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Philippine Constitution

4.1. 1897 Biak-na-Bato Constitution
 The Katipunan's revolution led to the Tejeros Convention where, at San Francisco de Malabón,

Cavite, on March 22, 1897, the first presidential and vice presidential elections in Philippine

history were held although only Katipuneros (viz., members of the Katipunan) were able to take

part, and not the general populace.

The Constitution of Biak-na-Bato was the provisionary Constitution of the Philippine Republic
during the Philippine Revolution and was promulgated by the Philippine Revolutionary
Government. The organs of the government under the Constitution were:

1.the Supreme Council, which was vested with the power of Republic, headed by the president and four
department secretaries: the interior, foreign affairs, treasury and war;
2.the Consejo Supremo de Gracia Y Justicia (Supreme Council of Grace and Justice), which was given
the authority to make decisions and affirm or disprove the sentences rendered by other courts and to
dictate rules for the administration of justice; and
3.the Assemblea de Representates (Assembly of Representatives), which was to be convened after the
revolution to create a new constitution and to elect a new Council of Government and Representatives
of the people.
4.2 1899
 In 1899, the Malolos
Constitution, the first Philippine
first republican constitution in
Asia—was drafted and adopted
by the First Philippine
Republic, which lasted from
1899 to 1901. The Philippines
has had a total of six
constitutions since the
Proclamation of Independence
on June 12, 1898.
4.3 1935 Philippine Commonwealth
 The 1935 Constitution of the Philippines served as the fundamental law of the land from 1935
to 1972.
It establishes the Commonwealth of the Philippines and provides that upon withdrawal
of American sovereignty in the country and the declaration of Philippine independence, said
commonwealth shall be known as the Republic of the Philippines. 
The Constitution enumerates the composition, powers and duties of the three branches of
government (the Executive, Legislative and Judicial) and creates the General Auditing Office and
lays down the framework in the establishment of the civil service in the country. 
1973 Constitution
 It was during the second term of President Marcos that the constitutional convention was
called to draft the new constitution.

The 1973 Constitution was a constitution designed for Marcos dictatorship

Salient Features
The preamble maintained some of the words of the 1899 and 1935 Constitution but new
words were added such as “sovereign” Filipino people, “peace” and “equality”.

It has broader and clearer provisions of national territory.

The state policies include: strengthening of family as a basic social institution.

It deleted the paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the 1935 Constitution on citizenship.

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