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• Shotokan style Karate offers • At the end of the club my • AGE: 8-16
great benefits such as greater students will be able to improve • TİME: 5-10
focus, increased self-esteem, their self-esteem,speed,
increased self-discipline, balance, strength, and
calmness, and a more positive coordination.And also they will
attitude toward life, a well as, a improve their working memory,
knowledge of self-defense. The visual selective attention.
main focus of Shotokan Karate
training is theperfection of
20XX 2
• Objective: Students will be able to be aware of What is karate?
• Understand the traditions of the dojo and will be able to use it.
• Understand all basic commands and the name of techniques in Jaapanese.
 In this lesson I informed my students why we are doing karate and informed about rules
Intruducing Karate and terms of karate

- 1-

20XX 3
• Objective: Students will be able to understand how to do warm-up exercises before each
training and do basic stances
 In this lesson, I taught warm-up exercises and I showed basic technique of stance to my

Basic Technique Of


20XX 4
• Objective: Students will be able to comprehend of defense blocks and wıll be able to apply
to them.
 In this lesson, I taught to my students 5 basic blocks and they şearned how to protect

Basic Blocks


20XX 5
Objective: Students will be able to improve upper-body strength and strengthen
bones and ligaments and they will increase their self-defense skills.

 In this lesson, I taught my students how can they punch in the correct way.

Hand Techniques


20XX 6
• Objective: Students will be able to learn kicks tecniques and apply properly according to
the rules
 In this lesson, I showed to my students the main kick techniques and they learned how to
use their kicks effectively during sparring and self-defense situations.

Kicks Techniques


20XX 7
• Objective: Students will be able to get more power and develop their muscles
 In this lesson, we did strength and speed exercises to develop my students skills.

Strength And Speed



20XX 8
• Objective: Students will be able to apply combinations of techniques

 In this lessson , I showed combinations of hand techniques and kicks techniques and we
practices these techniques. Due to this practice, they will develop better control,
balance, speed, power, and ultimately, a better technique.

Kihon Techniques


20XX 9
• Objective: Students will be able to understand the rules of kata and students will be able
to perform 1 st kata.
• Develop a fighting spirit and fighting rhythms
 In this lesson, I introduced to my students kata rules and taught 1st kata (Heian Sho-
1st Kata (Heian


20XX 10
• Objective: Students will be able to do techniques with each other.
 In this lesson I thought to my students Gohon Kumite(five-step kumite ) .

Gohon Kumite


20XX 11
• Objectıve: Students will be able to understand the meaning of karate and student will be
able to learn main techniques and will be able to perform 1 st kata.
• In my last class ,I did test to see what they have learned and see what level they have
come to.


Sunu başlığı 20XX 12

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