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FoundationS of EducATion

pioneer of EducATions

By : Rameen & Isha

John Locke

2 Joen Jacques Rousseau


John Dewey

Friedrich Forebel

Herbert Spencer

Education pioneers recruits , connects and advances

professionals from
diverse backgrounds to solve problems from outside of the
classroom so
students and teachers succeed inside the classroom.
John Locke

John Locke an English physician and philosopher,

Lived during a time of political change when people in England wanted a
More representative government .The purpose of Education is a theory of natural rights.
Theory of John Locke:
Thoery of Natural Rights.

Purpose of Education:
To develop ideas in the mind based on sense perception; to educate individual capable of self-
Role Of Teacher
01 02
To base instruction
To encourage sense

Empirical method
Role Of Student
Locke believed that the purpose of education was to bring children up to be
virtuous, using the power of reason to overcome desire

The first major proponent of natural rights was John
Locke. He famously claimed that “all human individuals have a right
Life, liberty,and property. No sovereign, moreover could legitimately
Infringe on those rights.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau was a philosopher, Writer, and Computer.Rousseau
repeatedly claims that a single idea is at the centre of his world view,
namely, that human beings are good by nature but are rendered corrupt
by society.

Purpose Of Education:

To create a learning environment that allow the child’s innate natural

goodness to flourish
Role Of Teacher
According to Rousseau: to understand the teacher is to

understand the future, what the child can become. The role of the

teacher is mainly to guide the learner, not to impose on the child their

understanding, thoughts, or even example.

Rousseau wrote:
“ Treat your students according to age.
Role of Student
Rousseaus theory of Education emphasized the importance
of expression to proud a well-balanced, freethinking child. He
believed that if Children are allowed to develop naturally
without constraints imposed on them by society they will
develop towards their fullest potential, bohat educationally
and morally.

He considers society to have corrupted mankind and
most of all, he rejects Hobbes’ idea of an absolute
Johann Henirick Pestalozzi
03 (1746-1827)
Johann Henirick pestalozzi was swiss pedagogue and educational
reformer. Pestalozzi was born in 1746 and died in 1827. Johann
Heinrich Pestalozzi believed in the ability of every individual human
being to learn and in the right of every individual to education
Purpose of Education
Pestalozzi believed that education should develop the
powers of 'Head', 'Heart' and 'Hands'.

Focused on such participatory activities as drawing, writing,
singing, physical exercise, model making, collecting,
mapmaking, and field trips.
Role Of Teacher Role Of Student

Focused on such Pestalozzi believed

participatory activities that children should
as drawing, writing, learn through activity
singing, physical and through the
exercise, model handling and use of
making, collecting, material objects rather
mapmaking, and field than simply through
trips. words.
04 John Dewey
John Dewey was one of the most important American Philosopher. He
was the co-founder of philosophical movement known as Pragmatism.
He was a prolific writer. He believed that a democratic society of
informed and engaged inquiries was the best means of promoting
human interest.

View of John Dewey

He has a famous role in Progressive Education. This emphasis the
need To Learn By Doing; interaction of students with environment.
As pragmatists believed reality must be experienced as said by
Purpose of Education
Not the communication of knowledge but sharing of social
experience. Individual’s personal, social and intellectual
growth. Working with the perspectives and ideas of other
students. This increases the potential of learning and

Dewey believed that curriculum should be relevant to
student’s lives. Individual costruct their own path for
acquiring or applying knowledge. Curriculum that focuses on
connecting multiple areas.
Role Of Teacher Role Of Student
• Facilitator • Participate in a dialogue
• Responsible to create • Peer relationship in classroom
educational environment • Freedom to learn
• Promote learning & growth • More fragile
• Using advisory tools
Classroom Management

Never pressurize students to conform.

Creating opportunities for social
involvement. Indication of student interest on
specific subjects. John Dewey was cleared
about how things can be improved.

Created a positive change in educational system.
Influenced new method of learning and teaching
process. Enhanced individual’s capacity by learning,
discussing or by doing experiments.

Friedrich Froebel
Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) is renowned for his pioneering work in
developing a school for early childhood education The Kindergarten or Child’s
Garden. He was German educationalist. His working and writing changed the
way we think about and value the early childhood.
Purpose Of
He encouraged young children to make connections in their learning.
The Gifts Froebel created a set of gift which include cube, spheres and
cylinders and the other set include wooden blocks to develop the
exposure in children, create and play

● Songs, stories, games and gifts
● Formulated for young children
● Parts of curriculum; Religion, Natural Science, Mathematics and
Role Of Teacher
• Facilitate Children’s growth
• Encourage self-expression
• Freedom with guidance

Role Of Student
• Active
• Creative
• Learn through activity, play, and talk
Teaching Methods
Play methods
Hands-On Approach
Cooperative Learning
Conference Learning

Conclusion “Children must master the

Forebel concluded that play is not an idle language of things before
they master the language of
behavior but it is biologically imperative to
discover how things work. Specific activities
are designed to lead children to create meaning
from their experiences.
06 Herbet Spencer
Spencer is “a proponent of science in the curriculum and social Darwinism
in society.” He revived the the theory of evolution. Spencer was not a
traditional philosopher, he opposed public schools education, which he never
really experienced.
Purpose Of Education
The purpose of education is to teach everyone how to live.
As he said “ The great aim of education is not knowledge but

• Practical
• Utilitarian
• Scientific Subjects
• Analysis of evolutionary progress of human knowledge
Evolutionary Theories
Spencer was well known as SOCIAL DARWINISM father . He proposed a theory of
applying evolutionary theory to social, political, economic and educational

Survival Of The Fittest

Each generation would survive because of their
skills, intelligence and adaptability.

Educatioal Theories
Theory of value, knowledge, Human Nature, Learning, Society, Opportunity
Teaching Methods
• Preparation
• Presentation
• Association
• Generalization
• Application

He came to the conclusion that the evolution of human being has
reached the apex stage and because of this reason he should be
given maximum freedom. Only in this way a desirable level of social
development can be achieved

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