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layers of different liquids
Consider two points 1 and 2 lie in the ends of fluid prism having a
cross-sections area dA and length L. The difference in elevation
between these two points is h as shown in this figure. The fluid is at
rest and its surface is free. The prism is therefore in equilibrium
and all forces acting on it sums up to zero.
Note: FFS stands for Free Fluid Surface which refers to fluid surfaces subject
to zero gauge pressure.
• The volume of the prism is equal to the length times the base of the fluid.
V = L dA
• The weight of the fluid prism is equal to the product of the unit weight and
w = yV
w = yLdA
Sum up all the forces in x- direction
= +
Therefore, in any homogeneous fluid at rest,
= =W the difference in pressure between any two
dA - dA = yLdA points is equal to the product of the unit
= yL weight of the fluid and the difference in
But L = h, thus
= yh
elevation of the points.
• If h = 0 so that points 1 and 2 are on the same horizontal plane,
𝑝 2=¿𝑝 ¿

Therefore, in any homogeneous fluid at rest, the pressure at all points along the
same horizontal plane are equal.

• If point 1 lie on the FFS, the gage pressure making= or simply

𝑝= 𝑦h

This means that the pressure at any depth h below a continuous free fluid surface
at rest is equal to the product of the unit weight of fluid and the depth h.
Transmission of Pressures
• We can write the equation - = yh into the form
= + yh

which means that any change in pressure at point 1 would

cause an equal change of pressure at point 2. in other words, a pressure
applied at any point in a liquid at rest is transmitted equally and
undiminished to every other point in the liquid .
Pressure below layers of Different Liquids

• Consider the tank shown to be filled with

liquids of different densities and with air
at the top under a gage pressure of the
pressure at the bottom of the tank is:

= + + +
Pressure Head
• The equation p= yh may be written into the form h=

where h or its equivalent p/y is in hydraulics called the pressure head.

Pressure head is the height “h” of a column of homogeneous liquid of unit weight
“y” that will produce an intensity of pressure p.

• To convert pressure head of liquid A to equivalent pressure head of liquid B.

= or = or =

• To convert pressure head of any liquid to equivalent pressure head of water.

Example An open tank contains 5.8 m of water covered with 3.2
Problem 1 m of kerosene (y=8 kN/m). Find the pressure at the
interface and at the bottom of the tank.
• Solution:
(a) Pressure at the interface
= (8) (3.2)
= 25.6 kPa
(b) Pressure at the bottom
= +
= 9.81 (5.8) + 8(3.2)
= 82.498 KPa
Example In figure shown, pressure at A is 2900 lb/.
Determine the pressures at point B, C and D. =
Problem 2
0.075 lb/.
• Solution:
Pressure at point A: Pressure at point D:
= 2900 lb/ = + yh
Pressure at point B: = 2900 – 62.4 (6)
= + yh = 3274.4 lb/
= 2900 – 62.4 (4-3)
= 2837.6 lb/
Pressure at point C:
= + yh
= 2900 + 62.4 (4) – 0.075(8)
= 3149 lb/
Example If the pressure in the tank of oil (sp gr 0.80) is 60 psi,
Problem 3 what is the equivalent head: (a) in feet of oil, (b) in
feet of water, and (c) in inches of mercury?
• Solution : b. head in feet of water
a. head in feet of oil
= 0.80 (173.08)
p = yh
= 138.46 ft.
c. head in inches of mercury
= 173.08 ft.
= 10.18 ft 12
= 122.17 in.
Example Determine the pressure in a vessel of mercury,
Problem 4 specific gravity 13.6 at a point 20cm below the
surface. Express the answer in N/.
• Solution:
P = yh
P = h – 13.6
P = 26.683
Or p= 26.683 kPa
Or p = 26683.2 Pa
Example What height of mercury column will cause a
Problem 5 pressure of 680 kPa? What is the equivalent
height of water column?
• Solution :

P = +yh =
= = =
= 13.6 5.097
= 5.097 m
Example Oil with specific gravity of 0.80 forms a layer of 0.90 m
deep in an open tank that is otherwise filled with water.
Problem 6 The total depth of water and oil is 3m. What is the gage
pressure at the bottom of the tank?
• Solution:
Pressure at point 1 :
Pressure at point 2 :
= + yh
= 0 + 0.8 (9.81) (0.90)
= 7.0632 kPa
Pressure at point 3 :
= + yh
= 7.0632+(9.81) (0.90)
= 27.6642 kPa

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