and poor
• Funds go from the state to the services provided (e.g. education,
healthcare, social housing) or directly to categories of individual (e.g.
Origins of
the welfare state
• Bismarck’s Sozialstatt (1870)
• Social insurance model
• Not just poverty relief
• Swedish welfare state (1936)
• mixed economy based on compromise between trade unions and corporations
• Strong unions; well funded social insurance system; universal health care
• Cradle to the grave protection
• Most European and North American countries now contain at least some
elements of the welfare state
• Responses to socialism?
• A middle way between laissez-faire capitalism and communism
Categories of
the welfare state
• The welfare states of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were often
enacted by conservatives
• The creation of the welfare state was seen as a way of defusing socialist and leftist sentiment

• The Beveridge Report (1942) argued that government should provide adequate income,
education, healthcare, housing and employment for everyone
• The National Insurance system

• Types of welfare capitalism

• Social-democratic welfare state (universal benefits)
• Christian-democratic welfare state (insurance system – still allows for social stratification)
• Liberal regime (private provision of services, market dominance, means tested benefits)
The christian-democratic
welfare state
• Based on the principle of ‘subsidiarity’
• the idea that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those
tasks which cannot be performed effectively at a more immediate or local level

• Citizens should be immunised from market dependency

• De-commodification

• Dominance of social insurance schemes (permits a high degree of social


• Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria

The liberal
welfare state
• Based on the principles of market dominance and private provision
• Minimal de-commodification

• State should only intervene to provide for basic needs (poverty relief)
• Means tested benefits

• Social hierarchies are maintained (high social stratification)

• USA, UK?, Japan, Australia, Canada, Switzerland

The Social-democratic
welfare state
• Based on the principle of universalism
• Benefits and services are accessed based on citizenship and are automatic
depending on status (e.g. age or employment status)
• Provides a high degree of personal autonomy (limits reliance on family and
the market)

• Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands

Criticisms of the Welfare State
• Criticisms from the Right:
• Social insurance is counterproductive; welfare makes people ‘lazy’
• Weakens private bonds (e.g. family) and institutions such as churches and charities
• Creates a self-interested bureaucracy
• Leads to increased taxation of the wealthy
• Reduces economic efficiency
• Are these criticisms fair?
• Criticisms from the Left:
• Welfare state provisions seen as bribes that do not alter the existing hierarchies
• Does not transform work practices
• Undermines transformative change
Locating the Irish
welfare state
• Insurance-based?
• Targeting-based?
• Universalist?

• The Irish welfare state is a hybrid system

• Ireland uses a mix of means-tested, insurance based and universalist income
support and service arrangements
• A ‘mongrel’ welfare system

• Improvement in human
welfare ,quality of life, social well
• Satisfying the population’s needs
and wants.
• National development refers to the ability of a
nation to improve the lives of its citizens.
Measures of improvement may be material, such
as an increase in the gross domestic product, or
social, such as literacy rates and availability of
• People have many different developmental goals other than income. Higher income alone cannot
bring about development. Several criteria other than per capita income are used to evaluate the
economic development in different countries and states. Some criteria other than income used to
compare development are:
• Life expectancy
• Infant mortality
• Literacy rate
• Net attendance ratio
• Gross enrollment ratio
• A community also needs public facilities for education and training, affordable healthcare, and
provisions for adequate food and nutrition for development. Body mass index is an interesting way
to find your health status. Countries with lower per capita income than India have comparable or
higher developmental performance on other criteria.
• According to the World Bank
• Comparing the total income may not tell us what an average
person is likely to earn ,since people in our country may be
better off then others in a different country. Hence, per capita
income is the average income . The criterion is used in
classifying countries , in the World Development Report 2012,
brought out by World Bank. Countries with per capita income
of US $12276 per annum and above 2010 are called rich
countries and those with per capita income of US $1005 per
annum are called low income countries.
• According to the UNDP
• UNDP also encourages the protection of human rights and the
empowerment of women in all of its programmes. The UNDP Human
Development Report Office also publishes an annual Human
Development Report (since 1990) to measure and analyse
developmental progress. In addition to a global Report, UNDP publishes
regional, national, and local Human Development Reports.[3]
• UNDP is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from member
nations. The organization operates in 177 countries, where it works with
local governments to meet development challenges and develop local
capacity. Additionally, the UNDP works internationally to help countries
achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Currently, the
UNDP is one of the main UN agencies involved in the development of
the Post- 2015 Development Agenda.
• Environmental care ‘married’ to development.
• Improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of
supporting ecosystems.
• Development based on the principle of inter-generational {i.e. bequeathing the
same or improved resource endowment to the future that has been inherited),
inter-species and inter-group equity.
• Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
• An environmental ‘handrail’ to guide development.
• A change in consumption patterns towards more benign products, and a shift in
investment patterns towards augmenting environmental capital.
• Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs. Sustainable development has continued to evolve as that of
protecting the world’s resources while its true agenda is to control the
world’s resources. Environmentally sustainable economic growth refers to
economic development that meets the needs of all without leaving future
generations with fewer natural resources than those we enjoy today.

• The essence of this form of development is a stable relationship between

human activities and the natural world, which does not diminish the
prospects for future generations to enjoy a quality of life at least as good as
our own.
• With passing time there is always a need for change, to ensure the
development of an individual society.
• Development promises a real growth through changes and in light of
these changes . It is worth examining the implications of a broad move
to sustainability.
• Landless rural labors expect more days of work and wages and also
the local school to provide quality of education for their children.
• The desire of people is to work on a regular basis . Earn better wages,
and receive decent price for their crops or other products that they use.

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