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Right-angled triangles (Trigonometry)

• interpret three-figure bearings (eg 035°, 225°) and

compass bearings (eg SSW)
• solve a variety of practical problems involving bearings,
including problems for which a diagram is not provided
 draw diagrams to assist in solving practical
problems involving bearings

Ex 3J

True Bearings
A bearing is the direction of a point from a starting point.

A true bearing is measured from North in a clockwise direction.

True bearings always have three figures.

Properties of true bearings:
1) Measured clockwise from North
2) Always have 3 figures

What is the three figure bearing of B from A?

Properties of true bearings:
1) Measured clockwise from North
2) Always have 3 figures

What is the three figure bearing of B from A?

Properties of true bearings:
1) Measured clockwise from North
2) Always have 3 figures

What is the three figure bearing of B from A?

Properties of true bearings:
1) Measured clockwise from North
2) Always have 3 figures

What is the three figure bearing of B from A?

Properties of true bearings:
1) Measured clockwise from North
2) Always have 3 figures

What is the three figure bearing of B from A?

True Bearings (Three-figure Bearings)

True bearings are

always measured
clockwise from North


Here is an example of
a true bearing of 060

Here is an
example of a N
bearing of 125°

In which 125°

direction would W E

be a bearing of 225°

225 ?
What would be the 3-figure
value for this bearing? N

Remember all 3-figure

bearings must be measured 30

clockwise from North, so.... W E

And this big red angle is..... 330°

360 – 30 = 330 !! S
Let’s Practise
Compass Bearings
A bearing is the direction of a point from a starting point.

A compass bearing always starts from the North/South axis and

measures the turning towards the East or West.

315º N 045º

270º W E 090º

225º S 135º
Compass Bearings

Always begins with N or S
Always ends with E or W 30°

To draw a bearing N 30° E. E


Beginning at O, point to the

north direction, but turn to the
east 30°.
Properties of compass bearings:
1) Measured from North or south
2) Then how far east or west?

What is the compass bearing of B from A?

Properties of compass bearings:
1) Measured from North or south
2) Then how far east or west?
What is the compass bearing of B from A?
Properties of compass bearings:
1) Measured from North or south
2) Then how far east or west?

What is the compass bearing of B from A?

Properties of compass bearings:
1) Measured from North or south
2) Then how far east or west?

What is the compass bearing of B from A?

Properties of compass bearings:
1) Measured from North or south
2) Then how far east or west?

What is the compass bearing of B from A?

Copy into books & Try yourself
Compass Bearings
To draw a bearing S72°W.
Begin at O, point south, but N

turn west 72°.

What is this as a 3-figure
bearing? W E

72° 252°

Make the arc clockwise

from N
Its size is 72 + 180 = 252° S

Practice questions
Ex 3J pg206
Q3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
Extn (Optional):

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