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• Present simple
• Present continuous
• Present perfect
• Present perfect continuous
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

Present simple to indicate: a permanent state; a

routine action; general truths or laws
of nature; timetables; sports
commentaries (generally used with
adverbials such as: always, often,
every day, usually, from time to time,
regularly, etc.).

Examples: It is always cold in Winter. We usually

go to the cinema at the weekend.
Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. The
train departs at 9:00 a.m. Coentrão
passes the ball to Ronaldo and
Ronaldo scores a goal!
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

Present to indicate: actions taking place at the

continuous precise moment of speaking, or are in
progress at the time of speaking;
temporary actions; planned future
actions; changing or developing
situations (may be used with: at the
moment, now, right now, these days,

Examples: I’m looking after his dog while he is on

holiday. Next Tuesday, I am meeting Tom
for lunch.
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

Present to indicate: an action that started in the

perfect past (but we don’t know when or this is
not important) and that continues up to
the present; an action that finished very
recently and thus we can still see proof
of this in the present. (generally used
with expressions like: ever, never,
already, yet, recently, lately, so far, etc.).

Example I’ve never studied French. Peter has

already finished painting the living room.
Mum has cooked something yummy!
They’ve just sold their house.
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

Present to focus on the duration of an action

perfect which started in the past and continues
continuous into the present (generally used with
expressions like: for, since).

Examples We’ve been playing football since 10.

Mr. Turner has been tutoring us for over
a year now.
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

makes perfect!
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

1. Identify the verb form in italics.

a. Lots of iTunes fans buy Meiko’s hits these days.
1. present simple 2. present continuous
b. She has recently performed in open mic nights.
1. present perfect 2. present simple
c. Her father has been supporting her since her
1. present continuous 2. present perfect continuous
d. Her albums are attracting more and more fans
these days.
1. present simple 2. present continuous
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

1. Identify the verb form in italics.

e. She is working hard to succeed.
1. present continuous 2. present perfect
f. Her father is travelling to Georgia in October.
1. present perfect 2. present continuous
g. They have already finished the new album.
1. present perfect continuous 2. present perfect
h. She has been living in LA for 3 years now.
1. present perfect 2. present perfect continuous
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

2. Complete the gaps with the correct

form of the verb in brackets.
a. has been studying (study) violin
Mary ___________________
since she was 7.
b. The bus to the summer music festival
leaves (leave) at
c. are thinking (think) of taking some
We ______________
food and drinks along to the picnic.
d. is learning (learn) English in order
Lola _____________
to play online games.
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

2. Complete the gaps with the correct

form of the verb in brackets.
e. haven’t sung (sing) for ages , I’m not
I ____________
sure I still can do it.
f. is dying (die) to perform in public
Mike ________
g. Gina ___________
has written (write) two books so far
this year.
h. have been practising (practise) for the
We __________________
charity performance every week since
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

3. Circle the appropriate form of the verb.

a. Many young people often set / are setting

themselves ambitious goals.
b. My girlfriend reads / has been reading
poetry for some time.
c. Music often provides / is providing
youngsters with an escape valve.
d. Our class has contributed / contributes to
the school journal for some time now.
Virgínia Barros ✪ Luísa Barros ✪ Maria José Rodrigues ✪ Vanessa Reis Esteves

3. Circle the appropriate form of the verb.

e. Surfing the Internet is so awesome that I

am doing / do so every day.
f. I have had / am having lunch with my
boyfriend later today.
g. According to the latest statistics, iPad sales
increases / have been increasing lately.
h. My classmates always tease / are always
teasing me.

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