Career Planning

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Career Planning

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

Session Outline
The session will cover
A: Interaction and presentation on (a) What is
career planning (b) When does our career planning
begins (c) Who shapes our career (d) Individual
experience on how you arrive at the present
position (e) When should we plan plan our career
B: Individual Career Planning Exercise
Session Duration: 2.30 to 3 Hours
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
Definition of Career and Career
 A career may be defined as ‘ a sequence of jobs
that constitute what a person does for a living’ at
any point of time.
  Career planning implies: Structured exercise
undertaken to identify one's objectives,
marketable skills, strengths, and weaknesses,
etc., as a part of one's career management in a
longer term.
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
Definition of Career and Career
 Career Planning: Is moving from a current
state to a desired future situation through sets of
interventions or actions
 Career Planning means: Working out on (a)
who we are (b) Where we are now (c) where do
we want to go (d) how do we go there and (e)
how do we know that we have arrived

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

When Does Career Planning Begins
 Career Planning begins as soon as we are born
 Our career is planned by our parents and we are
brought up by parents the way they wish to
shape our career
 Our relatives also play vital role in planning our
career (Career Counseling) and later we are
involved as we are aware about it
 Career is shaped as time goes on.
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
When can we plan our career

 Can we plan it now? Or can we plan at fifties?

Or let the career be shaped on its own (no
 Who can help you to plan your career?
 How long do you think you will continue your
career (till what age)?

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

Sharing Individual Experiences

 How have you reached current position and

who helped to shape your career
 What do you think will be the scenario of your
career in ten years from now?.

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

Situation if you don’t plan your
career now?
Story of an Eagle

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

Problem Tree (Example)
f Low Profile Career (Earlier Retirement)
No Charm in Career
s Frustration Dissatisfied

Stagnant growth Changing Job

problem No Career Plan
No Idea to Plan Let me see No idea on
s opportunities
s No one to guide Not Serious
No Information
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
Objective Tree (Example)
f High Profile Career (Retired not tired))
Charm in Career
s Enthusiastic Job Satisfaction

Continuous growth Challenging Job

problem Good Career Plan
a Idea to Plan Better career Can see
u opportunities
e Good guidance Serious
s Well Informed
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
Do you wish to plan your career

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
The Six Thinking Hats
Creative Way to Solve Problem

 White Hat: Facts and Figures (truth nothing

but the truth).
 Red Hat: Opinion thoughts, feelings, passion
and emotions.
 Yellow Hat: Positive nothing but positive or
only benefits

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

The Six Thinking Hats
Creative Way to Solve Problem

 Black Hat: Negative and see only

disadvantages (cautious)
 Green Hat: Creative, innovative, ideas for
doing better
 Blue Hat: Overarching ideas, looking into
broader perspective, directing managing and
leading etc.
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
Career Planning Exercise

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

Career Planning Exercise
Step by Step
 Step I: Write who am I: (few facts and figures
about yourself to identify your self). Share with
 Step II: Write where am I now: In terms of
current strengths and weaknesses and future
opportunities and challenges. Share with friends
 Note: Work Pairwise if possible
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
Career Planning Exercise
Step by Step
 Step III: Where will I be in 5/10 years from
now: If the strengths are utilized, weaknesses are
minimized, opportunities are cashed and
challenges are overcome what will your future
scenario (to be written bullet points).
 Step IV: Preparing Action Plan: Annual Action
plan to be prepared to achieve the future
Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018
Action Plan
S.N Annual Goals Major Actions Time Responsible Remarks
o Schedule Main/Support

1 Goal One 1.1

2 Goal Two

3 Goal Three

4 Goal Four

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

 If we prepare our career plan as presented above
there will be smooth transition in our career.
 It will make us productive, independent, and
useful to the society and nation.
 Life will be interesting and enjoyable
 Will end up with High Profile Career
 And will not be a burden to society, nation and
children after retirement

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

Take your career to a greater
height. All the best and good luck.

Prafulla Pradhan: City Planning Office KMC 20th July 2018

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