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What is Poem?
And what is poetry?
• Poem adalah puisi yang ditulis oleh seorang penyair.
• Poetry adalah puisi secara umum
Social function
• To give pleasure { untuk kesenangan}
• To entertain { untuk menghibur}
• To give value of life {Mengajarkan nilai kehidupan}
• As a way to express feeling and emotion {untuk mngungkapkan perasaan}
Structure of poem
• Line : baris
• Stanza : bait
• Rhyme scheme : rima contohnya : aabb, aaaa, abab
Language features
• Word choice : pilihan kata
• Symbol : perumpamaan
• Tone and mood : mood: perasaan, tone; nada
• Imagery : pengimajinasian
• Figurative language : majas
• Rhyme : rima (Rhyme scheme: aabb, aaaa, abab)
• Repetition : pengulangan
• Alliteration : penggunaan konsonan yg sama tiap huruf
• Assonance : pengulangan huruf vocal
Figurative language (majas)
• Onomatopoeia: penggunaan kata meniru suara
• Simile : membandingkan 2 hal menggunakan as atau like
• Metaphor : membandingkan 2 hal yg berbeda
• Personification : membuat benda mati seperti manusia
• Hyperbole : melebih lebihkan
I had no time to hate, because
(by Emily Dickinson)
I had no time to hate because, (a)
The grave would hinder me,(a)
And life was not so ample I (b)
could finish enmity. ©
Nor had I time to love, but since (a)
Some industry must be, (a)
The little toil of love, I thought, (b)
Was large enough for me. (a)
• The grave would hinder me

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