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Vehicles/Bikes/Pedestr ians

Rights and Rules

What will be covered

Bicycle crash statistics Laws that govern bicyclists Efforts to make cycling safer

Most urban bike/car crashes occur for the following reasons: Cyclists
1.Traveling against the flow of traffic 2.Failing to yield when required 3.Running a stop sign or red light 4.Cycling at night without lights 5.Riding across the street at midblock

Most urban bike/car crashes occur for the following reasons: Motorists
1.Failing to yield to a cyclist when required 2.Unsafely passing a cyclists 3.Turning immediately in front of a cyclists 4.Opening driver-side door into cyclists path


Does a cyclist have to obey the same traffic laws as a motorist?

Cyclists have all of the rights and duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle.

There are special regulations and provisions which by their nature do not have application.

Does that include signaling?

Yes .
The bicyclists before stopping or making a turn shall first see that stopping or turning can be done safely and shall give a proper signal.

Not recognized in Michigan

Does a cyclist have to ride with the direction of traffic?


Does a cyclist always have to ride to the right?

Generally yes.
The Motor Vehicle Code (MVC) permits important exceptions. A bicyclist traveling less than the existing speed of traffic shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the street.

When operating a bicycle upon a one-way street that has 2 or more marked traffic lanes, the cyclists may ride as near the left-hand curb or edge of that roadway as practicable.

When preparing to turn left. When overtaking and passing another bicycle or any other vehicle proceeding. in the same direction.

When conditions make the right-hand edge of the roadway unsafe or reasonably unusable by bicycles including uneven roadway surface, drain openings, parked cars, etc. If the lane is too narrow to permit a vehicle to safely overtake and pass a bicyclist.

When a cyclist is in a lane where traffic is turning right but the cyclists intends to go straight through the intersection.

Must a cyclist ride on the sidewalk?

The Michigan League of Bicyclists recommends not to ride on the sidewalks because of safety hazards to the cyclist and other sidewalk users.

Can a cyclists ride on sidewalks or in crosswalks? Yes.

A cyclists riding upon a sidewalk or crosswalk shall yield to pedestrians and give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian.

Riding on a Sidewalk
A cyclist riding upon a sidewalk has all of the rights and responsibilities applicable to a pedestrian using that sidewalk or crosswalk.

Riding on the Sidewalk

A cyclist shall not ride upon a sidewalk or crosswalk if that operation is prohibited by an official traffic control device.


No bicycle riding on sidewalks or parks unless on a designated path







re can cyclists park on a sidewa

An individual shall not park a bicycle on a sidewalk in such a manner that the bicycle impedes the lawful movement of pedestrians or other traffic.

Where can cyclists park on a sidewalk

A bicycle may park on a sidewalk except as prohibited by an official traffic control device.

Local Ordinance (410.03)

No person shall park a bicycle in any street, alley or public place, except in a standing position, and no person shall park a bicycle on any sidewalk except in standards provided therefore.

Chapter 420 states that no person shall ride a bicycle on any street , alley or public place unless it is properly licensed .

Riding in a crosswalk
A cyclist riding in a crosswalk has all of the rights and responsibilities applicable to a pedestrian using that crosswalk.

Is it legal to ride between lanes

The MVC no longer prohibits "passing between lanes of traffic, but it also does not provide for cyclists passing on the right of other vehicles.

Must a cyclist ride in a bike lane? No.

The MVC does not require bicyclists to use bike lanes.

Does a cyclist have to use lights?

A bicycle...being operated on a roadway between 12 hour after sunset and 12 hour before sunrise shall be equipped with a lamp on the front and with a red reflector on the rear.

It is illegal to sell a bicycle or bike pedal without pedal reflectors, or a bike without either tires which have reflective sidewalls or with wide-angle prismatic spoke reflectors.

May cyclists ever ride two abreast?


Does a cyclist have to wear a helmet?


oes the law require brakes on bicycle Yes.

A bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which enables the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement."

legal to park a bicycle on the Yes .

A bicycle can park where ever motor vehicles are allowed to park. An individual shall not park a bicycle so as to obstruct the movement of a legally parked motor vehicle.

Is it legal to use a cell phone while riding a bike? Yes.

A bicycle...shall not be used to carry more persons than the number for which it is designed and equipped.

A cyclist shall not carry any package, bundle, or article that prevents the driver from keeping both hands upon the handlebars of the vehicle.

Safety, Education & Design

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