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Certification for authentication

Unit ii
• A trusted third-party, or Certificate Authority
(CA) such as VeriSign, is typically the `signer`
of the digital certificate. The CA issues, creates
and signs certificates and becomes the agreed
custodian of the associated private signing
key. A CA may even be involved in the
distribution of the digital certificates.
Q1. What is SSL in ecommerce?
• SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It’s a protocol used by web
browsers and servers that allow them to transmit data after
encrypting it for safety.
Q2. What SSL is good for ecommerce?
• Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are the primary choice for
ecommerce websites. They offer increased safety and security.
Q3. How many types of SSL are there?
• There are three types of SSL Certificate that you can choose from:
Extended Validation (EV SSL), Organization Validated (OV SSL) and
Domain Validated (DV SSL).
• SSL certificates have different types, each having varying purposes.
Let’s learn more about the types of SSL certificates available in the
• i. Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificate
• A domain validated SSL certificate offers a low level of encryption for
the website. It is useful for blogs, business pages, and websites that
don’t store information. The domain level certificates require
verification of the site through an email or a phone call made to the
site owner. This SSL certificate is the least expensive and fastest to
obtain. It is a low-cost option for those who want an HTTPS layer and
a padlock on their website. Reasons for getting a DV SSL can range
from getting higher rankings in search engines, to acting as an
authority in the niche or industry.
• ii. Organization Validated (OV) SSL Certificate
• The OV SSL certificates encrypt user data during transactions. It
offers a higher level of SSL encryption than DV SSL. It also
displays business information along with the website
information in the certificate. OV SSL can help distinguish secure
websites from malicious websites. All organizations must obtain
an OV-level SSL certificate. Before granting an OV SSL, the
certificate authority investigates the business to check who is
the rightful owner of the business and the website. It can ask for
business documents, bank statements, and domain information
from the provider. Once the business information is obtained,
the certificate will be available in the browser’s address bar.
• iii. Extended Validated (EV) SSL Certificate
• Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates are
the best for ecommerce stores. There’s a
comprehensive verification process, and these
certificates also show the green padlock and
HTTPS protocol before the website name.

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