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Livelihood Education 1
Edukasyong Pantahanan at


Doc rapi
Subject Tacher
Lesson 1 -The Nature of EPP and TLE
EPP and/or TLE is a skill-based subject, therefore the teacher
must follow the principles of teaching in handling this subject.

* Teachers must engage pupils in an

experiential, contextualized and
authentic teaching-learning process.
* It is a subject in which pupils learn
best by doing.
The Nature of EPP and TLE 1
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (E.P.P.) covers the key
standards in:
Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
Home Economics (H.E.)
Agriculture (AG) and
Industrial Arts (I.A.).

These areas provide important skills

that can arm against laziness and
Components of EPP/TLE Groupings
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan equips pupils
with skills for lifelong learning. It is focus on the mastery
of skills and processes.
Without the right work values it is anemic and dangerous.
An effective E.P.P. lesson is one that is founded
on the cognitive, behavioral or psychomotor, and
affective dimensions of human development.
Therefore teaching E.P.P. means teaching facts,
concepts, skills and values in their entirety.
The Legal Bases of Teaching TLE and EPP
1987 Constitution Art. II, Section 17

It is declared policy of the state to “give priority to education, science and

technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism,
accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and
RA 10647 An Act strengthening the ladderized Interface
Between Technical – Vocational Education and Training Higher
Education (November 21, 2014)

“It’s hereby declared the policy of the state to institutionalize the

ladderized interface between Technical-Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) and higher education to open the pathways of
opportunities for career and educational progression of students and
Intended Outcomes of the Teaching EPP and TLE / Learning Area Standard

The teaching and learning of TLE ultimately leads to

higher education middle level power.

Entrepreneurship leads to employment.

Agricultural, Fishery Arts, Industrial Arts, Home
Economics and ICT lead to technological
Technological Proficiency – is the
ability to apply the technical knowledge
and skills and values learned in the four
Key Stages Standards
Grade 4 – 6 : The learner demonstrate an understanding of the basic
knowledge and skills in ICT, Agriculture, Home Economics, and Industrial
Arts towards the improvement of personal life, family, and community. Skills
in entrepreneurship is also included in the later phase.
Grade 4 – Basic concepts in agriculture, entrepreneurship and ICT,
home economics, industrial arts to improve self and family life.

Grade 5 – Increase knowledge in agriculture, entrepreneurship and ICT,

home economics, industrial arts to improve family life and the community

Grade 6 – Enhanced and expanded knowledge in agriculture,

entrepreneurship and Ict, home.economics, industrial arts to improve
family life and community.
Key Stages Standards
Grade 7 – 10 : The learner demonstrate the understanding of the basic concepts of selected TLE
course in Home Economics, Industrial Arts and ICT competencies common to TLE courses such as
use of and maintenance of tools, observing simple rules in operation, safety in the workplace,
mensuration and calculation, and interpreting technical drawings (designs and plan), and gain
socialized knowledge and skills in at least one TLE that would enable his/her to obtain NC II.

What are taught?

Grade 7 and 8 – Exploratory courses in at least 8 subjects (4 subjects in
Grade 7 and 4 in Grade 8) in the TLE areas – Agriculture, ICT, Home
Economics and Industrial Arts.
● Focus on common competencies – use and calculation, interpreting
drawing, occupational safety and health
(Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies only in Grade 8)

Grade 9 and 10 – Specialization with Personal Entrepreneurial

Competencies, environment and market, process/production and
Key Stages Standards

Grade 11 – 12: The learner demonstrate specialized technical

skills that would enable him/her to obtain NC II.

Grade 11 – Continuation of specialization started in

Grade 9; with preparing and implementing a business
plan, simple accounting and financial plan to determine
the feasibility and viability of one’s business.

Grade 12 – Continuation of specialization and

entrepreneurship as an applied track subject.
What are these NC I and and NC II?
These are the different levels of National Certificates awarded by
the Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA)
to a student who passes the assessment given the same agency.
The Two Levels of NC
1. NC 1 – a student who obtains an NC I means that he/she is able
to perform routine and predictable tasks, has little judgement and
works under supervisions.

2. NC II – a holder of NC II is one who can perform a prescribed

range and functions involving known routines and procedures.
He/she has limited choice and complexity of functions and has little
What skills do you already have relevant to the key standards of EPP/TLE1 that
are beneficial to a future teacher like you?

List them in a table similar to this.

EPP components SKILLS/ Home- Importance in
based learning teaching EPP/TLE 1

ICT (example) (example)

Encoding, typing Preparation of
learning materials


Home Economics

Industrial Arts
Activity No. 1 (10 points)

Answer the following questions:

Why are EPP/TLE1 lessons important in human development? Expound your answer.
(in not more than 3 sentences)

List down some of the home-based experiences that you have acquired and are relevant to the Teaching of EPP/TLE. (write as many as you c an)

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