Ecological Project "Everything Starts With ": A Tree

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Ecological project "Everything starts with a

tree" project "Everything starts with
a tree"

1 Prepared
Prepared by
by 1st
1st year
year student
student Leva
Leva Kateryn
Trees strengthen communities
Trees benefit the environment
= urban woodland can be used as an
educational resource and to bring groups =helps slow the rate of global warming
together for activities like walking and

Why trees are so

Trees grow the economy Trees protect the future
= people are attracted to live, work and invest in green = soon, for the first time in history, the number of people
surroundings. Research shows that average house prices are with homes in cities will outstrip those living in the
5-18% higher when properties are close to mature trees countryside. Parks and trees will become an even more
vital component of urban life
Why Do We Need Trees?

The idea of my project

!$1 plants 1 tree!

Who can plant a
Let`s sum up!

Creating new forests is what we are

assigned to DO, so our wonderful world
can breath again
Thank you for your attention
Words you may not know
Vital - full of energy; lively. (життєво важливий)
Outstrip - move faster than and overtake (someone else) (Випереджати)
Foundations- the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. (Фундаменти)
To intercept - obstruct (someone or something) so as to prevent them from continuing to a destination (перехопити)
Reforestation - the process of replanting an area with trees. (Лісовідновлення)
Power line- a cable carrying electrical power, especially one supported by pylons or poles. (Лінія електропередачі)
Root ball-  the compact mass of roots and soil formed by a plant especially in a container. (Коренева кулька)
To ensure- make certain that (something) will occur or be the case. (Забезпечити)
Soil level – Рівень ґрунту
2-inch – 2-дюймовий
Mulch – material (such as bark) spread around or over a plant to enrich or insulate the soil. (мульча)
Shredded bark– Подрібнена кора
To establish – set up on a firm (твердій) or permanent basis. (Встановлювати)
To assign - allocate (розпроділяти) (a job or duty) (Призначати)

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