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Database Concepts Leo Mark

Leo Mark College of Computing Georgia Tech
(January 1999)
Database Concepts Leo Mark

Course Contents
q q q q q q q q q q

Introduction Database Terminology Data Model Overview Database Architecture Database Management System Architecture Database Capabilities People That Work With Databases The Database Market Emerging Database Technologies What You Will Be Able To Learn More About

Database Concepts Leo Mark

q q q q q q q q q q

What a Database Is and Is Not Models of Reality Why use Models? A Map Is a Model of Reality A Message to Map Makers When to Use a DBMS? Data Modeling Process Modeling Database Design Abstraction

Database Concepts Leo Mark

What a Database Is and Is Not

The word database is commonly used to refer to any of the following:
q q q q

your personal address book in a Word document a collection of Word documents a collection of Excel Spreadsheets a very large flat file on which you run some statistical analysis functions data collected, maintained, and used in airline reservation data used to support the launch of a space shuttle

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Models of Reality

A database is a model of structures of reality q The use of a database reflect processes of reality q A database system is a software system which supports the definition and use of a database q DDL: Data Definition Language q DML: Data Manipulation Language Database Concepts
Leo Mark

Why Use Models?


Models can be useful when we want to examine or manage part of the real world The costs of using a model are often considerably lower than the costs of using or experimenting with the real world itself Examples:
airplane simulator nuclear power plant simulator flood warning system model of US economy model of a heat reservoir map

Database Concepts Leo Mark

A Map Is a Model of Reality

Database Concepts Leo Mark

A Message to Map Makers

q q

q q q q

A model is a means of communication Users of a model must have a certain amount of knowledge in common A model on emphasized selected aspects A model is described in some language A model can be erroneous A message to map makers: Highways are not painted red, rivers dont have county lines running down the middle, and you cant see contour lines on a mountain [Kent 78]

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Use a DBMS when this is important

q q q q

Do not use a DBMS when


q q q q q

persistent storage of data centralized control of data control of redundancy control of consistency and integrity multiple user support sharing of data data documentation data independence control of access and security backup and recovery

Database Concepts Leo Mark

the initial investment in hardware, software, and training is too high the generality a DBMS provides is not needed the overhead for security, concurrency control, and recovery is too high data and applications are simple and stable real-time requirements cannot be met by it multiple user access is not needed

Data Modeling
REALITY structures processes DATABASE SYSTEM MODEL data modeling

The model represents a perception of structures of reality The data modeling process is to fix a perception of structures of reality and represent this perception In the data modeling process we select aspects and we abstract

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Process Modeling
REALITY structures processes process modeling DATABASE SYSTEM MODEL

q q

The use of the model reflects processes of reality Processes may be represented by programs with embedded database queries and updates Processes may be represented by ad-hoc database queries and updates at run-time

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Database Design
The purpose of database design is to create a database which
q q

is a model of structures of reality supports queries and updates modeling processes of reality runs efficiently

Database Concepts Leo Mark

It is very important that the language used for data representation supports abstraction We will discuss three kinds of abstraction:
q q q

Classification Aggregation Generalization

Database Concepts Leo Mark

In a classification we form a concept in a way which allows us to decide whether or not a given phenomena is a member of the extension of the concept. CUSTOMER

Tom Ed Nick ... Liz Joe Louise

Database Concepts Leo Mark

In an aggregation we form a concept from existing concepts. The phenomena that are members of the new concepts extension are composed of phenomena from the extensions of the existing concepts AIRPLANE WING ENGINE
Database Concepts Leo Mark


In a generalization we form a new concept by emphasizing common aspects of existing concepts, leaving out special aspects CUSTOMER 1 CLASS



Database Concepts Leo Mark

Generalization (cont.)
Subclasses may overlap CUSTOMER BUSINESS 1 CLASS CLASS

Subclasses may have multiple superclasses


Database Concepts Leo Mark



Relationships Between Abstractions




T intension

extension O Concretization exemplification decomposition specialization

O Abstraction classification aggregation generalization

Database Concepts Leo Mark

q q q q q q q

Data Models Keys and Identifiers Integrity and Consistency Triggers and Stored Procedures Null Values Normalization Surrogates - Things and Names

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Data Model
A d tamd l a oe
q q q

c n is o n ta n fo e p s in : o s ts f o tio s r x re s g

data structures integrity constraints operations

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Data Model - Data Structures

A d tamd lsh v n ta nfo d fin g ll a o e a e o tio r e in : q attribute types q entity types q relationship types

F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 22 4
Database Concepts Leo Mark

D P -A P R E T IR O T AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av u sair WE D Y EKA m o w e fr m o P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 21 3 F IG T L H# 11 0 92 1 55 4 A P R -C D IR O T O E atl cp h lax

Data Model - Constraints

Cn tra tse p s ru sth t c n o b e p s e b th o s in x re s le a a n t e x re s d y e d tas c re a n : a tru tu s lo e q Static constraints apply to database state
q q

Dynamic constraints apply to change of database state E.g., All FLIGHT-SCHEDULE entities must have precisely one DEPT-AIRPORT relationship
F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 22 4 AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av u sair WE D Y EKA m o w e fr m o P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 21 3 D P -A P R E T IR O T F IG T L H# 11 0 92 1 55 4 22 4 A P R -C D IR O T O E atl cp h lax bs o

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Data Model - Operations

Oe tio ss p o c a g a dre v l o d ta p ra n u p rt h n e n trie a f a : q insert FLIGHT-SCHEDULE(97, delta, tu, 258); insert DEPT-AIRPORT(97, atl); q select FLIGHT#, WEEKDAY from FLIGHT-SCHEDULE where AIRLINE=delta;
F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 22 4
Database Concepts 9 7 Leo Mark

D P -A P R E T IR O T AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av u sair d elta WE D Y EKA m o w e fr m o tu P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 21 3 28 5 F IG T L H# 11 0 92 1 55 4 22 4 9 7 A P R -C D IR O T O E atl cp h lax bs o atl

Data Model - Operations from Programs

declare C cursor for select FLIGHT#, WEEKDAY from FLIGHT-SCHEDULE where AIRLINE=delta; open C; repeat fetch C into :FLIGHT#, :WEEKDAY; do your thing; until done; close C;
F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 22 4 9 7 AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av u sair d elta WE D Y EKA m o w e fr m o tu P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 21 3 28 5

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Keys and Identifiers

K y (o id n rs a u iq e e sc n tra ts e s r e tifie ) re n u n s o s in q A key on FLIGHT# in FLIGHT-SCHEDULE will force all FLIGHT#s to be unique in FLIGHT-SCHEDULE q Consider the following keys on DEPT-AIRPORT:

F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 22 4
Database Concepts Leo Mark

D P -A P R E T IR O T AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av u sair WE D Y EKA m o w e fr m o P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 21 3 F IG T L H# 11 0 92 1 55 4 22 4 A P R -C D IR O T O E atl cp h lax bs o

Integrity and Consistency

q q

Integrity: does the model reflect reality well? Consistency: is the model without internal conflicts? a FLIGHT# in FLIGHT-SCHEDULE cannot be null because it models the existence of an entity in the real world a FLIGHT# in DEPT-AIRPORT must exist in FLIGHT-SCHEDULE because it doesnt make sense for a non-existing FLIGHTSCHEDULE entity to have a DEPT-AIRPORT
F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av u sair WE D Y EKA m o w e fr m o P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 21 3 D P -A P R E T IR O T F IG T L H# 11 0 92 1 55 4 22 4 A P R -C D IR O T O E atl cp h lax bs o

q q

Database Concepts 22 4 Leo Mark

Triggers and Stored Procedures


Triggers can be defined to enforce constraints on a database, e.g.,


F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 22 4
Database Concepts Leo Mark

D P -A P R E T IR O T AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av u sair WE D Y EKA m o w e fr m o P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 21 3 F IG T L H# 11 0 92 1 55 4 22 4 A P R -C D IR O T O E atl cp h lax bs o

Null Values

123-45-6789 234-56-7890 345-67-8901



Lisa Smith Lisa Jones George Foreman inapplicable unknown Mary Blake




inapplicable drafted inapplicable

Null-value unknown reflects that the attribute does apply, but the value is currently unknown. Thats ok! q Null-value inapplicable indicates that the attribute does not apply. Thats bad! q Null-value inapplicable results from the direct use of catch all forms in database design. q Catch all forms are ok in reality, but detrimental in database design. Database Concepts
Leo Mark

F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# F IG T E K A L H -WE D Y AL E IR IN d elta WE D Y EKAS m,fr o m,w o e,fr fr P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5 F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 11 0 F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 11 0 55 4 55 4
Database Concepts Leo Mark

u no nr mli 11 0 a ze d
55 4 92 1

WE D Y EKA m o m o fr fr w e fr

am erican scan in ian d av

55 4 AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av d elta am erican am erican WE D Y EKA m o m o fr fr w e fr P IC RE 16 5 10 1 F IG T C E U E L H -S H D L F IG T L H# 11 0 55 4 92 1 AL E IR IN d elta am erican scan in ian d av 55 4

just righ t!
P IC RE 16 5 10 1 40 5

redu nda nt

40 5 16 5 10 1 10 1

Surrogates - Things and Names

name custom# addr customer
custom# name addr


name-based representation

name custom# addr customer
customer custom# name addr


surrogate-based representation

name-based: a thing is what we know about it q surrogate-based: Das ding an sich [Kant] q surrogates are system-generated, unique, internal identifiers Database Concepts
Leo Mark


q q q q q q

ER-Model Hierarchical Model Network Model Inverted Model - ADABAS Relational Model Object-Oriented Model(s)

Database Concepts Leo Mark

q q q

Data Structures Integrity Constraints Operations

q q

The ER-Model is extremely successful as a database design model Translation algorithms to many data models Commercial database design tools, e.g., ERwin No generally accepted query language No database system is based on the model

Database Concepts Leo Mark

ER-Model - Data Structures

en ty e tity p

co p site mo relatio sh n ip ty e p attrib te u

attrib te u

su set b relatio sh n ip

mltiv ed u alu attrib te u

ty e p

d ed eriv
Database Concepts Leo Mark

attrib te u

ER-Model - Integrity Constraints

E 1 1 R n E 2 A

ca in lity 1 fo E:E inR rd a : :n r 1 2

(m ,m ) in ax E 1 R E 2

k a u ey ttrib te

(m ,mx p rticip tio o E inR in a ) a a n f 2

E 1 R E 2

E 1 d x p

E 2 d in isjo t ex sio clu n p rtitio a n

E 3

to l p rticip tio o E inR ta a a n f 2

E 1 R

E 2

w ken ty eE; en in ea tity p 2 Database Concepts id tify g Leo Mark

ER Model - Example
dt ep tim e airp rt o n e am airp rt o ad r d airp rt o co e d 1 airp rt o 1 street city zip arriv tim e cu m sto er# cu m sto er n e am reserv atio n d ate n cu m sto er n n flig t h in ce stan arriv airp rt o n 1 in ce stan o f dt ep airp rt o n p flig t h sch u ed le dm o estic flig t h

v isa req ired u

in atio al tern n flig t h

w ds eek ay

flig t# h

Database Concepts Leo Mark

ER-Model - Operations

Several navigational query languages have been proposed A closed query language as powerful as relational languages has not been developed None of the proposed query languages has been generally accepted

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Hierarchical Model
q q q

Data Structures Integrity Constraints Operations

Commercial systems include IBMs IMS, MRIs System-2000 (now sold by SAS), and CDCs MARS IV

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Hierarchical Model - Data Structures

flig t-sch h ed flig t# h flig t-in h st d ate cu m sto er cu m sto er# d t-airp ep airp rt-co e o d cu m n e sto er am arriv -airp airp rt-co e o d

record types: flight-schedule, flight-instance, etc. q field types: flight#, date, customer#, etc. q parent-child relationship types (1:n only!!): (flight-sched,flight-inst), (flight-inst,customer) q one record type is the root, all other record types is a child of one parent record type only q substantial duplication of customer instances q asymmetrical model of n:m relationship types
Database Concepts Leo Mark

Hierarchical Model - Data Structures - virtual records

cu m sto er cu m sto er# cu m n e sto er am P flig t-sch h ed flig t# h flig t-in h st d ate cu m sto erp in o ter d t-airp ep airp rt-co e o d arriv -airp airp rt-co e o d

q q

duplication of customer instances avoided still asymmetrical model of n:m relationship types

Database Concepts Leo Mark

flig t-sch h ed flig t# h flig t-in h st d ate cu m sto er cu m sto er# d t-airp ep airp rt-co e o d cu m n e sto er am

Hierarchical Model - Operations

arriv -airp airp rt-co e o d

G TU IQ Eflig t-sch (flig t# 9 2 E N U h ed h = 1 )

[sea flig t-sch ;g firstsu flig t-sch ] rch h ed et ch h ed

G TU IQ Eflig t-sch E N U h ed flig t-in (d 1 2 9 ) h st ate= 0 2 8 cu m (n e= sen sto er am Jen )

[fo ea flig t-sch r ch h ed fo ea flig t-in w d te= 0 2 8 r ch h st ith a 1 2 9 fo ea cu m w n m J sen g th firsto e] r ch sto er ith a e= en , et e n

G TU IQ Eflig t-sch E N U h ed flig t-in (d 1 2 9 ) h st ate= 0 2 8 G TN X flig t-in E E T h st

Database Concepts Leo Mark

[fo ea flig t-sch r ch h ed fo ea flig t-in w d te= 0 2 8 g th first r ch h st ith a 1 2 9 , et e g th n tflig t-in wa erth d te] et e ex h st, h tev e a

Network Model
q q q

Data Structures Integrity Constraints Operations

q q

Based on the CODASYL-DBTG 1971 report Commercial systems include, CA-IDMS and DMS-1100

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Network Model - Data Structures

Tp d g m y e ia ra Bch a D g m a mn ia ra flig t-sch u h ed le flig t# h F R reserv n atio flig t# h cu m sto er cu m sto er# R 1 d ate C R cu m n e sto er am cu m sto er# C 1 C 4 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 F 1 O rren d g m ccu ce ia ra T eS a h Md h p g etti o el F 2

q owner record types: flight-schedule, customer q member record type: reservations q DBTG-set types: FR, CR q n-m relationships cannot be modeled directly q recursive relationships cannot be modeled directly Database Concepts
Leo Mark

Network Model - Integrity Constraints


keys checks set retention options:

fixed mandatory optional

flig t-sch u h ed le flig t# h reserv n atio flig t# h

d ate

cu m sto er#

p rice

ch isp 1 0 eck rice> 0

flig t-sch u h ed le flig t# h F R reserv n atio flig t# h cu m sto er cu m sto er# F an C are R dR d ate C R cu m n e sto er am cu m sto er#

set insertion options:

fixed an a to a d u mtic

automatic manual Database Concepts

Leo Mark

Network Model - Operations


The operations in the Network Model are generic, navigational, and procedural
q ery u :
(1 fin flig t-sch u wereflig t# F ) d h ed le h h = 2 (2 fin firstreserv no F ) d atio f R (3 fin n treserv no F ) d ex atio f R F 1 (4 fin o n o C ) d wer f R R 1 R 2 F R R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6

cu cyin icato rren d rs:

(F ) 2 (R) 4 (R) 5 F 2 (C) 4

Database Concepts Leo Mark

C 1


C 4

Network Model - Operations

q q q

navigation is cumbersome; tuple-at-a-time many different currency indicators multiple copies of currency indicators may be needed if the same path is traveled twice external schemata are only sub-schemata

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Inverted Model - ADABAS

q q q

Data Structures Integrity Constraints Operations

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Model
q q q

Data Structures Integrity Constraints Operations

Commercial systems include: ORACLE, DB2, SYBASE, INFORMIX, INGRES, SQL Server Dominates the database market on all platforms

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Model - Data Structures

q q q

domains attributes relations

relatio n e n am

attrib ten es u am flig t-sch u h: flig t# ed le h in er teg d m n es o ain am

Database Concepts Leo Mark

airlin e: ch 0 ar(2 )

w d: eek ay ch ) ar(2

p rice: d ,2 ec(6 )

Relational Model - Integrity Constraints

q q q q

Keys Primary Keys Entity Integrity Referential Integrity

flig t-sch u h ed le flig t# h p reserv n atio

Database Concepts Leo Mark

cu m sto er cu m sto er# p cu m n e sto er am

flig t# h

d ate

cu m sto er#

Relational Model - Operations

q q

Powerful set-oriented query languages Relational Algebra: procedural; describes how to compute a query; operators like JOIN,

Relational Calculus: declarative; describes the desired result, e.g. SQL, QBE insert, delete, and update capabilities

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Model - Operations

tuple calculus example (SQL) select flight#, date from reservation R, customer C where R.customer#=C.customer# and customer-name=LEO; q algebra example (ISBL) ((reservation join customer) where customername=LEO) [flight#, date]; q domain calculus example (QBE)
reserv n atio flig t# h .P
Database Concepts Leo Mark

d ate .P

cu m sto er#

cu m sto er cu m sto er#

cu m am sto er-n e

_ c

_ c

Object-Oriented Model(s)
q q q

based on the object-oriented paradigm, e.g., Simula, Smalltalk, C++, Java area is in a state of flux object-oriented model has object-oriented repository model; adds persistence and database capabilities; (see ODMG-93, ODL, OQL) object-oriented commercial systems include GemStone, Ontos, Orion-2, Statice, Versant, O2

object-relational model has relational repository model; adds object-oriented features; (see SQL3) q object-relational commercial systems include Starburst, POSTGRES Database Concepts
Leo Mark

Object-Oriented Paradigm
q q q q q q q q q q q q q

object class object attributes, primitive types, values object interface, methods; body, implementations messages; invoke methods; give method name and parameters; return a value encapsulation visible and hidden attributes and methods object instance; object constructor & destructor object identifier, immutable complex objects; multimedia objects; extensible type system subclasses; inheritance; multiple inheritance operator overloading references represent relationships transient & persistent objects

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Object-Oriented Model - Structures

class flight-schedule { type tuple (flight#: integer, weekdays: set ( weekday: enumeration {mo,tu,we,th,fr,sa,su}) dept-airport: airport, arriv-airport: airport) method reschedule(new-dept: airport, new-arriv: airport)} class international-flight inherit flight-schedule { type tuple (visa-required:string) method change-visa-requirement(v: string): boolean} /* the reschedule method is inherited by international-flight; */ /* when reschedule is invoked in international-flight it may */ /* also invoke change-visa-requirement */

O2-like syntax

Database Concepts Leo Mark

class flight-instance { type tuple (flight-date: tuple ( year: integer, month: integer, day: integer); instance-of: flight-schedule, passengers: set (customer) inv customer::reservations) method add-passenger(new-passenger:customer):boolean, /*adds to passengers; invokes customer.make-reservation */ remove-passenger(passenger: customer):boolean} /*removes from passengers; invokes customer.cancel-reservation*/ class customer { type tuple (customer#: integer, customer-name: tuple ( fname: string, lname: string) reservations: set (flight-instance) inv flight-instance::passengers) method make-reservation(new-reservation: flight-instance): boolean, cancel-reservation(reservation: flight-instance): boolean}

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Object-Oriented Model - Updates

class customer { type tuple (customer#: integer,

O2-like syntax

customer-name: tuple ( fname: string, lname: string) reservations: set (flight-instance) inv flight-instance::passengers) main () { transaction::begin(); all-customers: set( customer); /*makes persistent root to hold all customers */ customer c= new customer; /*creates new customer object */ c= tuple (customer#: 111223333, customer-name: tuple( fname: Leo, lname: Mark)); all-customers += set( c); transaction::commit();}
Database Concepts Leo Mark

/*c becomes persistent by attaching to root */

Object-Oriented Model - Queries

O2-like syntax
Find the customer#s of all customers with first name Leo select tuple (c#: c.customer#) from c in customer where c.customer-name.fname = Leo; Find passenger lists, each with a flight# and a list of customer names, for flights out of Atlanta on October 22, 1998 select tuple(flight#: f.instance-of.flight#, passengers: select( tuple( c.customer#, c.customer-name.lname))) from f in flight-instance, c in f.passengers where f.flight-date=(1998, 10, 22) and f.instance-of.dept-airport.airport-code=Atlanta;
Database Concepts Leo Mark

q q q

ANSI/SPARC 3-Level DB Architecture Metadata - What is it? Why is it important? ISO Information Resource Dictionary System (ISO-IRDS)

Database Concepts Leo Mark

ANSI/SPARC 3-Level DB Architecture - separating concerns


database system database


database system schema schema data data

q q q q

Database Concepts Leo Mark

a database is divided into schema and data the schema describes the intension (types) the data describes the extension (data) Why? Effective! Efficient!

ANSI/SPARC 3-Level DB Architecture - separating concerns

schema schema data data schema schema internal schema internal schema

data data

external schema external schema

conceptual schema conceptual schema

internal schema internal schema

data data
Database Concepts Leo Mark

ANSI/SPARC 3-Level DB Architecture

external external schema11 schema external external schema22 schema conceptual conceptual schema schema internal internal schema schema
external schema: use of data conceptual schema: meaning of data internal schema: storage of data

external external schema33 schema

database database
Database Concepts Leo Mark

Conceptual Schema

Describes all conceptually relevant, general, timeinvariant structural aspects of the universe of discourse Excludes aspects of data representation and physical organization, and access

An object-oriented conceptual schema would also describe all process aspects

Database Concepts Leo Mark

External Schema

Describes parts of the information in the conceptual schema in a form convenient to a particular user groups view Is derived from the conceptual schema

Database Concepts Leo Mark


Internal Schema

Describes how the information described in the conceptual schema is physically represented to provide the overall best performance


B+-tree on AGE

index on NAME



Database Concepts Leo Mark

Physical Data Independence

external external schema11 schema external external schema22 schema conceptual conceptual schema schema internal internal schema schema external external schema33 schema

database database
Database Concepts Leo Mark

Physical data independence is a measure of how much the internal schema can change without affecting the application programs

Logical Data Independence

external external schema11 schema external external schema22 schema conceptual conceptual schema schema internal internal schema schema external external schema33 schema

database database
Database Concepts Leo Mark

Logical data independence is a measure of how much the conceptual schema can change without affecting the application programs

Schema Compiler
The schema compiler compiles schemata and stores them in the metadatabase



Catalog Data Dictionary Metadatabase

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Query Transformer
Uses metadata to transform a query at the external schema level to a query at the storage level


query query transformer


Database Concepts Leo Mark


enterprise administrator 1 database administrator 13 14 internal schema processor metadata 36 30 storage internal transformer internal conceptual transformer 31 conceptual external transformer 3 conceptual schema processor 2 5 external schema processor 38 12 user 3 application system administrator 4

query transformer

schema compiler

34 21 data

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Metadata - What is it?


System metadata:
Where data came from How data were changed How data are stored How data are mapped Who owns data Who can access data Data usage history Data usage statistics

Business metadata:
What data are available Where data are located What the data mean How to access the data Predefined reports Predefined queries How current the data are

Metadata - Why is it important?

q q

System metadata are critical in a DBMS Business metadata are critical in a data warehouse

Database Concepts Leo Mark

q q q

q q

Are metadata different from data? Are metadata and data stored separately? Are metadata and data described by different models? Is there a schema for metadata? A metaschema? Are metadata and data changed through different interfaces? Can a schema be changed on-line? How does a schema change affect data?

Database Concepts Leo Mark

ISO-IRDS Architecture


metaschema; describes all schemata that can be defined in the data model data dictionary schema; contains copy of metaschema; schema for format definitions; schema for data about application data data dictionary data; schema for application data; data about application data raw formatted application data

data dictionary schema data dictionary data data

Database Concepts Leo Mark

ISO-IRDS - example
relations rel-name att-name dom-name

data dictionary schema data dictionary

access-rights user relation relations rel-name


att-name dom-name

(u1, supplier, insert) (u2, supplier, delete) supplier s# sname (s1, smith, london) (s2, jones, boston)



Database Concepts Leo Mark


q q q q q q q q

Teleprocessing Database File-Sharing Database Client-Server Database - Basic Client-Server Database - w/Caching Distributed Database Federated Database Multi-Database Parallel Databases

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Teleprocessing Database
dumb terminal dumb terminal dumb terminal

communication lines



Database Concepts Leo Mark

Teleprocessing Database characteristics

q q q q

q q

Dumb terminals APs, DBMS, and DB reside on central computer Communication lines are typically phone lines Screen formatting transmitted via communication lines User interface character oriented and primitive Dumb terminals are gradually being replaced by micros

Database Concepts Leo Mark

File-Sharing Database



file server micro database


Database Concepts Leo Mark

File-Sharing Database characteristics

q q q q

APs and DBMS on client micros File-Server on server micro Clients and file-server communicate via LAN Substantial traffic on LAN because large files (and indices) must be sent to DBMS on clients for processing Substantial lock contention for extended periods of time for the same reason Good for extensive query processing on downloaded snapshot data Bad for high-volume transaction processing

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Client-Server Database - Basic


micros LAN


micro(s) or mainframe


Database Concepts Leo Mark

Client-Server Database - Basic characteristics

q q q q

APs on client micros Database-server on micro or mainframe Multiple servers possible; no data replication Clients and database-server communicate via LAN Considerably less traffic on LAN than with file-server Considerably less lock contention than with file-server

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Client-Server Database - w/Caching





micro(s) or mainframe


Database Concepts Leo Mark

Client-Server Database w/Caching - characteristics

q q q q q q

DBMS on server and clients Database-server is primary update site Downloaded queries are cached on clients Change logs are downloaded on demand Cached queries are updated incrementally Less traffic on LAN than with basic clientserver database because only initial query result is downloaded followed by change logs Less lock contention than with basic clientserver database for same reason

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Distributed Database

micros(s) or mainframes network


external conceptual internal


Database Concepts Leo Mark



Distributed Database characteristics

q q q q q q q q

APs and DDBMS on multiple micros or mainframes One distributed database Communication via LAN or WAN Horizontal and/or vertical data fragmentation Replicated or non-replicated fragment allocation Fragmentation and replication transparency Data replication improves query processing Data replication increases lock contention and slows down update transactions

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Distributed Database - Alternatives

increasing cost, complexity, difficulty of control, security risk increasing parallelism, independence, flexibility, availability

partitioned non-replicated





non-partitioned replicated



partitioned replicated

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Federated Database

micros(s) or mainframes network

federation schema export schema1 conceptual1 internal1 export schema2 conceptual2 internal2 export schema3 conceptual3 internal3

Database Concepts Leo Mark



Federated Database characteristics

q q

Each federate has a set of APs, a DDBMS, and a DB Part of a federates database is exported, i.e., accessible to the federation The union of the exported databases constitutes the federated database Federates will respond to query and update requests from other federates Federates have more autonomy than with a traditional distributed database

Database Concepts Leo Mark



micros(s) or mainframes network, e.g


conceptual1 internal1

conceptual2 internal2

conceptual3 internal3

Database Concepts Leo Mark



Multi-Database - characteristics

A multi-database is a distributed database without a shared schema A multi-DBMS provides a language for accessing multiple databases from its APs A multi-DBMS accesses other databases via a network, like the www Participants in a multi-database may respond to query and update requests from other participants Participants in a multi-database have the highest possible level of autonomy

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Parallel Databases

A database in which a single query may be executed by multiple processors working together in parallel There are three types of systems:
Shared memory Shared disk Shared nothing

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Parallel Databases - Shared Memory



processors share memory via bus extremely efficient processor communication via memory writes bus becomes the bottleneck not scalable beyond 32 or 64 processors


p cesso ro r mo emry d isk

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Parallel Databases - Shared Disk


q q


Database Concepts Leo Mark

processors share disk via interconnection network memory bus not a bottleneck fault tolerance wrt. processor or memory failure scales better than shared memory interconnection network to disk subsystem is a bottleneck used in ORACLE Rdb

Parallel Databases - Shared Nothing



scales better than shared memory and shared disk main drawbacks:
higher processor communication cost higher cost of non-local disk access

used in the Teradata database machine

Database Concepts Leo Mark

RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks


disk striping improves performance via parallelism (assume 4 disks worth of data is stored)

q q

disk mirroring improves reliability via redundancy (assume 4 disks worth of data is stored) mirroring: via copy of data (c); via bit parity (p)

Database Concepts Leo Mark

q q q q q q q

Data Storage Queries Optimization Indexing Concurrency Control Recovery Security

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Data Storage
q q q q q

Disk management File management Buffer management Garbage collection Compression

Database Concepts Leo Mark

SQL queries are composed from the following:

Point Range Conjunction Disjunction

Set operations
Cartesian Product Union Intersection Set Difference

Natural join Equi join Theta join Outer join

Duplicate elimination Sorting Built-in functions: count, sum, avg, min, max


Recursive (not in SQL)

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Query Optimization
select flight#, date from reserv R, cust C where R.cust#=C.cust# and cust-name=LEO;
reserv flig t# h cu m sto er cu st# d ate cu st#

10,000 reserv blocks 3,000 cust blocks 30 Leo blocks

cu am st-n e

fligh d t#, ate

flig t# d h , ate

cost: 10,000x30
cu e= eo st-nam L

cost: 10,000x3,000

cu st#

cu am L st-n e= eo

Database Concepts Leo Mark





cost: 3,000

Query Optimization
q q q q q

Database statistics Query statistics Index information Algebraic manipulation Join strategies
Nested loops Sort-merge Index-based Hash-based

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Why Bother? q Disk access time: 0.01-0.03 sec q Memory access time: 0.000001-0.000003 sec q Databases are I/O bound q Rate of improvement of (memory access time)/(disk access time) >>1 q Things wont get better anytime soon! Indexing helps reduce I/O !
Database Concepts Leo Mark

Indexing (cont.)
q q q

Clustering vs. non-clustering Primary and secondary indices I/O cost for lookup:
Heap: Sorted file: Single-level index: Multi-level index; B+-tree: Hashing: N/2 log2(N) log2(n)+1 logfanout(n)+1 2-3

View caching; incremental computation

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Concurrency Control
flig t-in h st flig t# h d ate # ail-seats av reserv flig t# h d ate cu m sto er#

T1: read(flight-inst(flight#,date) seats:=#avail-seats if seats>0 then { seats:=seats-1

T2: read(flight-inst(flight#,date) seats:=#avail-seats if seats>0 then { seats:=seats-1 write(reserv(flight#,date,customer2)) write(flight-inst(flight#,date,seats))}

write(reserv(flight#,date,customer1)) write(flight-inst(flight#,date,seats))}

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Concurrency Control (cont.)

ACID Transactions: q An ACID transaction is a sequence of database operations that has the following properties: q Atomicity
Either all operations are carries out, or none is This property is the responsibility of the concurrency control and the recovery sub-systems

A transaction maps a correct database state to another correct state This requires that the transaction is correct, which is the responsibility of the application programmer

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Concurrency Control (cont.)


Although multiple transactions execute concurrently, i.e. interleaved, not parallel, they appear to execute sequentially This is the responsibility of the concurrency control subsystem

The effect of a completed transaction is permanent This is the responsibility of the recovery manager

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Concurrency Control (cont.)

q q

Serializability is a good definition of correctness A variety of concurrency control protocols exist

Two-phase (2PL) locking
q q q

deadlock and livelock possible deadlock prevention: wait-die, wound-wait deadlock detection: rollback a transaction

Optimistic protocol: proceed optimistically; back up and repair if needed Pessimistic protocol: do not proceed until knowing that no back up is needed

Database Concepts Leo Mark

reserv flig t# h d ate cu m sto er# flig t-in h st flig t# h d ate # ail-seats av

102298 change-reservation(DL212,102298,DL212,102398,C) read(flight-inst(DL212,102298) #avail-seats:=#avail-seats+1 update(flight-inst(DL212,102298,#avail-seats) read(flight-inst(DL212,102398) #avail-seats:=#avail-seats-1 update(flight-inst(DL212,102398,#avail-seats) update(reserv(DL212,102298,C,DL212,102398,C)

Database Concepts Leo Mark

102398 50 50 50 50 50 50 49 49

100 100 100 101 101 101 101 101

Recovery (cont.)
Storage types:
q q

Volatile: main memory Nonvolatile: disk

q q q

Logical error: transaction fails; e.g. bad input, overflow System error: transaction fails; e.g. deadlock System crash: power failure; main memory lost, disk survives Disk failure: head crash, sabotage, fire; disk lost

What to do?
Database Concepts Leo Mark

Recovery (cont.)

Deferred update (NO-UNDO/REDO):

dont change database until ready to commit write-ahead to log to disk change the database q Immediate update (UNDO/NO-REDO): write-ahead to log on disk update database anytime commit not allowed until database is completely updated q Immediate update (UNDO/REDO): write-ahead to log on disk update database anytime commit allowed before database is completely updated q Shadow paging (NO-UNDO/NO-REDO): write-ahead to log in disk keep shadow page; update copy only; swap at commit Database Concepts
Leo Mark

DAC: Discretionary Access Control q is used to grant/revoke privileges to users, including access to files, records, fields (read, write, update mode) MAC: Mandatory Access Control q is used to enforce multilevel security by classifying data and users into security levels and allowing users access to data at their own or lower levels only

Database Concepts Leo Mark


q q q q q

System Analysts Database Designers Application Developers Database Administrators End Users

Database Concepts Leo Mark

System Analysts

communicate with each prospective database user group in order to understand its
information needs processing needs

develop a specification of each user groups information and processing needs develop a specification integrating the information and processing needs of the user groups document the specification

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Database Designers

choose appropriate structures to represent the information specified by the system analysts choose appropriate structures to store the information in a normalized manner in order to guarantee integrity and consistency of data choose appropriate structures to guarantee an efficient system document the database design

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Application Developers
q q

implement the database design implement the application programs to meet the program specifications test and debug the database implementation and the application programs document the database implementation and the application programs

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Database Administrators

Manage the database structure

participate in database and application development assist in requirement analysis participate in database design and creation develop procedures for integrity and quality of data facilitate changes to database structure seek communitywide solutions assess impact on all users provide configuration control be prepared for problems after changes are made maintain documentation

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Database Administrators (cont.)


Manage data activity

establish database standards consistent with data administration standards establish and maintain data dictionary establish data proponencies work with data proponents to develop data access and modification rights develop, document, and train staff on backup and recovery procedures publish and maintain data activity standards documentation

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Database Administrators (cont.)


Manage the database management system

generate database application performance reports investigate user performance complaints assess need for changes in database structure or application design modify database structure evaluate and implement new DBMS features tune the database

Establish the database data dictionary

data names, formats, relationships cross-references between data and application programs (see metadata slide) Database Concepts
Leo Mark

End Users

Parametric end users constantly query and update the database. They use canned transactions to support standard queries and updates. Casual end users occasional access the database, but may need different information each time. They use sophisticated query languages and browsers. Sophisticated end users have complex requirement and need different information each time. They are thoroughly familiar with the capabilities of the DBMS.

Database Concepts Leo Mark


q q q q q

Prerelational vs. Relational Database Vendors Relational Database Products Relational Databases for PCs Object-Oriented Database Capabilities

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Prerelational vs. Relational

b n$ illio

1 4 1 2 1 0 8 6 4 2 0 1 9 9 4 1 9 9 5 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 p e ea i n l r r l to a r l t nl ea io a

q Prerelationalm etrevenueshrinkingabout9% ear. Crrently1.8billion/year ark /y u q R nalm etrevenuegrow gabout30% ear. Crrently11.5billion/year elatio ark in /y u
Database Concepts Oject-O ted ark en e o t 5 illio /y b Leo Mark rien m et rev u ab u 1 0m n ear

Database Vendors

O er($2 7 M th ,2 2 ) In rm fo ix S base y C A O ($ ,75 ) racle 1 5M

IB (IM+ B) ($ ,46 M M SD2 1 0 ) IB M O ther

S b ($6 4 ) y ase 6 M

O racle

In rm (+ stra)($ 9 M fo ix Illu 4 2 )

C -ID S (+ g ($ 4 M A M In ress) 4 7 )

N C($2 1 ) E 1M

F jitsu($ 8 ) u 1 6M

oi l: 7 ,8 HTta 17)4 M itach ($1$M 7

S ftwo A ID ,1 A) ($ 6 ) o S urce: (A A9 5 13 M are G C B S D 9

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products

We compare the following products: q ORACLE 7 Version 7.3 q Sybase SQL Server 11 q Informix OnLine 7.2 q Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 q IBM DB2 2.1.1 q CA-OpenIngres 1.2

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products

COMPARISON CRITERIA Relational Model Domains Referential Integ. violation options Taylor referential messages Referential WHERE clause Updatable views w/check option Database Objects User-defined data types BLOBs Additional data types Table structure Index structure Tuning facilities

ORACLE7 VERSION7.3 no restrict, except cascading delete no no yes

SYBASE SQL SERVER11 no restrict only no no yes

INFORMIX ONLINE7.1 no restrict, except cascading delete no no yes

yes yes image,video,text, messaging,spatial data types heap,clustered B-tree,bitmap, hash table and index allocation

yes yes binary,image,text, money,bit, varbinary heap,clustered B-tree index pre-fetch, I/O buffer cache, block size, table partitioning

no yes byte, text up to 2GB no choice B+-tree,clustered extents, table fragmentation by expression or round robin

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products

COMPARISON CRITERIA Relational Model Domains Ref. integrity w/check option Taylor referential messages Referential WHERE clause Updatable views w/check option Database objects User-defined data types BLOBs Additional data types Table structure Index structure Tuning facilities

MICROSOFT SQL SERVER6.5 no restrict no no yes

IBM DB2 2.1.1

CAOPENINGRES1.2 no restrict only no no yes

no restrict,cascade, set null no no yes, including union vews yes yes large objects

yes yes

yes yes byte,longbyte,long varchar,spatial, varbyte, money B-tree,hash,heap, ISAM B-tree,hash,ISAM table&index alloc. fill factors, pre-allocation

no choice clustered fill factors, allocation

no choice clustered table & index allocation, cluster ratio,cluster factor

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products

C OM P ARISON ORAC LE7 SYB ASE SQ L IN FORM IX C RITERIA VERSION 7.3 SERVER11 ON LIN E7.2 Triggers Level row &set-based set-based row &set-based Tim ing before,after after before,after,each N esting yes yes yes Stored procedures Language PL/SQL Transact-SQL SPL N esting yes yes yes Cursors yes yes yes External calls RPC RPC system calls Events yes tim e-based no Queries Lock ing lev el table, row table, page db,table,page,row AN SI SQL com ply entry level SQL92 entry level SQL92 entry level SQL92 Cursors forw ard forw ard forw ard,back w ard Outer join yes yes yes AN SI syntax no no no APIs ODBC DBLIB,CTLIB,ODBC ESQL,TP/XA,CLI, ODBC

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products

Database Concepts Leo Mark

C O M P A R ISO N M IC R O SO F T SQ L M D B 2 2 .1 .1 C A IB C R IT E R IA D E R V E R 6.5 O P E N IN G R E S1 .2 T riggers Lev e l se t-ba s ed s et& ro w -ba se d ro w -ba sed T im ing after befo re,a fter after N esting yes y es yes Store d procedures Language Transact-SQ L SQ L, 3G L SQ L-lik e N esting yes y es yes C urso rs yes y es no Ex te rnal calls sy stem ca ll y es no (db e v e nts) Ev e nts no use r-def functions ev ent alerte rs db Q ueries Lock ing lev el db,table, pa ge ,ro w db,table, page,ro w db,table,page A N SI SQ L com ply entry le v el SQ L92entry lev e l SQ L92entry le v e l SQ L92 C urso rs forw ard,back w a rd rw ard fo fo rw ard ,rela tiv e ,absolute O ute r join yes y es yes A N SI s y ntax no no yes A P Is ESQ L,D B LIB,O D B C, L,,O D B C ESQ ESQ L,T P/X A ,O D B C D ist m gt obje cts

Relational Database Products

COMPARISON CRITERIA Database Admin Tools SNMP support Security Partial backup & recovery Internet Internet support Connectivity, Distribution Gateways to other DBMSs


SYBASE SQL SERVER11 Sybase SQL Mgr SQL Monitor yes C2 configurable

INFORMIX ONLINE7.2 SMI,DB/Cockpit, OnPerf no C2,B1online secur no

Oracle Enterp Mgr Performance Pack yes C2(trusted Oracle) configurable



ESQL,4GLCGI, Interface Kit

Distributed DBs 2PC protocol Heterogeneous Optimization RPC

MVS source through EDA/SQL (Adabas,IDMS,SQL /DS,VSAM), any APPC source, AS/ 400,DRDA,DB2,Tur boimage,Sybase,R db,RMS,Informix,C A-Ingres,SQL Server,Teradata part of base prod yes gateways yes yes

Adabas,AS/400, DB2,IDMS,IMS, Informix,Ingres, ISAM,SQL Server, Oracle,Rdb,RMS, seq.flies,SQL/DS, SybaseSQL Server, Teradata,VSAM

Oracle,Sybase, IMS,DB2

OmniConnect yes DirectConnect yes yes

Online server yes,presumeabort no yes no

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products


MICROSOFT SQL IBM DB@ 2.1.1 SERVER6.5 Enterprise Mgr, Perf Monitor yes NT integrated per table DB Director,Perf Monitor, Visual Explain yes three levels yes

CAOPENINGRES1.2 IPM, VisualDBA, IMA yes C2 per table

SNMP support Security Partial backup & recovery Internet Internet support

Internet Info Serv (WindowsNT)

DB2 WWW Connection

CA-OpenIngres/ ICE

Connectivity, Distribution Gateways to other no DBMSs

Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MS SQL Server

Distributed DBs 2PC protocol Heterogeneous Optimization RPC

no n/a no no yes

DataJoiner yes DataJoiner yes no

DB2, Datacom, IMS, IDMS, VSAM, Oracle, Rdb, Albase, Informix, Oracle, Sybase CA-OpenIngres* yes,automatic through gateways yes no

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products

C OM P ARISON C RITERIA Replication Recording H ot standby Peer-to-peer To other DBMSs Cascading Additional restrictions N am e length Colum ns Colum n size Tables Table size Table w idth Platform s (OS)



IN FORM IX ON LIN E7.2 log yes no no no

replic. log/trigger log buffer yes yes yes yes through gatew aysDirectConnect yes yes

30 254 2GB n/a n/a by colum n m ost U N IX, OS/2, VAX/VMS, MAC, W indow sN T, W indow s95

30 18 250 2767 1962 32,767 2 billion 477 m illion storage dependent 4 terabytes 6 storage dependent 2,767 3 m ost U N IX, OS/2, m ost U N IX, VAX/VMS, MAC W indow sN T, W indow sN T, W indow s95 W indow s95,

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Database Products

C O M P A R ISO N C R IT E R IA Replication Recording H ot standby Peer-to-peer To other D B M Ss Cascading A dditional restrictions N am e length Colum ns Colum n size Tables Table size Table w idth Platform s (OS)

M IC R O SO F T SQ L B D B 2 2.1 .1 C A IM SER V E R 6.5 O P E N IN G R E S1 .2 log y es no through OD B C no log y es y es D ataJoiner no rules(triggers) y es y es through gatew ay s y es

30 250 255 2 billion 2 teraby tes 2048 W indow sN T

18 32 255 300 4005, ex cept LOB 2008 (B LOB s 2G B ) storage dependent n/a 64G B n/a storage dependent 2008 (B LOB s 2G B ) m ost U N IX , OS/2, m ost U N IX ,V A X / V A X /V M S, M A C V M S, W indow sN T, W indow sN T, W indow s95 (CA W indow s95, OpenIngres/ D esk top

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Relational Databases for PCs

Relational databases for PCs include:
q q q q q q q

Microsoft FoxPro for Windows Microsoft FoxPro for DOS Borlands Paradox for Windows Borlands dBASE IV Paradox for DOS R:BASE Microsoft Access

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Primary Use Version M gt. Recovery Transac. M gt. Composite Objects M ultiple Inherit. Concur/ Locking Distribute Support Dynamic Evolution M ultimedia Language Interface Platforms

GemStone Coop environ. yes shadowp yes no no planned 3 locks optim pesim yes yes limited yes C,C++,OPAL Smalltalk SUN3&4, Apollo,PCs, VAX/VM S change notific.

ONTOS CAD/CAM yes yes yes no yes 4 locks

ORION-2 CAD/CAM OIS, M M yes logs & shadowp yes yes yes 5 locks

Statice limited REDO log yes yes yes 2PL

VERSANT Colab. engineer yes yes yes yes 4 locks, 2PL yes yes limited no C, C++ SUN3&4

Oject-O tedDta a Cp b b rien a b se a a ilities

yes yes limited no C++ SUN3&4 OS/2 VAX/VM S Object SQL

yes yes all feature yes LISP, C Symbolics, SUN3, HP, DECstation, Apollo change notific. pri/sha db

yes yes Common LISP Symbolics

Special Feature

browser, dev. tools

Database Concepts Leo Mark

change notific. pri/sha db

Primary Use Version Mgt. Recovery Transac. Mgt. Composite Objects Multiple Inherit. Concur/ Locking Distributed Support Dynamic Evolution Multimedia Language Interface Platforms Special Feature

O2 CAD/CAM, GIS, OIS limited yes yes yes yes yes optimistic yes yes limited yes C SUN OS4.0 or higher Vis. Interf. Powerful QL

Starburst CAD/CAM, KBS no rollback yes complex objects yes rules & rollback yes yes C, C++ IBM PC, RISC 6000 -

Database Concepts Leo Mark

Oject-O tedDta a Cp b b rien a b se a a ilities

q q q q q q q q

WEB databases Multimedia Databases Mobile Databases Data Warehousing and Mining Geographic Information Systems Genome Data Management Temporal Databases Spatial Databases

Database Concepts Leo Mark


The Database Certificate Program q Database Concepts q Data Modeling q Relational Database Design q Performance Issues & Tuning in Relational Databases q Data Warehousing and Mining

Database Concepts Leo Mark

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