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Interpreted as a person who is recognized by one or more than one person, in which the
leader is
influential, authoritative and has power. Occurs either in the long or short term in certain
situations (Al. Ramaiah, 1999)

It is an action or a series of activities performed by an individual, and the individual plays a
leadership role, using his influence on others such ashis followers towards the achievement of

Interpersonal influence, in which the individual is trained and implemented directly through the
communication process to achieve a desired success.
Leadership is a complex process in which a person is able to influence others to achieve the
mission, task or objective of an organization.

Teori Hersy
Jens Martensson 11
What is Vision
What is Vision What is Vision
in general? of Educational
As a leader, he or she
According to Bowen
must look forward
(2018), vision is Vision of educational
and see where we
future-oriented and leadership is focuses
and the company are
describes where an on a public declaration
organization would that schools or other
like to be positioned in educational
A leader with a vision
the market in 5,10,15, organizations use to
can foresees the
or 20 years’ time. describe their high-
future and can
level goals for the
remain in the present
Vision is not a dream future, what they hope
and with the vision
and not a fantasy. It is to achieve if they
also will helps a
an idealistic successfully fulfil their
leader prepare for
projection of what the organizational
the future.
company might be purpose or mission.
and might achieve.

Jens Martensson 12
Jens Martensson 13
What We Should
The Vision of Educational Leadership
The concept of vision as the most important element
in leadership and strategic planning has been
explored in many previous studies.

In educational organizations, generating vision-based

policies by leaders not only to improve the quality of
organizational achievement but also to ensure the
dynamic implementation of inevitable changes such as
technology-based change (Bates, 2000; Brayson, 2011;
Bamford & Daniel, 2005; Fullan, 2001, 2010).

As a leader in educational institutional, the leader must

have a clear vision to the institutional. The existing of
these Educational Leadership will help the institutional
to become a more effective leader in any education

Jens Martensson 14
How to Look the Effective
Educational Leadership?
According to Rutherford, 1985, There are four behaviors that
characterize an effective educational leader

Have clear, informed visions of what

Translate these visions into goals for
they want their educational institutional
their educational institutional and
to become. Visions that focus on
expectations for their teachers, students
students, teachers, staff and their needs.
and administrators.

Not stand back and wait for things to

Intervene, when necessary, in a happen, but continuously monitor
supportive or corrective manner. progress.

Jens Martensson 15
How to Plan and Develop A Vision As
An Educational Leadership?
Robbins and Coulter (2005) propose five (5) guideline for educational leadership and management in planning vision
and determining goals for educational institutional such as:

Review the mission and goals of

the organization or the educational
institutional Record goals and communicate
them with the idea of vision plan
to all stakeholders
Evaluate existing resources

Ready to develop plans to pursue

Determine goals that are
those goals with the vision
harmonized with the vision and
mission of the organization or
educational institutional in
reflecting the desired results

Jens Martensson 16
The Important of Vision to
Educational Leadership
A vision is important for educational institutional (West-
Burnham, 2010) because it:

Provides the focus for all aspects of

Helps to articulate shared beliefs and
organizational life
develop a common language, thereby
securing alignment and effective
Informs planning and the
development of policies
Characterizes the organization to the
rest of the world.
Clarifies and prioritizes the work of

Jens Martensson 17
5.3 Teachers
as a
Who are teacher-
 The definition of teacher leadership remains varied because teachers engage in such
a wide range of activities and roles that may involve leadership.
 Katzenmeyer and Moller (2001) define teacher-leader as those teachers who lead
within and beyond the classroom identify with and contribute to a community
teacher learner and leaders and influence others towards improved educational
 The role of the teachers as a leader was implemented from REACH model which is
a leadership theory.
REACH Model : Behaviour that define
Teacher- Leader

Taking Teacher
who seek challenges
and create Collegiality

new processes Teachers who promote
community and interactive
comm. skills

Teachers who model best
professional Honor
growth and
H Teachers who demonstrate
integrity and professional
Teachers who display
initiative, independent
thought and responsibility
R Risk Taking

● Introducing new teaching/learning strategies that

have participating in new systems within an
educational organization supports change
● Mistakes can also be learning experiences, and
support given by administration
● Students also benefit when they see their
taking risks, extending boundaries, and
stretching their capabilities.
E Effectiveness

 Effective teachers who exhibit best practice, professional growth, and “heart”
 Teacher-leaders must have expertise in their subject areas in order to establish
 They also need to be able to effectively carry out the following activities :

 Establish connection among disciplines

 Know a variety of teaching methodologies in order to deliver the subject to
all students
 Develop curriculum consistent with subject discipline and developmental
 Make informed choices about textbooks and materials
 Embrace technology that enhances learning
A Autonomy

 Autonomous teacher-leaders are not islands unto themselves,

but rather those who display initiative, independent thought, and
 School improvement movements have encouraged teachers to
reflect on their own classroom practice
 Teacher-leaders who show initiative practice independent
thought, see school district curriculum outlines as guides
and standards as goals.
C Collegiality

 Teacher-leaders who promote community and practice

interactive communication skills provide the cement
needed to secure the foundation of a school culture.
 Many teachers feel the isolation of their classrooms
acutely and wish this could be changed
 As defined by Sergiovanni (1992), collegiality is
reciprocal because it involves both support and
cooperation which
is give and take between professionals
H Hono
o Teacher-leaders demonstrate integrity, honesty, and professional ethics
because they understand that teaching and leadership are both linked to
o Working hard, getting to school on time, completing assignments, and
respecting teachers are all values that go to the very heart of education
Strategies for Increasing Teacher
Leadership Potential

1 2
Setting Goals Managing Conflict
You must identify your current when a conflict has been discussed
comfort levels and envision goals and settled to the satisfaction of
that are achievable, believable, and all the parties involved, the ability
credible the ABC’s of goal setting. to work cooperatively and
manage future
conflict is improved.

 The political leaders can subsidize education in several forms including school fees for low-
income parents.

 Provision of meals in schools by the political leaders could help keep students in schools.

 Providing equality in education whereby the political leaders should ensures that the public
schools offer a high quality of knowledge to the learners.

 Provision of free education could also help the needy people and the less fortunate in the

 Political leaders should ensure that teachers are well paid so that they are motivated in the
provision of their services.

 Political leaders should put in place rules that could check to eliminate outdated syllabus since
it misdirects many teachers and learners in schools (Friedman, 2015).


 Political leaders should ensure that private institutions interested in carrying out educational

activities meet certain standards.

 Political leaders should act towards empowering school leaders and teachers towards

professional responsibility and set standards and support them wholly in a quest to deliver
quality learning prospects for the learners.


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