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The term “Islam” originated from an Arabic
word meaning “submit.” In other words,
Islam means to “surrender or submit oneself
for obedience to God” or to “enter into a
condition of peace and security with God
through allegiance and surrender to him”
(Armstrong 2000; Bowker 1997).
A “person who surrenders or submits himself to
obey God” (Brown 1975).
The word “Allah” is a compound of al (the
definite article, the) and ilah (god or deity). Joined
together, the words signify “god” (Renard 1993).
Henceforth, he is called Allah or “the one who is
God.” Muhammad was preaching that there can
only be one God.
Established around seventh century C.E., Islam is
the youngest among the world’s major religions.
With more than 1.5 billion adherents comprising
almost one-fourth of the entire world population,
Islam is the second largest group and one of the
fastest growing religions in the world.
Majority of Muslims, the followers of Islam, live
in Asia and Africa. There are 49 countries in the
world that are Muslim-majority or comprise 50%
of the population. The 1.2 billion Muslims in these
countries equivalent to 74% of the entire Muslim
population worldwide.
More than 60% of the world’s Muslims can be
found in Asia, including Indonesia, Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh, Turkey, and Iran. Indonesia is the
world’s most populous Muslim majority country
with almost 87% of the population practicing the
Islam religion. In Africa, sizeable Muslim
communities are found in Egypt and Nigeria.
The star and crescent has become the
acknowledged representation of the Islamic faith.
The symbol can be seen in the national flags of
states that came about following the collapse of
the Ottoman Empire in the 20th century.
Around the year 570 C.E., Muhammad ibn
Abdullah was born in the oasis town of
Mecca just off the western coast of the
Arabian Peninsula (Karabell 2007).
Muhammad’s father died before he was born
while his mother died before he was six years
Muhammad began hearing the voice of God in a
cave on the summit of Mount Hira, just outside
Mecca in the Arabian Hijaz. God was speaking to
Muhammad in the Arabic language (Armstrong
2000; Karabell 2007).
The sacred writing of the Muslims is called
Quran (or Koran in English) that literally means
“recitation” or “reading.” The Quran is the
revelation from God of his speech (kalam) and
is the foundation of the Islam religion (Bowker
1997). It is the supreme authority in all matters
of faith, theology, and law (Parrinder 1971).
In 610 C.E., when Muhammad received the first
revelations, he was commanded by angel Gabriel
to “iqra” or “recite.” All Muslims believe that the
Quran is a copy of the eternal scripture written in
heaven but made known to Muhammad chapter by
chapter (Hopfe 1983).
In comparison, the Quran has almost the same
length as the New Testament, the Christian
biblical canon (Parrinder 1971). The chapters that
compose the Quran are called surahs while the
verses are called ayahs which mean “evidence” or
“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds;
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of Judgement.
You do we worship and Your aid we seek.
Show us the straight way,
The way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, those whose
(portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.”
Source: The Quran, translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, p. 1
The collection of the deeds and sayings of
Muhammad and his followers (“traditional reports
or sayings”) and is the second source of shari’a
law (Horrie & Chippindale 2003).
The collection of the deeds and sayings of
Muhammad and his followers (“traditional reports
or sayings”) and is the second source of shari’a
law (Horrie & Chippindale 2003).

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