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Strategic Human

Capital Management

Oktri Mohammad Firdaus

Start Small and Think Simple


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Mana yang Anda pilih???

Survive Sustain

Start Small and Think Simple

Target Manajemen???

Capaian KPIs &


Masalah &
Start Small and Think Simple
Start Small and Think Simple
Start Small and Think Simple
Start Small and Think Simple
Jenis-Jenis Masalah di Perusahaan???

Employee Revenue
Profit Loss
Turnover Decreased

Safety Issues Audit Finding

Overspending Excess
Human Error
Budget Inventory

Start Small and Think Simple

Kenapa Masalah ini
Kenapa Masalah ini Muncul?

Start Small and Think Simple

Reward & Punishment dianggap
5Why tidak jelas

Proses Appraisal belum berjalan

dengan baik

Database Capaian KPIs belum

Karyawan update dan valid
Sumber data dan informasi
masih terdesentralisasi

Belum ada perubahan kebijakan


Start Small and Think Simple

Manfaat 5Why
Membantu mengidentifikasi hambatan dan penyebab masalah
dengan cepat sehingga solusi permanen dapat ditemukan.

Mengembangkan pendekatan logis untuk pemecahan

masalah, berdasarkan data yang sudah ada.

Membantu menentukan hubungan antara beberapa Root

Cause yang berbeda.

Dapat dipelajari dengan cepat dan tidak memerlukan analisis

statistik yang kompleks.

Start Small and Think Simple

Nominal Group Technique
Analis Masalah
No Penyebab Total Peringkat
Masalah Maudy Natasha Pevita
Ayunda Wilona Pearce

1 A 2 1 3 6 2
2 B 1 3 1 5 1
3 C 4 2 2 8 3
4 D 6 5 6 17 6
5 E 5 6 5 16 5
6 F 3 4 4 11 4

Prioritas Penyebab Masalah yang harus SEGERA diselesaikan adalah B, A, C

Start Small and Think Simple


Start Small and Think Simple

Enterprise Structure

Start Small and Think Simple

Start Small and Think Simple
Personnel Structure

Start Small and Think Simple

Employee Group

Start Small and Think Simple

Employee Subgroup

Start Small and Think Simple

Payroll Accounting Areas

Start Small and Think Simple

Organizational Plan

Start Small and Think Simple

Object Type: Organizational Units

Start Small and Think Simple

Object types: Jobs

Start Small and Think Simple

Object Types: Positions

Start Small and Think Simple

Object Types: Cost Centers

Start Small and Think Simple

Object Types: Persons

Start Small and Think Simple

Start Small and Think Simple
Vacancies in the Recruitment Process

Start Small and Think Simple

Advertising Vacant Positions

Start Small and Think Simple

Start Small and Think Simple
Subtypes of Infotypes

Start Small and Think Simple

Start Small and Think Simple
Start Small and Think Simple
Start Small and Think Simple
Recording Data in Time Management

Start Small and Think Simple

Work Schedules (1)

Start Small and Think Simple

Public holiday calendar

Start Small and Think Simple

Work Schedules (2)

Start Small and Think Simple

Recording Time Data

Start Small and Think Simple

Attendances and Absences

Start Small and Think Simple

Monitoring & Evaluasi
Tenaga Kependidikan (3 bulan – 1 tahun)

Start Small and Think Simple

Start Small and Think Simple
Overview of the Payroll Procedure

Start Small and Think Simple

Calculation of Renumeration Elements

Start Small and Think Simple

Statutory and Voluntary Deductions

Start Small and Think Simple


start small and think simple

Dysfunction of Team


Start Small and Think Simple

• Kehilangan

• The fear of being

vulnerable prevents
team members from
building trust with each

Start Small and Think Simple

• Selalu Menghindari

• The desire to preserve

artificial harmony stifles
productive ideological
conflict within the

Start Small and Think Simple

• Tidak Ada Komitmen

• The lack of clarity

and/or buy-in prevents
team members from
making decisions they
stick to.

Start Small and Think Simple

• Tidak Ada Tanggung Jawab

• The need to avoid

interpersonal discomfort
prevents team members
from holding each other
accountable for their
behaviors and

Start Small and Think Simple

• Tidak Memperhatikan

• The pursuit of individual

goals and personal
status erodes the
team's focus on
collective success.

Start Small and Think Simple

10 Kalimat yang sebaiknya
tidak diucapkan oleh
Seseorang yang Cerdas

Start Small and Think Simple

Ini bukan salah saya

Start Small and Think Simple

Ini kurang bagus,
harusnya lebih sempurna

Start Small and Think Simple

Ini di luar pekerjaan saya

Start Small and Think Simple

Ini tidak adil

Start Small and Think Simple

Saya lebih pintar dari Anda

Start Small and Think Simple

Jangan tersinggung ya

Start Small and Think Simple

Ini memang pertanyaan bodoh

Start Small and Think Simple

Saya tidak bisa melakukannya

Start Small and Think Simple

Serahkan sama saya, hanya 1 menit saya

Start Small and Think Simple

Kan sudah saya bilang

Start Small and Think Simple


Perubahan dari TIDAK TAHU Menjadi TAHU

Perubahan dari TIDAK MAMPU menjadi MAMPU

Perubahan dari TIDAK MAU menjadi MAU

Start Small and Think Simple

Pengertian Pelatihan
Andrew F. Sikula:
Training is a short term educational process utilizing systematic
and organized procedure by which non managerial personal
learn technical knowledge and skill for a definite purpose

Wexley dan Yulk:

Training and development are term is referring to planned efforts
designed facilitate the acquisition of relevant skills, knowledge
and attitudes by organizations members. Development focuses
more on improving the decision making and human relations
skills and the presentation of a more factual and narrow subject

Start Small and Think Simple

Pengertian Pelatihan (Cont)
Mutiara S. Panggabean:
Pelatihan lebih berorientasi pada pekerjaan saat ini untuk
meningkatkan keterampilan-keterampilan tertentu. Di lain pihak
pengembangan karyawan lebih berorientasi pada masa depan
dan lebih perduli terhadap pendidikan, yaitu terhadap
peningkatan kemampuan seseorang untuk memahami dan
menginterpretasi pengetahuan bukan mengajarkan kemampuan

Proses memberikan bantuan bagi para pekerja untuk menguasai
keterampilan khusus atau membantu untuk memperbaiki
kekurangannya dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan. Fokus
kegiatannya adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kerja
dalam memenuhi kebutuhan tuntutan cara bekerja yang paling
efektif pada masa sekarang
Start Small and Think Simple
Tujuan Pelatihan

Memperbaharui Menghindari
keterampilan keusangan
karyawan manajerial

Memecahkan Mempersiapkan diri Memenuhi

permasalahan untuk promosi dan kebutuhan kepuasan
organisasi suksesi manajerial pribadi


Kognitif Afektif Psikomotorik

Start Small and Think Simple

Sikap Ketrampilan Knowledge

(afektif) (skill) (kognitif)

A5 Menjadikan pola P5 Naturalness C6 Menciptakan

hidup P4 Perangkaian C5 Evaluasi
A4 Mengatur diri P3 Ketepatan C4 Analisis
A3 Menghargai P2 Penggunaan C3 Penerapan
A2 Menanggapi
P1 Peniruan C2 Pemahaman
A1 Menerima
C1 Ingatan
Langkah sederhana di saat Pandemi???

Tim Trac Trus

e k t
Start Small and Think Simple
“Generasi Rebahan adalah Motor Utama
Penggerak PERUBAHAN di Negeri ini”


Start Small and Think Simple

“Be Yourself, No
matter what
They say, Stay
Cool and Lovely”

Start Small and Think Simple

So ... ???

Start Small and Think Simple

“… dibalik kesulitan,
pasti ada
Start Small and Think Simple
Start Small and Think Simple
start small and think simple

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