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Activity 14: I AM AWARE

In a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Having discussed the impact of the national
issues, trends, concerns, and the laws that
apply to them, what is their impact to you as an
adolescent? 1. Select 3-4 acts or laws that best
apply to you as a teenager. 2. Write a personal
essay about them.
Activity 15 Students lawyers
 1. Read and analyze the situations.
 2. What health policy/policies is/are

concerned in each situation?

 3. In what way may the policy/policies affect

the character?
 Activity 6: TRUE OR FALSE Write True if it is
according to the policy, and False if it is not.
__________ 1. A person with HIV/AIDS is
allowed to donate blood, tissues, or organs.
__________ 2. HIV testing is not compulsory
and required.
_________ 3. Pre- and post-test counseling
sessions are given to those who undergo HIV
testing in accredited centers.
__________ 4. People with HIV/AIDS are not
allowed to avail services provided by public
hospitals because infection might spread.
__________ 5. AIDSWATCH monitors the
incidences of HIV infection in the country and
 __________ 6. A person with HIV/AIDS is treated
with utmost confidentiality by medical
 __________ 7. A patient’s case is still
confidential even if there is an interference by a
 __________ 8. The AIDS Prevention and Control
Act of 1998 promotes discrimination against
people with HIV/AIDS.
 __________ 9. The Philippine National AIDS
Council manages the HIV testing in various
accredited centers.
 __________ 10. A person with HIV/AIDS is not
allowed to travel abroad.

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