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30 April 2018

Jason Pajimola Punay

Student, PhD in Atmospheric Physics

Chian-Yi Liu, Ph.D.

1. To present the basic method in obtaining/processing GPM imerg rainfall data.
2. To present the possible areas of interest over which GPM and Himawari data
will be extracted.

Panoply view of GPM Imerg data
There is a need to register =)
3B-HHR. MS.MRG.3IMERG.20170901-S070000-E072959.0420.V05B.HDF5
In this presentation: only the /precipitationcal

Need to check some features to know the right

orientation of the image.. Rotate 4

Fill-value is -9999.90

Note: I made a mistake by saying that temporal spacing

is not uniform. It is uniform and it is every 30minutes
3B-HHR. MS.MRG.3IMERG.20170901-S070000-
01 SEPTEMBER 2017 0700 UTC


01 JUNE 2017 0000 UTC
Setting the boundaries of the areas of
Area of Boundary Boundary Bounding box Number of pixels
Interest (lat, lon) (pixel number)
Lower Upper Lower Upper [x1:x2, y1:y2]
Sumatra-Java (-7.95O, (-2.95O, (820, 2800) (870, 2960) [2800:2960, 820:870] 50 x 160 = 8,000
100.05O) 116.05O)
Philippines (7.05O, (19.05O, (970, 2980) (1090, 3050) [2980:3050, 970:1090] 120 x 70 = 8,400
118.05O) 125.05O)
Taiwan (20.05O, (27.05O, (1100, 2960) (1170, 3050) [2960:3050, 1100:1170] 70 x 90 = 6,300
116.05O) 125.05O)
What do we have and don’t have in hand
We have:
[1] GPM data for 01-30 June, 01-31 July, 01-10 August 2017; Complete 30-minute interval from 0000-0800 UTC; 17 files per day
[2] Himawari 8/9 data for 01-05 June 2017; Complete 30-minute interval from 0000-0800 UTC; 17 files per day
[3] Location of area of interest with corresponding pixel numbers
[4] Codes for processing Himawari 8/9 and GPM data (but not combined)

We don’t have:
[1] The process of reconciling the spatial resolution of Himawari and GPM datasets. Can’t average the Himawari because each pixel’s lat/lon doesn’t
really equals to 2km resolution in a one-to-one (pixel by pixel) comparison with the corresponding Himawari lat/lon dataset.
[2] The process of extracting the corresponding Himawari data collocated with GPM.

What I think I need/difficulties/challenges:

[1] 4-8 GB additional RAM* (currently have 4GB; computer can’t handle the process efficiently; *also for Christin)
[2] External storage of data (needed before full blast data extraction)
[3] Related literature for presenting/analyzing the extracted Himawari & GPM data (currently being handled)
[4] GPM product that categorize kinds of rain to stratiform, convective, etc. ATBD is at hand but can’t find the product.
[5] Explore the data further.
Thank you


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