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Submitted by -Izaj Sarkar Submitted to – Dr. Virendra Kumar

BSc. Agriculture (VIII Sem)
Food processing
Mushroom Cultivation
Apiculture denotes the scientific management of honey bees for commercial
production of honey and other bee products.
The bees have been mentioned in the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Quran and
other holy books.
 Beekeeping in India has remained behind countries like USA, Canada, Europe,
Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
 Honey bees belong to the family Apidae of the order Hymenoptera.
Beekeeping or apiculture derived from Latin word apis ‘‘bee’’.
A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or ‘‘bee yard’’
There are mainly five species of honey bees in India. They are:
1) Apis dorsata (Rock bee or Giant Bee):
 It is found over the plains and hilly tracts of India up to a height of about 1200 m above sea
 It is known as Himalayan Honey Bee It is about 17-20mm long.
 Each colony of bees capable of storing 20-40 kg of honey.

2) Apis Cerana Indica :

It is also called the Indian bee or eastern honey bee .
It is found everywhere in India and its nature is quite different from rock bee, being mild in
temperature and can be domesticated easily.
 It is about 15mm in size. On an average.
 3-4kg honey is found from a comb annually.
Honey bee species
3) Apis Florea:
 It is also called little bee and is about 7mm in length.
 It does not like darkness and therefore, forms its comb in the open palace.
 It builds a small comb and only 250g honey is obtained at a time

4) Apis Mellifera:
 It is also called the European honey bee or the Italian honey bee and was introduced in
India in 1962.
 The average yield of Apis Mellifera is 20-25 kg per colony .

5) Apis Melipona iridipennis:

It is also called stingless bee or dammer bee.
Organization of colony
The honey bees are social insect and live in colonies with a highly organized system of division of labour. A
family consist of 35,000 to 70,000 members, which includes a queen, 200-300 drones and workers.
1) Queen:
Every colony has a queen which is the mother and the only sexually developed female.
Nuptial Flight:- A flight of sexually mature social insects (as bees) in which mating takes place which is usually
a prelude to the forming of a new colony.
queen bee is 2-3 times bigger than the worker bee measuring about 15-20 mm in length.
She lays 2000-3000 eggs it is replaced by one of the daughter queens.
2) Drone:
The drone is the male bee, the main function of which is to mate with the queen.
Measure 15-17mm in length.
They are driven out of the hives before the onset of monsoon and winter.
Drones are developed from unfertilized egg (haploid) and this process is known as parthenogenesis.
Organization of colony
Under developed females which are produced from the fertilized eggs (diploid) but remain
sterile due to non-availability of royal jelly and called workers.
They are responsible for all the work and for the maintenance and welfare of colony. Such as :
Building of comb with wax and its maintenance, collection of honey, pollen and water for the
use of colony, to guard the colony against enemies, to take care of queen and feeding of royal
 Life span of worker honey bee is 45-60 days (6-8 weeks), small in size.
Food Processing
It is mainly defined as a process of value addition to the agricultural or horticultural produce by
various methods like grading, storing and packaging.
Food processing in India:-
 The food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and is ranked 5 ͭ ͪ in terms
of production, consumption, export and expected growth.
Throughout the country, India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the
. More than 25% of fruits and vegetables production is unfortunately wasted due to inadequate
facilities for processing.
. Fruits and vegetables processing was first started in an organized manner in 1857.
Orange Squash
Material Required:-Pulp – 1 liter, Water – 500-
700 ml, Sugar – 1-1.5 kg, Citric acid – 6-8 gm,
Color – By choice (rose white), Flavor – 3-6 ml,
S02 – 350ppm, KMS – 1.5gm
Preparation of Mix Fruit JAM
Materials Required:-Fruit pulp – 1 liter, Sugar – 1-
1.5 kg, Citric acid – 8 gm, Pectin – 6-10 gm, Color –
By choice, Flavor – 3-6 ml
Vermicompost is a type of composting in which certain species of earthworm are used to
enhance the process of organic waste conversion and produce a better end- product.
This product is highly fertile, finely divided peat like material with high porosity, aretion and
water holding capacity.
 It benefits plants in several different ways, that the roots of the plants can easily absorbed the
nutrients in earthworm compost.
It is 100% organic and and it does not need to be mixed with anything.
Vermicompost is primarily earthworm excrements, called casting, which can improve biological,
physical, chemical properties of the soils.
Classification Of Earthworms :-
1) Epigeic – Epigeic worms are found on the surface and are reddish brown in colour.
They do not process the soil but are efficient in composting of organic wastes.
 Eg: Eisenia foetida, Eudrilus eugeniae
2) Endogeic – They lived 20cm depth of the soil.
They eat large amount of soil and organic matter in it.
Eg: A. caliginosa
1) Bed method 2) Pit method
Cow dung and chopped dried leafy materials are mixed in the
proportion of 3: 1 and are kept for partial decomposed for 15-20
A layer of 15 – 20 cm of chopped dried leaves/grasses should be
kept as bedding materials at the bottom of the bed.
Beds of partially decomposed materials of size 6×2×2 feet
should be made. Each bed should contain 1.5-2.0sq of raw
Red earthworm (1500-2000) should be released on the upper
layer of bed.
Beds should be kept moist by sprinkling of water daily and by
covering with gunny bags/polythene.
Beds should be turned once after 30days for maintaining
aeration and for proper decomposition.
Compost gets ready in 45-50 days.
Introduction :-

A mushroom is a macro saprophytic fungus with fleshy and spore-bearing fruiting body.
They are heterotrophs.
Nutrient Content :-
Water:- Mushroom contains 90 percent moisture.
Protein and amino acid:- Protein content of mushrooms vary from 1.8 to 5.9 percent. Contains almost all
the amino acids like leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, Tryptophan, Hystidine etc.
Fibre:- High fibre content almost 3-32 percent.
Carbohydrates :- Edible mushroom contains 4.2 percent of carbohydrate.
Fat:- Mushroom contains low amount of fat 0.3 percent.
Vitamins :- Contains all types of vitamins like vit-B1, B2, B12, A, D.
Minerals :- Calcium content is high and Iron is in low amount. Potassium/Sodium ratio is very high good for
hyper tension patient.
1. Oyster Mushroom – Dhingri (Pleurotus spp.)

2.Milky Mushroom (Calocybe indica)

3.Paddy Straw Mushroom (Volvoriella spp.)
4.Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus, A. bitorques)
Flow chart of oyster mushroom

Raw materials (paddy straw and other crop residues)

Chopping of straw

Soaking of the straw ( 10g Bavistin / 100 lit water )

(120 ml Formalin/ 100lit water)

Drain off the excess water

Check the moisture content( 60 to 65 %)

Add spawn and mix(1kg spawn/ 10 kg straw)

Fill up in polythene bags

Incubate the filled bags in an incubation room

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