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History of the

Philippine Educational
Table Of Contents
Education During the Pre-colonial Education During the Spanish
01 Period 02 Era

Education During the

03 The Educational Decree of
04 American Regime (1898 –
The Commonwealth Period
05 (1935 – 1942) 06 The Japanese Occupation

07 Post-colonial Philippines
08 Other Development
Education in the Philippines evolved from early
settlers to the present. Education in the country
is in great importance because it is the primary
avenue to the upward social and economic
mobility. Philipppine educational system has a
very deep history from the past in which it has
undergone several stage of development going
to the present system of education.
1. Education During the
Pre-colonial Period
 The type of education is informal and unstructured.

 The home serves as their school.

 The parents serves as their teacher.

 Focused more on vocational than academics.

 Have tribal tutors (for example, the Babaylan)

2. Education During the
Spanish Era
 Tribal tutors were replaced by Spanish Missionaries.

 Instruction was religion oriented.

 Education was limited only for the elites.

 Established at least one primary school for boys and

girls in each town by the Decree of 1863.

2. Education During the
Spanish Era
 Establishment of normal school for male teachers

under the supervision of the Jesuits.

 Primary instruction was free.

 Teaching Spanish language was compulsory.

 Education during that period was in adequate,

suppressed and controlled.

3. The Educational Decree of 1863

 Provide a free public  Primary education was  One primary school for boys
and girls in each town.
education system in the also declared free and
Philippines, managed by available to every
the government. Filipino, regardless of
race or social class.
3. The Educational Decree of 1863

 Normal school for male  The number of schools  Subjects offered: Reading,
teachers. and students increased Christian Doctrine, writing,
steadily after the Spanish, Arithmetic,
implementation of the vocal/music, geography,
decree. agriculture, history, and
needle works.
4. Education During the American Regime
(1898 – 1946)
Upon the recommnedation of the
Chaplains and non- Highly centralized public
Schurman Commission free primary
commissioned officers school system was
instruction that trained the people for
were assinged to teach installed by Philippine
the duties of citizenship and avocation
using English as the Commission by virtue of
was enforced by tje TAFT Commission
per intructions of President McKinley. medium for instruction. Act No. 74.
4. Education During the American Regime
(1898 – 1946)

THOMASITES brought in Bureau of Public Instruction High School was

the Philippines from USA. became Bureau of Education supported by the
under Act No. 477 which Governments.
passed on Nov. 1, 1902.
4. Education During the American Regime
(1898 – 1946)
Established the following on 1902
The Reorganization Act of
by the Philippine Commission: The Philippine Legislature
191provide the
Special Education Institution approved Act No. 1870
Filipinization of all
Schools of Arts and Trade which created the University
department of the
Agricultural School of the Philippines.
secretaries except the
secretary of Public
Marine Institutes
5. The Commonwealth Period (1935 – 1942)

 Education under the  Primary education was  Commonwealth Act no. 1, known as the National
Defense Act of December 21, 1935, provided for
commonwealth was to also declared free and
preparatory military training which shall begin with
help prepare for the available to every the young in the elementary grade school at the
coming independence Filipino, regardless of age of 10 years and shall extend through the

of a new Filipino action. race or social class. remainder of his schooling into college or
5. The Commonwealth Period (1935 – 1942)

 All schools should  Method used:  Education Act of 1940 otherwise

develop moral Memorization, known as Commonwealth Act 586
character, civic recitation, and social provided for the complete revision
conscience, personal recitation. of the public elementary school
discipline and system
vocational efficiency.
6. The Japanese Occupation

 Make the people understandthe position of the Philippines as

a member of the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

 Eradication of the idea of reliance upon Western State

particularly the US and Great Britain.

 Fostering a new Filipino culture based on the consciousness of

people as orientals.
6. The Japanese Occupation

 Elevating the moral of the people giving up emphasize to


 Diffusion of elementary education and promotion of

vocation education.

 Striving for the diffusion of the Japanese language in the

Philippines and the termination of the use of English in


 Developing in people the love of labor.

7. Post-Colonial Philippines
 Education aimed at the full of realization of the democratic ideals

and way of life. .

 Civil Service Eligibility of Teachers made permanent pusuant to

Republic Act 1079 in June 15, 1954

 A Daily Flag Ceremony was made compulsory in all schools

including the singing of the National Anthem pursuant to Republic

Act 1265. Approved on June 11, 1995.

7. Post-Colonial Philippines

 Curricular offerings in all schools, the life, the works and writings of

Jose Rizal especially the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo shall

be included in all levels.

 Elementary education was nationalized and matriculation fees

were abolished.

 Magna Carta for Teachers was passed into law by virtue of Republic

Act 4670.
8. Other Development

 Integration of values in all learning areas.

 Emphasis on mastery learning.

 YDT and CAT introduced as new courses, Media of

Instruction Billingual Education Policy which mandates

the use of English and Filpino separately as media of

instruction in schools.

 Education Act of 1982 which created the ministry of

education, culture and sports.

8. Other Development
 National College Intrance Examination
 Executive No. 117 signed by President Corazon C. Aquino.
Renamed Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports into dext in
1987 or Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
 Creation of the Board for Professional Teachers compose of five
under PRC or Professional Regulation Commission.
 The replacement of PBET or the Professional Board Examination
for Teachers by LET or Licensure Examination For Teachers.
8. Other Development
 The transfer of authority of administering the licensure examination
for teachers from Civil Service Commission and Department of
Education Culture and Sports to the Board of PorfessionalTeachers
under PRC.
 Trifocalization of Education System was also introduced.
 TESDA oR Technical Education and Development Act of 1994
admisters the post-secondary middle level manpower training and
development by virtue of Republ;ic Act 7796.
 CHED or the Commission on Higher Education is responsible for
Higher Education by virtue of Republic Act 7722 or the Higher
Education Act of 1994
8. Other Development
 The R.A. 9155 known as the Governance of Basic Education Act was
passed transforming the name Department of Education, Culture and
Sports (DECS) to the Department of Education (DepEd).
 Values Education is offered as a separate sunject in the Sew
Secondary Education Curriculum.
 Kindergarten Act was approved.
 K to 12 Program was passed. It covers Kindergarten and 12 years of
basic education.
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