CMPG214 - Week 2 - Lecture 1

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Why communication skills in an IT degree?

- IT graduates leave university to be IT professionals

in the IT industry.
- IT professionals are often employees but sometimes
employers as well.
CMPG 214 - In order to have a good working relationship
between Employers, employees and other business
Communication Skills stakeholders


Customers Partners /
Allies - IT Professionals are no longer these people who
you have in a dark corner programming and not
Other speaking to people.
Colleagues /
Employer /
organizations - SDLC – Requires good communication
Employees IT etc.

North-West Unive rsity / Se me ste r 1

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The strategy:

- We use the study material to first work on

becoming a well rounded individual who:
understands the importance of self, and others and
CMPG 214 how these connect with one another.

Communication Skills - A well rounded person with a principle based value

system is more likely to use their communication
skills in an effective manner.
rounded - The foundation is what determines the buildings

principle- Communic
based ation skills

North-West Unive rsity / Se me ste r 1

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CMPG 214

Communication Skills
Wee k 2 - Lecture 1: SU1 & SU10

01 21
SU1 O u tc o m e s SU10 O u tc o m e s
02 22
O n Pe rc e ptio n s Imp o rta n t C o n c e p ts
05 29
Wha t d o e s C o ve y s a y? To d o ...
Imp o rta n t C o nc e p ts
Assig n m ent 3: PI#1

North-West Unive rsity / Se me ste r 1

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CMPG 214

SU1 O u t c o m es
On completion of this study unit you should be able to:
• Know what perceptions are and discuss they
influence people’s view of matters;
• Explain the difference between person- and character- based
• Know what paradigms are, realise their role and power, and
discuss the necessity of paradigm shifts; and
• Know what a habit is, discuss effectiveness according to
Covey’s definition, and identify the so-called
P/PC balance in different contexts.

North-West University / Semester 1

Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash
CMPG 214

On P e r c ep t i o n s (Part I)
• Perception is the process of selecting, organising, and
interpreting information.
• This process includes the selecting stimuli that
through our perceptual filters, are organised into our existing
structures and patterns, and are then interpreted based on previous
• Although perception is a largely cognitive
and psychological process, how we perceive the people and
objects around us affects our communication.
• We respond differently to an object/ person we perceive
favourably than we do to something unfavourable.

North-West University / Semester 1
Photo by Tommy van Kessel on Unsplash

CMPG 214

On P e r c ep t i o n s (Part II)
But how do we filter through the mass amounts of incoming
information, organise it, and make meaning from what makes it
through our perceptual filters and into our social realities?
• As information comes in through our 5 senses, various factors
influence what actually continues on through the perception
process (Fiske & Taylor, 1991);
• Selecting is the first part of the perception process, in
which we focus our attention on certain incoming sensory
information; and
• How do we decide what to select and what to leave out?


North-West University / Semester 1

Photo by Tommy van Kessel on Unsplash

CMPG 214

On P e r c ep t i o n s (Part III)
Salience is the degree to which something attracts our attention
in a particular context. The thing attracting our attention can be
abstract, like a concept, or concrete, like an object. For example, some of
us like money... SO a whole conversation can take place and you just
don’t care what is being said until you hear “MONEY”… The degree of
salience depends on three features (Fiske & Tayor, 1991). We tend to
find salient things that are visually or aurally stimulating and things
that meet our needs or interests. Lastly, expectations affect what we find


North-West University / Semester 1

Photo by Tommy van Kessel on Unsplash

CMPG 214

What does Covey say?

“I became...interested in how perceptions are formed,
To Covey, perceptions govern how we see. how they govern the way we see, and how the way we
Moreover, how we see impacts how we behave. see governs how we behave. This led me to a study of
expectancy theory and self- fulfilling prophecies or the
Core, metaphysical assumption: If you want to change “Pygmalion effect,” and to a realization of how deeply
your current situation. You first have to change imbedded our perceptions are. It taught me that we must
yourself. look at the lens through which we see the world, as well
as at the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes
Thus, in order for us to change ourselves, we have to how we interpret the world.” – S. Covey
change our perceptions.

North-West University / Semester 1 Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash

CMPG 214

Important C o n c e p t s
Covey, 15-45: Covey, 46-
• Perceptions/Paradigms • Habits
• Personality/Character ethic • Maturity Continuum
• Primary & secondary greatness • Effectiveness
• Paradigm shift • Assets
• Principles
• Principle-centered paradigm
• Inside-out: New level of thinking

North-West University / Semester 1

Photo by Tommy van Kessel on Unsplash

CMPG 214

01 05 06 07


02 03

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 A paradigm IS your perception, and your perception 05 06 07

is your point of view or way of seeing the world. It is a
Greek term which contemporarily means a model,
theory, perception, assumption or frame of reference. It
is a theory, a map, an explanation or model of
something else. Two main categories of maps: a) How
things are and b) How things should be (values).
Everything around us (environment) is measured
against these mental maps and we assume that it is
truth. 04
We see the world not as it is, but as we are.


North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 A paradigm IS your perception, and your perception 05 06 07

is your point of view or way of seeing the world. It is a
Greek term which contemporarily means a model,
theory, perception, assumption or frame of reference. It
is a theory, a map, an explanation or model of
something else. Two main categories of maps: a) How
things are and b) How things should be (values).
Everything around us (environment) is measured
against these mental maps and we assume that it is
truth. 04
We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

Character ethic deals

02 03
with the basic
principles of effective

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 A paradigm IS your perception, and your perception 05 06 07

is your point of view or way of seeing the world. It is a
Greek term which contemporarily means a model,
theory, perception, assumption or frame of reference. It
is a theory, a map, an explanation or model of
something else. Two main categories of maps: a) How
things are and b) How things should be (values).
Everything around us (environment) is measured
against these mental maps and we assume that it is
truth. 04
We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

Character ethic deals

02 03Personality ethic is
with the basic how we present
principles of effective ourselves to others in
living. public, and what we
say and do.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 A paradigm IS your perception, and your perception 05 06 07

is your point of view or way of seeing the world. It is a
Greek term which contemporarily means a model,
theory, perception, assumption or frame of reference. It
is a theory, a map, an explanation or model of
something else. Two main categories of maps: a) How
things are and b) How things should be (values).
Everything around us (environment) is measured
against these mental maps and we assume that it is
truth. 04 A paradigm shift is a fundamental shift
We see the world not as it is, but as we are. in thinking, seeing and understanding. It
is about changing attitudes / behaviours
through seeing differently. If we see
things differently we will think, feel and
behave differently.

Character ethic deals

02 03Personality ethic is
with the basic how we present
principles of effective ourselves to others in
living. public, and what we
say and do.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 A paradigm IS your perception, and your perception 05 Principles are NOT practices 06 07
is your point of view or way of seeing the world. It is a or values. These governing
Greek term which contemporarily means a model, laws act as fundamental
theory, perception, assumption or frame of reference. It guidelines for human conduct
is a theory, a map, an explanation or model of and effective living.
something else. Two main categories of maps: a) How
things are and b) How things should be (values).
Everything around us (environment) is measured
against these mental maps and we assume that it is
truth. 04 A paradigm shift is a fundamental shift
We see the world not as it is, but as we are. in thinking, seeing and understanding. It
is about changing attitudes / behaviours
through seeing differently. If we see
things differently we will think, feel and
behave differently.

Character ethic deals

02 03Personality ethic is
with the basic how we present
principles of effective ourselves to others in
living. public, and what we
say and do.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 A paradigm IS your perception, and your perception 05 Princ iples are NOT practices or A
06 07
is your point of view or way of seeing the world. It is a values. These governing laws Princ iple-
Greek term which contemporarily means a model, act as fundamental guidelines ce ntered
theory, perception, assumption or frame of reference. It for human conduct and effective para digm
is a theory, a map, an explanation or model of living. is informed
by natural
something else. Two main categories of maps: a) How
things are and b) How things should be (values).
Everything around us (environment) is measured
against these mental maps and we assume that it is
truth. 04 A paradigm shift is a fundamental shift
We see the world not as it is, but as we are. in thinking, seeing and understanding. It
is about changing attitudes / behaviours
through seeing differently. If we see
things differently we will think, feel and
behave differently.

Cha ra c ter ethic deals

02 03Persona lity ethic is
with the basic how we present
principles of effective ourselves to others in
living. public, and what we
say and do.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 A paradigm IS your perception, and your perception 05 Princ iples are NOT practices or A
06 07 • Inside-out is a process of
is your point of view or way of seeing the world. It is a values. These governing laws Princ iple- renewal and new level
Greek term which contemporarily means a model, act as fundamental guidelines ce ntered thinking.
theory, perception, assumption or frame of reference. It for human conduct and effective para digm • This continuing process is
is a theory, a map, an explanation or model of living. is informed based on the natural laws that
by natural
something else. Two main categories of maps: a) How govern human growth and
things are and b) How things should be (values). progress.
Everything around us (environment) is measured • It is an upward spiral of growth
against these mental maps and we assume that it is that leads to
truth. 04 A paradigm shift is a fundamental shift progressively higher forms of
We see the world not as it is, but as we are. in thinking, seeing and understanding. It responsible independence
is about changing attitudes / behaviours and effective
through seeing differently. If we see interdependence.
things differently we will think, feel and • The Outside-in
behave differently. paradigm
leads to unhappiness and
Cha ra c ter ethic deals
02 03Persona lity ethic is feelings of victimisation and
with the basic how we present immobilisation. These people
principles of effective ourselves to others in focus on the weakness of others
living. public, and what we and the circumstances
say and do. responsible for their own

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

04 03 02


North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

04 03 02

01 A habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill

and desire. Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm
(what to do & why). Skill is the how to do.
Desire is the motivation (want to do). You need
all three to make something a habit in your life.
Effective habits are internalised principles and
patterns of behaviour.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

04 03 02

The maturity continuum describes the incremental, sequential, highly

integrated approach to the development of personal and interpersonal
effectiveness. They move us progressively from dependence (you take care of
me) to independence (I am responsible) to interdependence (we can do it). When
we are born
01 A habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill
= dependent (directed, nurtured, sustained by others). As time
and desire. Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm
passes we become more independent––emotionally, mentally, physically
(what to do & why). Skill is the how to do.
and financially––to be inner-directed and self-reliant. We get older and
Desire is the motivation (want to do). You need realise that all of nature is interdependent.
all three to make something a habit in your life.
Relationships matter. Habits 1, 2 and 3 deal with self mastery and are the
Effective habits are internalised principles and ‘Private victories’ (essence of character growth). Private victories precede
patterns of behaviour. public victories. It is not interchangeable. ‘Public victories’ are more
personality-oriented, focusing on teamwork, cooperation and communication
in Habits 4, 5 and 6.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

04 03The 7 Habits 02
are habits of
They are based
principles, and bring The maturity continuum describes the incremental, sequential, highly
with them long-term integrated approach to the development of personal and interpersonal
beneficial results. effectiveness. They move us progressively from dependence (you take care of
me) to independence (I am responsible) to interdependence (we can do it). When
we are born
01 A habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill
= dependent (directed, nurtured, sustained by others). As time
and desire. Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm
passes we become more independent––emotionally, mentally, physically
(what to do & why). Skill is the how to do.
and financially––to be inner-directed and self-reliant. We get older and
Desire is the motivation (want to do). You need realise that all of nature is interdependent.
all three to make something a habit in your life.
Relationships matter. Habits 1, 2 and 3 deal with self mastery and are the
Effective habits are internalised principles and ‘Private victories’ (essence of character growth). Private victories precede
patterns of behaviour. public victories. It is not interchangeable. ‘Public victories’ are more
personality-oriented, focusing on teamwork, cooperation and communication
in Habits 4, 5 and 6.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

04Three kinds of 03The 7 Habits 02

assets exist, namely: are habits of
physical, financial effectiveness.
and human (control They are based
both physical and on
financial). principles, and bring The maturity continuum describes the incremental, sequential, highly
with them long-term integrated approach to the development of personal and interpersonal
beneficial results. effectiveness. They move us progressively from dependence (you take care of
me) to independence (I am responsible) to interdependence (we can do it). When
we are born
01 A habit is the intersection of knowledge, skill
= dependent (directed, nurtured, sustained by others). As time
and desire. Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm
passes we become more independent––emotionally, mentally, physically
(what to do & why). Skill is the how to do.
and financially––to be inner-directed and self-reliant. We get older and
Desire is the motivation (want to do). You need realise that all of nature is interdependent.
all three to make something a habit in your life.
Relationships matter. Habits 1, 2 and 3 deal with self mastery and are the
Effective habits are internalised principles and ‘Private victories’ (essence of character growth). Private victories precede
patterns of behaviour. public victories. It is not interchangeable. ‘Public victories’ are more
personality-oriented, focusing on teamwork, cooperation and communication
in Habits 4, 5 and 6.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

Assignment 3: Portfolio Item #1

• Visit https: and sign up;
• Select the “Infographic” option under “Create a design”;
• Now select your preferred layout.
• Usethe workspace and various tools to create
an infographic that describes who you are.
• Let this be a snapshot into your life: detailing the things you
love/hate; your hobbies; favourite music; food, etc.
• Once complete, select “Share” > “Link (NEW) ” > Change
“Can edit” to “Can view” using the dropdown > “Copy” > Paste
the link on the Padlet space (Under “Course Breakdown”) on

North-West University / Semester 1

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CMPG 214

SU10 O u t c o m es
On completion of this study unit you should be able to:
• Explain what technical communication is; and
• Explain why technical communication is important for people
working in the IT industry.

North-West University / Semester 1

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash
CMPG 214

Important C o n c e p t s
McMurrey, 1-11:
• A)of technical communication & writing
• Table on page 3
• What do technical writers do?
• Why take technical writing?
• Who are technical writers?
• Audience analysis
• Task analysis

North-West University / Semester 1

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CMPG 214

01 02 04

03 05


North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 The field of technical communication is essential in a 02 04

wide range of fields and occupations. It is a fully
professional field with degree programs, certifications, and
—yes!—even theory. It's a good field with a lot of growth
and income potential.
Communicating technical information through
whichever communication tools do the best job. These
tools include writing, graphics, animation, video and audio.
Communicates technical information. Has a specific
purpose. Geared to the needs of a specific audience. Occurs
in a specific workplace situation. Uses communication
tools that work best. Technical communication is not just
informative or instructional but also seeks to convince,
sway or persuade. 03 05


North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 The field of technical communication is essential in a 02

Terms used when defining 04
wide range of fields and occupations. It is a fully technical communication:
professional field with degree programs, certifications, and Communication; Technical;
—yes!—even theory. It's a good field with a lot of growth Information; Specific purpose;
and income potential. Specific audience; Needs; Specific
Communicating technical information through situation; and Tools.
whichever communication tools do the best job. These
tools include writing, graphics, animation, video and audio.
Communicates technical information. Has a specific
purpose. Geared to the needs of a specific audience. Occurs
in a specific workplace situation. Uses communication
tools that work best. Technical communication is not just
informative or instructional but also seeks to convince,
sway or persuade. 03 05


North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 The field of technical communication is essential in a 02

Terms used when defining 04
wide range of fields and occupations. It is a fully technical communication:
professional field with degree programs, certifications, and Communication; Technical;
—yes!—even theory. It's a good field with a lot of growth Information; Specific purpose;
and income potential. Specific audience; Needs; Specific
Communicating technical information through situation; and Tools.
whichever communication tools do the best job. These
tools include writing, graphics, animation, video and audio.
Communicates technical information. Has a specific
purpose. Geared to the needs of a specific audience. Occurs
in a specific workplace situation. Uses communication
tools that work best. Technical communication is not just
informative or instructional but also seeks to convince,
sway or persuade. 03
Technical writers do: Research, 05
project meetings, and interviews
with developers
/ engineers. Sending /
03 answering emails. Working with
prototypes of products.
Gathering / analysing data for
reports and interviewing experts.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 The field of technical communication is essential in a 02

Terms used when defining 04Audience analysis: Research,
wide range of fields and occupations. It is a fully technical communication: project meetings, and interviews
professional field with degree programs, certifications, and Communication; Technical; with developers and engineers.
—yes!—even theory. It's a good field with a lot of growth Information; Specific purpose; Sending/answering emails and
and income potential. Specific audience; Needs; Specific working with prototypes of products
Communicating technical information through situation; and Tools. they are documenting. Gathering /
whichever communication tools do the best job. These analysing data for reports and
tools include writing, graphics, animation, video and audio. interviewing experts.
Communicates technical information. Has a specific
purpose. Geared to the needs of a specific audience. Occurs
in a specific workplace situation. Uses communication
tools that work best. Technical communication is not just
informative or instructional but also seeks to convince,
sway or persuade. 03
Technical writers do: Research, 05
project meetings, and interviews
with developers
/ engineers. Sending /
03 answering emails. Working with
prototypes of products.
Gathering / analysing data for
reports and interviewing experts.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214

01 The field of technical communication is essential in a 02

Terms used when defining 04Audience analysis: Research,
wide range of fields and occupations. It is a fully technical communication: project meetings, and interviews
professional field with degree programs, certifications, and Communication; Technical; with developers and engineers.
—yes!—even theory. It's a good field with a lot of growth Information; Specific purpose; Sending/answering emails and
and income potential. Specific audience; Needs; Specific working with prototypes of products
Communicating technical information through situation; and Tools. they are documenting. Gathering /
whichever communication tools do the best job. These analysing data for reports and
tools include writing, graphics, animation, video and audio. interviewing experts.
Communicates technical information. Has a specific
purpose. Geared to the needs of a specific audience. Occurs
in a specific workplace situation. Uses communication
tools that work best. Technical communication is not just
informative or instructional but also seeks to convince,
sway or persuade. 03
Technical writers do: Research, 05 Task analysis: Determining
project meetings, and interviews what the needs of your audience
with developers are. What information do they
/ engineers. Sending / need? What are the tasks that
03 answering emails. Working with they have to accomplish? Which
prototypes of products. types of information do they need
Gathering / analysing data for to make decisions?
reports and interviewing experts.

North-West University / Semester 1

CMPG 214 North-West Unive rsity / Se m e ste r

To Do...WEEK 2
C o m p le te A ssig nm e nt 3: Portfolio Ite m #1

I will unhide this weeks lesson page. It will have the following:

1. PDF with an elaborati on on some of the work in the slides.

2. Portf olio Item 1 (sub assignment 1) of Assignment 3 will be there.

3. Keep it somewhere safe because you submit a single folder with all 5
sub assignments when the assignment opens.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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