International Marketing

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Andronik Oksana
Ishchenko Ilona
Komarinska Katerina
Lytvynchuk Margarita
Starovatova Valeriia
Udovichenko Sofiia
Yarova Olha
What is international marketing?

The International Marketing is the application of marketing principles to satisfy the

varied needs and wants of different people residing across the national borders.

International marketing, also known as global marketing, involves marketing

products to people across the world. In other words, it’s any marketing activity that
occurs across borders.
What are the Characteristics • All the features of modern marketing
apply to international marketing.
of International Marketing? However, the latter aims to satisfy the
needs of global customers. So, it takes
place across borders.

• As a result, international marketing

has specific characteristics, such as:
1. It involves two or more countries
2. Unique marketing strategies for
specific countries
3. It enables exchange between a
company and foreign customers
4. Decisions are taken with
reference to the global business
What are the Types of International Marketing?

Export Licensing Franchising

Exporting refers to the practice of Licensing is an agreement whereby a Like licensing, franchising involves a
shipping goods directly to a foreign company, known as the licensor, grants parent company granting a foreign
country. Manufacturers looking to expand a foreign firm the right to use its firm the right to do business in its
their business to other countries often intellectual property. name.
consider exporting first.

Joint Venture FDI

A joint venture describes the combined In FID, a company places a fixed
effort of two businesses from different asset in a foreign country to
countries to their mutual benefit. manufacture a product abroad.
1) Market Expansion
One primary advantage of international marketing is
market expansion. It’s an opportunity to extend a brand’s
What are the Benefits of
customer base. International Marketing?
2) Protects Against Economic Downturn
Unexpected economic events and catastrophes can wreak
havoc on a company’s fortune.

3) Effective Utilization of Surplus Production

International marketing helps manufacturers to utilize
excess production effectively.

4) Provides Competitive Advantages

Besides increasing revenue and diversifying asset,
international marketing also provides competitive

5) Employment opportunities
Global marketing increases employment opportunities in a
foreign country.
Cultural Differences
These include differences in consumer needs
and usage patterns as well as response to
marketing mix elements.

What are the Disadvantages Government Restrictions

These usually include high taxes, as well as
of International Marketing? duties to import and export goods.

Despite its benefits, global marketing

comes with specific downsides. War Situations
Tensions and war-like situations among nations
can severely impact international marketing.

High Competition
Brands that are entering a foreign market
usually have to compete with both local
companies and international brands.
How do you do International Marketing?

Admittedly, it can be challenging for small or medium-sized

businesses to build a successful international marketing
strategy. That’s because they usually lack the expertise or
budget to launch such a campaign.
However, smaller companies can partner with other
businesses in the local market to build cultural research.
Another option is to hire marketing experts with
knowledge of foreign markets.

Whichever option you may choose, the most crucial facet for a
successful global marketing campaign is research. Not only will it
inform decisions, but it’ll allow companies to maximize potentials in
new markets.
Main International Marketing Takeaways:
 International marketing refers to any marketing activity that occurs across borders.
 Types of international marketing include export, licensing, franchising, joint venture,
and foreign direct investment.
 Global marketing aims to satisfy the needs of global customers.
 International marketing enables the effective utilization of surplus production.
 International marketing can help create bigger and better opportunities for business
 Along with a broader customer base, global marketing also protects against potential
economic downturns.
 Cultural restrictions between the home and host countries could hinder international
marketing strategies.
 Other downsides of international marketing include high competition, government
restrictions, and war situations.
Do you agree:
1) Is the International Marketing the application of marketing principles to satisfy the
varied needs and wants of different people residing across the national borders?


2) Are there different types of advertising such as Local advertising, Internet/online

directories and Trade and technical press?


3) Advertising should be adapted to the type of print media and the interests and habits of
the potential reader?


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