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World Englishes and Culture

Nurana Jorayeva / 2001060026

• A person • B person
• Nationality: Russian • Nationality: Ivorian
• Gender: Female • Gender: Male
• Age: 20 • Age: 26
• Background Education:in Russia. • Background Education:in Ivory
• Department: ELT Coast
• Department: ELT
Phonological differences
• A person ‘’Actually’’ • B person
• ‘’sh ‘’ sound ‘’More’’-’’Relax • ‘’ch’’ sound
• Rhotic speaker ing’’ • Non-rhotic speaker
• ‘’th’’sound • He pronounced ‘’rılaks’’
• ‘’z’’sound’’ • ‘’th’’ sound’’
• ‘’ sh’’ sound • ‘’d’’ sound
• ‘’s’’ sound
• B Person
• A Person • He used ‘’ maybe and I mean
• She used ‘’like as’’ and ‘’ ’’words a lot.
actually’’ words a lot. • He used the Subj+Verb+Obj
• She used the Subj+Verb+Obj structure in his sentences.
structure in her sentences. • He didn’t use ‘’ to be ‘’ verb and
• She didn’t use ‘’ to be ‘’ verb cunjuctions.
• ‘’ I more lazy’’ • ‘’ My hobbies watch movies,going
outside, listen to music.

• Both of them use formal

• A Person • B Person
• She puts intonation on the last • He puts intonatıon on first part
parts of sentences.

• Both of them are polite.

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