Systema Digestuvo

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Achievements: Explains the functioning of the
digestive system, its organs and how do they
work in order to obtain nutrients from food.
See- think-wonder
The digestive system relevant?

• The digestive system is an example of

an organ system in which several organs
work together to digest and absorb food
• Digestion is a process in which
relatively large, insoluble molecules in
food (such as starch, proteins) are broken
down into smaller, soluble molecules that
can be absorbed into the bloodstream and
delivered to cells in the body
Digestion involves:
• The mixing of food.

• The movement of food

through the digestive tract.

• A chemical breakdown of
large molecules of food into
smaller molecules.
What did you learn from the video?
Functions of the digestive system

Absorb nutrients Transport nutrients

Nutrients: are chemical compound (such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, or mineral) contained in foods.
These compounds are used by the body to function and grow.

 Vitamin: nutrient that the body needs in small amounts to function and stay healthy.
Parts of the digestive system
Esophagus Stomach
which connects the throat
The food then enters the
above with the stomach
stomach, which completes three
below, is the first organ into
mechanical tasks: stores, mixes
which the swallowed food
and empties.

Liver Intestin
moving waste products and foreign The food is digested the intestine and
substances from the bloodstream, dissolved the contents of the intestine are
regulating blood sugar levels, and creating mixed and pushed forward the digested
essential nutrients. nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal

Mechanical digestion vs chemical digestion

Parts of the digestive system

Your teacher is
going to pass
you a sheet
Parts of the digestive system
In groups of two or more look for digestive system
related diseases and explain briefly to the class ( 10
Eating healthy

A healthy, balanced diet includes foods from all 5 food

groups: fruit, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy.
Foods high in sugar, saturated fat and salt aren’t necessary for
a healthy diet and should be limited.
Everyone can have specific dietary needs or restrictions,
your doctor or dietician can help you make sure their diet is
healthy and balanced.

Reading time !

In groups your-growth-and-development/
Eating healthy
Balanced Diet

• A balanced diet consists of all of the food groups in the correct


• The necessary food groups are:

• Carbohydrates
• Proteins
• Lipids
• Vitamins
• Minerals
• Dietary Fibre
• Water
Just your doctor can tell you exactly
what diet you need.
Vitamin a good eye sight
In groups lets make a diet for a :
Teen girl
Teen boy
A pregnant women
Adult women
Adult man

Follow the instructions of your teacher

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