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Heavenly Father and Your Beloved Son

Jesus Christ,
We thank you for giving us another life,
We thank you for another Beautiful Morning.

As we go on through our lessons today,

May you make us instruments to do good
Please enlighten our minds,
Give us strength to participate in our subject
today. Amen
Good Morning 
Things to REMEMBER
 Listen attentively!
 Raise your hand if you want to answer.
 Cooperate and participate during group
activity and discussion.
 Do not make unnecessary noise
 If you have questions and clarifications,
just ask after the discussion.
Activity Time!
Guided Question:
What would you do if
you borrowed
something from a
friend and you lost it?
Learning Targets
I can…
 identify the elements of the story
 relate moral of the story in real life situation
make a varied activities through slogan,
poem, role play, jingle and song related to
theme of the story 
Unfamiliar Words
1. Francs – a basic unit of money used in some countries
where French is spoken
2. Balks- to refuse abruptly

3. Intoxicated– affected by alcohol or drugs

4. Dozing - to sleep lightly

5. Monsieur (M.)– A Frenchman of high rank or station

Unfamiliar Words
5.Mortgaging – Legal agreement in which a person
borrows money to buy property and pays
back the money over a period of years

6.Crippling - to make something unable to work

normally; to cause great damage to something

7.Debts – an amount of money that you owe to a

person,bank, etc.
M. – Monsieur
Mme. - Madame
Guided Questions
1. What do you think did Madame Forestier do after she
heard that the necklace she got back was real

2. If you were in the situation of Madame Loisel,

what would you have done?
3. Do you think there is the same character with
Mathilde nowadays? Yes or No? Defend your answer.

4. How can you relate this story in our society?

Guy de Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant was a popular 19th-century
French writer, considered one of the fathers of the modern
short story and one of the form's finest exponents. He was born
into an upper-middle-class family in France, and when his
family’s fortune ran out he was forced to work for a while as
government clerk. From this position he drew inspiration for the
husband in the story “The Necklace.” He was able to generate
some significant income and fame as a writer, however his
success was short-lived. Maupassant suffered from mental
illness, and died at a Paris asylum at the young age of 42.
Mathilde Loisel is “pretty While her husband
and charming” but feels she expresses his pleasure at the
has been born into a family of small, modest supper she has
unfavourable economic status. prepared for him, she dreams
She was married off to a lowly of an elaborate feast served
clerk in the Ministry of on fancy china and eaten in
Education, who can afford to the company of wealthy
provide her only with a modest friends. She possesses no
though not uncomfortable fancy jewels or clothing, yet
lifestyle. Mme. Loisel feels the these are the only things she
burden of her poverty lives for. Without them, she
intensely. She regrets her life feels she is not desirable. She
and spends endless hours has one wealthy friend,
imagining more extravagant Madame Forestier, but
existence. refuses to visit her because of
Why is Mme. Loisel the heartbreak it brings her.
unhappy with her life?
Why did Mathilde feel upset when she received the
invitation card?

One night, her Through her tears, she tells him

husband that she has nothing to wear. Her
returns home proudly
bearing husband is upset by her reaction
an invitation to a form
al party and asks how much a suitable
hosted by the Min
istry of dress would cost. She thinks about
Education. He hop it carefully and tells him that 400
es that
Mathilde will be thril francs would be enough. Her
led with
the chance to attend husband quietly balks at the sum
an event
of this sort, but she is but agrees that she may have the
angry and begins to c money.
What did Mathilde borrowed?
As the day of the He implores her to visit
party approaches, Mme. Forestier and
Mathilde starts to borrow something from
behave oddly. She her. Mme. Forestier
confesses that the agrees to lend Mathilde
reason for her her jewels, and
behavior is her lack of Mathilde selects a
jewels. M. Loisel diamond necklace. She
suggests that she is overcome with
wear flowers, but she gratitude at Mme.
refuses. Forestier’s generosity
What made Mme. Loisel happy during the ball?
At the party, Mme. Loise He cloaks her bare shoulders
is the most beautifu in a wrap and cautions her
woman in attendance, an
d to wait inside, away from the
everyone notices her. She
is cold night air, while he
intoxicated by the attentio
n fetches a cab. But she is
and has an overwhelmin
g ashamed of her coat and
sense of self-satisfaction. A
t follows M. Loisel outside.
4 a.m., she finally looks fo
r They walk for a while
M. Loisel, who has bee
n waiting for a cab.
dozing for hours in a dar
Why Loisels don’t tell Mme. Forestier the truth?
Terrified, she sits and
When they finally waits for him. He returns
return home, Mathilde home much later in an
is saddened that the even greater panic—he
night has ended. As she has not found the
removes her wrap, she necklace. He instructs
discovers that her her to write to Madame
necklace is no longer Forestier and say that she
around her neck. In a has broken the clasp of
panic, Monsieur Loisel the necklace and is
goes outside and getting it mended.
retraces their steps.
How did the couple replaced necklace?

They continue to lo The Loisels spend a week

ok scraping up money from all
for the necklace. Af
ter a kinds of sources, mortgaging
week, M. Loisel says
they the rest of their existence.
h a ve t o s e e a
b o ut After three days, M. Loisel
replacing it. They
visit purchases the necklace.
many jewelers, searc
hing When Mathilde returns the
for a similar neck necklace, in its case, to Mme.
and finally find on Forestier, Mme. Forestier is
e. It
costs 40,000 francs, annoyed at how long it has
although the jeweler taken to get it back but does
he will give it to them not open the case to inspect
36,000 francs. it..
What changes happened in the lives of Loisels’
after the necklace had lost?

The Loisels began to live but at the end they have

a life of crippling repaid their financial
poverty. They dismiss debts. Mathilde’s
their servant and move extraordinary beauty is
into an even smaller now gone: she looks just
apartment. likes the other women of
Loisel works three jobs, poor households. They
and Mathilde spends all are both tired and
irrevocably damaged
her time doing the heavy
from these years of
housework. This misery
lasts ten years,
What did Mme. Loisel find out about the necklace?

One Sunday, while she is Mathilde says that the

out for a walk, Mathild change was on her
spots Madame Forestie account and explains to
Feeling emotional, sh her the long saga of losing
approaches her and offers the necklace, replacing it,
greetings. Madame and working for ten years
Forestier did no t to repay the debts. At the
recognize her, and when end of her story, Madame
Mathilde identifies Forestier clasps her hands
herself, M a da m e and tells Mathilde the
Forestier cannot help bu original necklace was fake
exclaim that she look and only cost 500 francs.
Elements of the story “The Necklace”

Conflict Man vs. Herself

Not being greedy in life as Mathilde has
Theme been. Be happy of who you are and
what you have.

Plot Symbols
Madame Loisel borrows a The necklace symbolizes the life
necklace from her friend, that Mathilde Loisel yearns for
she loses it at the party, she but cannot have, especially now
gets a new one and spends that she has to repay the loans
10 years paying it off find out for losing the original necklace.
that the one she lost was Her greed for that life becomes
fake. the eventual demise of her life.
Mathilde Loisel
 She is a middle class woman
married to a clerk Monsieur Loisel
 The wife of Monsieur Loisel
 She was been blessed with Mathilde’s husband
physical beauty but not with the He loves Mathilde
affluent lifestyle she yearn for.
immensely but does
 She borrows a diamond necklace
from her friend Madame Forestier, not truly understand
then she loses the necklace and her.
must work for ten years to pay off A man of simple
a replacement pleasures who is
happy with his life.
Madame Forestier
 Mathilde’s wealthy friend, which
makes Mathilde very jealous.
Guided Questions

1.What do you think did

Madame Forestier do after
she heard that the necklace
she got back was real
2. If you were in
the situation of
Madame Loisel,
what would you
have done?
3. Do you think there
is the same character
with Mathilde
nowadays? Yes or
No? Defend your
4. How can you relate this
story in our society?
The End!
Time for Activities!!!!
Each group will select a leader to pick the task
that related to theme of the story entitled “The
Necklace.” I will give you five (5) minutes to
practice and three (3) minutes to perform.



Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory
(5) (4) (2)

The content The content has The content is not
a little related to the topic.
is related to connection to
the topic. the topic.

TEAM WORK Most members Some members  Most of the

are are not members are not
participative participating. participating.
and master the

PRESENTATION The   The   The presentation

presentation is presentation is is poor and lack of
outstanding good and creativity
and very creative
Ready your
Pen & ¼ Sheet
of Paper
Test I: True or False (number 1-4)
Instruction: Write T if the statement is true and F if the
statement is false. Write the correct answer.
_____1. Mathilde was one of those happy and charming
young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of
fate, into a family of clerks.
_____2. The author of the story is Guy de Maupassant.
_____3. Mathilde let herself be married to a little clerk of
the Minister of Education.
_____4. Mathilde Loisel’s husband agrees to give her the
four hundred francs that he had been saving to buy a new
rifle to get herself a gown.
Test II: IDENTIFICATION: Write the correct
answer in the given space provided.

_____5. Who is the author of the story?

_____6. She is a wealthy friend of Mathilde.
_____7. What thing did Mathilde lost?
Test III: Enumeration:
8-10. Direction: Give the three (3) characters in the story.


 What is the moral of the story?


5 POINTS If the idea is clearly stated.

3 POINT If the idea is not clearly stated.

Learning Targets
I can…
 identify the elements of the story
 relate moral of the story in real life situation
make a varied activities through slogan,
poem, role play, jingle and song related to
the theme of the story 
Home Delight
In a long bond paper draw
an object or a thing and explain
why it is valuable to you. Be
creative and that will be
submitted on our next meeting.

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