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Political Realism

Maulida Rahmawati | 2206114564

Eka S. Saputra | 2206018944
Hery Herjawan | 2206114545
PRINSIP ● Pandangan yang pesimis terhadap sifat dasar

UTAMA manusia

REALISME ● Keyakinan bahwa pada dasarnya konflik

internasional diselesaikan melalui perang

● National Security and State Survival

● Karakteristik politik domestik berbeda dengan

politik internasional
● Statism

● Survival

● Self- Help
● Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

● Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-


● Heraclitus (540 SM- 480SM)

● Leviathan (1651)

● Absolutist Government merupakan

alternatif terbaik.

● Negara adalah pihak yang dapat

menjamin order and security
● Individulis dan Pragmatis

● Asumsi tentang manusia itu serakah,

Machiavelli egois, tak berterima kasih, misterius

(1469-1557) ● Politics has no relation to moral

● Its better to feared than loved, if you

can not be both

● Men rise from one ambition to another

Heraclitus (540
SM- 480SM)

● Menganggap mayoritas orang yang ada

di sekitarnya bodoh, hanya
mengenyangkan diri sendiri seperti
● Clasical realism

● Structural Realism or Neo

Practicing Power
● Practicing power needs creativity.
● The ancient prince’s creativity had to be measured by his virtues, success in the
battlefields, and right decisions.
● The modern one needs abilities to manage things and handle technology-based
● Technology: A certain state of mind that relies on modern social sciences that
are based on finding out the statistical medium of various facets of social life.
Ambition is the key to the
understanding of the profession of
being a politician. Ambition is
Politician actually a desire to change anything
as that the person in question sees
necessary to change—ambition is
Profession usually seen as dangerous because
implicitly it denies laws and rules. It
also denies manners and customs.

● If we take political action as our vantage point, ideologies cannot be simply

disregarded due to their limited intellectual horizon.
● Ideologies offer visions of how we should live, and they compete in an arena of
mind-created reality—a virtual world capable of producing change of behavior.
● What we call modern democracy is grounded on the ideas of certain liberal
ideas institutionalized by human rights.
● Real political agents consider the role of ideologies but do not ensure a special
place for them.
The Riddle of Political
At least since Machiavelli’s Il Principe there has been an unintended
confusion of political action and political thought. Viewing and
describing political action had been the concern of historians, who
studied particular political events and persons, whereas political
philosophers had concentrated their minds on man’s life as a whole
and on possible rational orders. Thus the latter ones developed
political thought toward the problems of “how man should live,”
neglecting the actual conditions of human living.
Reality Versus Utopianism
● The issue of political realism and utopianism leads us to the problem of
what is particular and universal, in a broader sense, the distinction between
opinions and knowledge.
● One of the most vexing intrigues of human life is the tension between what
there is and what there should be according to human rationality or thinking.
● It is also one of the most profound intrigues for our thinking to consider
whether sense concepts like “ justice,” “power,” “law,” etc. have reality or are
● “We ought therefore to ascertain, first of all, which is the most generally
eligible life, and then whether the same life is or is not best for the state and
for individuals.”
Real, Reality, and History
“The principal and proper work of history being to instruct and
enable men, by the knowledge of actions past, to bear themselves
prudently in the present and providently towards the future.”

Realism in political thought means that we take the actual

happenings as not only examples but also the limits of what we
can do as political agents.
● All classical political thinkers wanted to understand the hidden relationship of natural
laws and human laws.

● Nature has two basic principles: the one is the alternation of growth and decline; the
second related law is what Nietzsche called “the eternal return,” that is, in nature
there is a circularity even if each cycle has its own special features due to the
changing conditions.

● Accordingly, nature produces natural differences among men, natural justice, natural
religion, and the like, whereas a political community based on the idea of history, that
is, historical development or progress, and attached human rights fundamentalism,
that is, human rights must be considered as the final source of all human acquisition
and defense, but as such they are morally acceptable and should be endorsed.
Masa lalu dan Saat ini:
Perpanjangan Problem Utopianisme
● Realisme politik hanya ingin menyampaikan bahwa keamanan (atas kekuasaan) adalah yang utama,
dan keadilan adalah yang berikutnya.
● Salah satu dasar dari Realisme politik adalah rasionalitas dimana hal tersebut menuntut ‘yang
rasional’ sebagai ‘yang nyata’ (“The rational is preferred to what is real” - hlm. 47)
● Dengan dasar tersebut, maka dalam realisme politik, relevan untuk membicarakan masalah utopia-
utopia yang dimunculkan dalam ideologi politik. Komunisme memiliki utopia sebagai yang antik
dalam politik – menginginkan untuk terbentuknya masyarakat komunis. Liberalisme memiliki utopia
untuk mewujudkan kemanusiaan yang didasarkan pada kebebasan yang dimulai dari pasar,
perkembangan teknologi untuk menghasilkan produksi-produksi kesejahteraan.
● Fungsi Utopia dalam Realisme politik adalah sebagai cara mempersatukan subjek politik secara
moral tanpa memperhitungkan potensi perwujudan dari masing-masing utopia.
● Klaim Utopia dari suatu Ideologi tidak pernah bersifat nasional, namun klaim selalu didasari pada
argumen historis, atau argumen akademik.
●Thomas Hobbes: Kritik terhadap Natural Rights dan mempromosikan rasionalitas modern
sebagai basis politik (Beyond doubt it was Hobbes who polarized the inner contradiction of
political thought. He finally chose modern rationality against classical natural right thought
– hlm 53).

●Hakikat realisme politik adalah bahwa ia mampu menghilangkan kerak ideologis dan
bagian tak kasat mata dari tindakan politik dan dari kekuatan politik yang ada dan
berkembang (The essence of political realism is that it is capable of removing ideo- logical
incrustation and the invisible parts of political action from existing and developing political
power – hlm 58).
Realisme Politik: Final Account
● Realisme Politik 🡪 Terkait dengan penggunaan kekuasaan (Political realism is usually, and rightly
so, associated with the wielding of power – hlm. 60).
● Tulang punggung dari kekuasaan adalah otoritas (The backbone of power is Authority – hlm. 61).
● Otoritas adalah ide yang mampu menginkubasi elemen rasional, emosional, dan moral untuk
meringankan tindakan politik seperti itu. Itu memperkuat dan merangsang agen untuk bertindak
dan patuh, jika perlu. Pada saat yang sama, otoritas adalah fokus kekuasaan, titik nol yang
menciptakan lingkup tindakan di mana seseorang dapat menciptakan kekuasaan. (hlm. 61).
● Tujuan dari otoritas adalah mempertahankan moralitas. Bagi Aristoteles tujuan akhir otoritas
adalah Eudamonia (kehidupan yang baik). Hal ini menjadi tugas otoritas untuk diwujudkan dalam
Upaya modern untuk Dasar ini mengantarkan kita
dan Kekuasaan: memisahkan kekuasaan dan pada konsep pembatasan
Dasar Realisme kepemimpinan telah mengantar kekuasaan seperti Demokrasi,
konsep kekuasaan tanpa pembagian kekuasaan, Trias
Politik konsekuensi praktis, yaitu, Politica, dsb.
kekuasaan memiliki atribut
tertentu seperti paksaan,
pemusatan kekuatan,
menetapkan tujuan bersama dan
pelaksanaan sarana kekuasaan,
yang hanya dapat diwujudkan
jika ada kepemimpinan.
Kepemimpinan adalah konsep
yang komprehensif atau
mencakup posisi pemimpin.
Terima Kasih

Daftar Pustaka:

András Lánczi. 2015. Political Realism and Wisdom. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Niccolo Machiavelli. 2002. Sang Penguasa. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

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