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Table of contents
1 Conditional sentences

2 Future time clauses

3 Predictions
Table of contents
1 Conditional sentences
Zero conditional
First conditional
2 Future time clauses
3 Predictions
be going to
What is

is a sentence used to express and explain in detail

about a certain event/phenomenon that may occur
when the condition is mentioned.

Two clauses:
The “main clause” – the result clause

The “if clause” – conditional clause


“main clause” “if clause”


“if clause” , “main clause”

Zero conditional
What is the

zero conditional
Zero conditional
is a type of sentence use to describe
Zero conditional

If you heat ice, it melts

Zero conditional

IF clause MAIN clause

S + am/is/are + (not) + … , S + am/is/are + (not) + …

S + (don’t/doesn’t) + V(s/es) + O S + (don’t/doesn’t) + V(s/es) + O

Zero conditional

If Sara drinks too much tea This tree dies if it doesn’t get
before going to bed, she enough water every day.
doesn’t sleep well.
Zero conditional
How to use
- to describe the obvious truth

- to request, ask

- to describe habits, actions that

occur frequently
Zero conditional

describe the obvious


If you mix blue paint and yellow paint,

you get green paint.
Zero conditional

- to request, ask

If you can play chess, teach me how to

Zero conditional

to describe habits, actions

- that occur frequently

I usually ride my bike to work if it’s a

nice day
Zero conditional
1 You can replace “If
“with “When”
Take Note:
Zero conditional
1 You can replace “If
“with “When”
Take Note: “If clauses” and “main
clauses” can be
What is
The First Conditional?
First conditional
1. What Is The First Conditional?
First conditional sentences are used to talk about future things
which might happen that we believe are real and possible.
How To Form First Conditional
Sentences ?
First conditional
2. How To Form First Conditional Sentences

First conditional sentences are made up of an 'if clause' and a

'main clause’. The 'if clause' has the present simple tense. The
'main clause' has the future simple tense.
First conditional
3. Structure:

If clause Main clause

If + S + V(s/es) S + will/can/shall + V
How to use First Conditional Sentences ?
Used to predict actions,
situations, and events
that may take place in
the present or in the
Example sentences:

If you don't sleep well, you will get asleep in the

Example sentences:

If we don't hurry up, we will miss our flight.

Used to make a
Example sentences:

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the zoo

Example sentences:

If you need a ticket, I can get you one.

Used to warn or
Example sentences:

If you come in, he will kill you

Example sentences:

If it rains, the road will be slippery

First conditional

Take Note:
How to use Will/Shall ?

Future time clauses
What is a future time clause?

Tenses in future time clauses

Punctuation in future time clauses

Conjunctions in future time clauses

What is a future time clause?
 Definition: Future time clauses are dependent
clauses that indicate when or under what conditions
the action or situation in the main clause will occur in
the future.

 Examples of subordinating conjunctions used to

introduce future time clauses: when, as soon as,
until, before, after, unless, in case.
Tense in future time clause
 In sentences that contain a future time clause, the main
clause contains a future tense (usually will + infinitive), but
the time clause contains a present tense.

Nora will stay with her parents until she finds a good job.
Main clause: will; time clause with until: simple present
Tense in future time clause
 We do not repeat the future tense.

When she finds a good job, she will move out.
Not: When she will find
Tense in future time clause
 We can use different future tenses or even the imperative
in the main clause.

- Salim will take a gap year before he starts working. (will future)
-After he finishes his gap year, he’s going to start a Master’s in law. (going to
+ infinitive)
- When I am settled, come and visit me! (imperative)
Punctuation in future time clause
 Sometimes we can reverse the order of future time
clauses. The meaning doesn’t change, but when the time
clause comes first, it is separated from the main clause by
a comma.
Once Rosie has settled in, Nora and Salim will visit her. (comma)
Nora and Salim will visit once Rosie has settled in. (no comma)
Conjunctions in future time clause
 when, as soon as

 When means at the time that.

- They will tell Rosie when their flight lands.
Conjunctions in future time clause
 when, as soon as

 When signifies that we are certain that an event will happen in

the future. In some languages, when is a false friend and is often
confused with if. Learn the difference between if and when.
- They will tell Rosie when their flight lands.
- Not: if their flight lands
Conjunctions in future time clause
 when, as soon as
 As soon as is similar to when, but it emphasises that the main clause
will happen immediately following the action in the time clause.
- I promise that I’ll call you as soon as I have more information.
= the minute that I have more information
Conjunctions in future time clause
 before, after, once

 Once has a similar meaning to after.

- You’ll feel better once the exams are over.
= after the exams are over
Conjunctions in future time clause
 before, after, once

 After is the opposite of before; the action in the main clause happens
- After they have graduated, the three friends will go their separate
first they graduate, then they go their separate ways
Conjunctions in future time clause
 before, after, once

 Before means that the action in the main clause must be

completed prior to the action in the time clause.
- Salim will take a gap year before he starts working.
first he does a gap year, then he starts work
Conjunctions in future time clause
 while, until

 While shows that two actions happen simultaneously in the future.

- Nora will save money while she is living with her parents.
 Until means from now up to a specific time point in the future.
- Rosie will live abroad until she gets bored.
Exercise: Zero conditional
a. If Jenny (cook) ____, she (burn) ____burns
cooks the food.
b. If Peter (not/wear) ____ a hat, he (get) ____ sunstroke.
doesn’t wear gets
c. If we (mix) ____
mix water and electricity, we (get) ____ a get
d. If John (eat) ____ too many sweets, he (get) ____ fat.
eats gets

e. If Anna (smoke) ____ , she (get) ____gets

smokes yellow fingers.
f. If I (speak) ____ to Jenny, she (get) ____ annoyed.
speak gets

g. Anna (feel) ____

feelsgood the next day if she (go) ____ to bed early.

h. Peter (buy) ____ expensive clothes if he (go) ____ shopping.

buys goes

i. Harry (pass) ____ his exams if he (work) ____works

passes hard.
Exercise: First conditional
a. You want to meet Jenny? Go there!
If you want to meet Jenny, go there!
b. Go away or Anna calls the police.
If you don’t want Anna to call the police, you must go away.
c. John helps Jenny to do this task, so she plans to pay for him more.
If John helps Jenny to do this work, she will pay for him more.
d. Sara wants to buy a new laptop, so she borrows my money.
If Sara wants to buy a new laptop, she will borrow my money.
Exercise: Future time clause
1. I will wait ________ the December sales start to purchase a new dress.
      A. after                             B. while                                   C. before                                 D. until
2. I’ll give you a ring ________ we return from our excursion.
      A. after                             B. as long as                       C. before                                D. while
3. ________ my son grows up, he will become a great doctor.
      A. As long as                    B. When                                  C. Before                                 D. While
4. We are advised to have COVID -19 vaccinations ________ we travel to the United States.
      A. after                            B. as long as                            C. before                                 D. until
5. You can check-in online but you have to do it at least 2 hours ________ you get on the flight to London. 
      A. after                            B. when                                    C. before                                D. until
Predictions: will
Confirm : S + will + Vo
Ex: I will wait for you.
Negative : S + will not + Vo ( will not = won’t)
Ex : I think they won't stay at home tonight.
Question : Will + S + Vo
Ex :  Will you marry me?
How to use structure will
• To distinguish will and be going to we can rely on their
usage. First, the will structure will be used as follows : 
• Will is used to describe an immediate decision to do or
refuse something, at the moment of speaking. 
• Ex: It's raining so hard, we'll go to work by taxi.
How to use structure will
• Will is used to talk about a promise made by the speaker in
the future
• Ex: Thank you for giving me this gift, I will cherish it
• Will is used to predict a future event
• Ex: A few decades later, we will not use motorbikes
Predictions: be going to
Confirm : S + am/is/are going to + Vo
Ex: She is going to sleep.
Negative : S + am/is/are/ + not going to + Vo
Ex : They aren’t going to work harder.
Question : Am/is/are + S + going to + Vo? 
Ex : Are you going to cooking dinner?
How to use structure be going to

• Compared with will, the structure be going to is used in less

cases. How to use the be going to structure as follows:
• Be going to is used to predict an event that is certain to
happen in the future because it has an identifiable,
grounded sign.
• Ex : Look! It is going to rain.
How to use structure be going to

• Be going to is used to talk about a decision or a certain

plan to make it in the near future.
• Ex : There's a live concert tonight, my friend and I am going
to go and enjoy it.
Predictions: may/might
• Expresses the possibility of happening now or in the future
• S + may / might + V-inf.
• S + may / might + be + V-ing.
• Anna may go to the new aquarium tomorrow. She loves
the sea life.
How to use structure may/might
• Note: May is used to express an event with a higher chance of
happening,  Might  is often used with  meaning less certain, less
than 50% chance of happening.
• Example:
 Turtles may live up to 100 years.
 I may go to HaLong Bay this summer. But I haven’t decided yet.
How to use structure may/might

• To describe something that was likely to happen in

the past
• Structure: S + may / might + have + PII
• Jane was late for school. She might have missed the
bus. It may have rained last night, but I am not sure.
How to use structure may/might
• Describes imaginary situations in the past (Type 3 conditional
• Cấu trúc: If + S + have + PII, S + may / might + have + PII
• Example:
• If you had studied hard, you might have passed the exam.
• If she had driven the car carefully, she mightn’t have had an
How to use structure may/might
• May/might is used to ask permission
• May/might is used when asking for permission is more formal and
polite than Can could.
• Structure : May + S + V?
• Example:
 May I go out?
 May I open the window?
How to use structure may/might

May/might can be used to suggest

Structure : S + may / might + V-inf
• You’re gaining weight. You may/might want to rethink about
doing some exercise.
• Lisa seems unhappy recently. I think going on a trip may
help her.
“will, be going to, may/ might”
I. Read the sentences and match statements 1-6 with meanings a-f
1. It’s impossible for Ava to get more than the a. She might win the competition.
leader now.__ C b. She probably won’t win the
2. Ava’s doing better than I expected now. __
c. She might not win the competition.
3. There’sFonly one more round, and Ava’ well d. She’s not going to win the competition.
ahead of the other competitors._ e. I’m sure she ‘ll win the competition.
4. Ava will be competing against more skilled f. She looks like she’s going to win the
and more experienced people.__ competition.
5. Ava’s great, but there’s one other competitor
who’s as good as her.__
6. B of anyone who’s better than
I can’t think

II. Complete the conversation with “will/won’t, going to, or might” and verbs from
the box. There may be more than one answer.
Write enjoy be (x 5) have send
A. Everyone’s worked so hard on next Friday’s concert. It’s definitely send
the best one over !
B. That’s great news!
A. In fact, we’ve sold so many tickets, I’m worried that we enough space.
B. Do you think Rex Brown a review for the local paper?won’t have
A. I hope so. And we’ve also had an enthusiastic e-mail from a music magazine, so I think they
a journalist, too. might write
B. I hope you to nervous on the night of concert.
A. I don’t think it are too bad because everyone in the audience a fan.
won’t be
B. I wish I wasn’t working that night. But if I leave early able to see the second half.
A. Please try to come. will be you
I’m sure it! are

will be

will enjoy
III. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box

salesclerk sold out in-store checkout reasonable

sale in stock
In stock
1. If something is , it is available to buy immediately.
2. The job of a is to serve customers in a store.
3. If the price of a product is it is worth at least as much
as you paid for it.
4. When product
sale are being sold for less than usually, they are on
5. When there is no more left to buy of a product, it is sold out
6. in-store shopping is done in a store rather than online.
7. The place where you pay for your shopping is the checkout
IV. Complete the conversation with shoppings words.
1. Zack: Going shopping is so tiring! It’s much easier to sit in a armchair and buy to
loads of different websites.
2. Harvey: But I much prefer to see things before I buy them.
3. Zack: That’s why I usually oder a few things and choose the best one.
4. Harvey: But then you have to return
the ones you don’t want – I just can’t be bothered!
And I think online shopping encourages people to buy too much. Its too easy to put lots
of in your .In aitems
store, you knowbag
you’re going to have to carry them home,
and it feels more real.
5. Zack: But I think online shopping actually saves you money. You can check the price of a
on different sites to make sure you get the best deal.
6. Harvey: The other important things for me is that once t’ve bought something, I can have
it immediately – I don’t like waiting!
7. Zack: Yeah, but lots of sites have free next-day , and you don’t have to carry
anything home! delivery
Do you have any questions?

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