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Guidance and

• Guidance – meaning
• Definition of guidance
• Need and Characteristics of guidance
• Objectives of guidance
• Aims of guidance
• Basic Principles of guidance
• Scope of guidance
• Need of guidance in school
• Limitations of guidance
• Counseling – Meaning
• Definition of Counseling
• Objectives of Counseling
• Basic components of Counseling
• Characteristics of Counseling
• Principles of Counseling
• Significance of Counseling
• Benefits of Counseling
• Difference between Guidance and Counseling
Guidance - Meaning
Guidance is the process of helping an individual to help himself
and to develop his potentialities to the fullest by utilizing the
maximum opportunities provided by the environment.
Guidance is referred to a process of assisting or helping the
students by properly trained teachers, career masters or
special guidance personnel their own future wisely and in
developing their potentialities to the maximum for them to
solve their immediate or future problems and to lead a
successful personal and social life.
Crow and Crow, “Guidance is assistance made
available by personality qualified and adequately trained
men or women to an individual of any age to help
manage his own life activities, develop his points of
view, make his own decisions and carry his own
Skinner, “Guidance is a process of helping young
persons learns to adjust to self, to others, and to
Jones, “Guidance is the help given by one person to
another in making choices and adjustments and in
solving problems”.
Nature and Characteristics of Guidance

 It is a Process.
 It is a Continuous Process.
 It is apart from Instruction.
 Guidance is a process of Development rather
than Direction.
 Guidance fulfils some aims of Education.
 It is an organized service.
 It is always goal oriented.
 It is based on individual difference.
 It is life related.

 To help individual to understand and accept the

positive and negative aspects of his personality,
interests, aptitudes, attitudes etc.
 Provide a wide choice and opportunities.
 Help make adjustment in the new life situation.
 Help in facing the challenges of life and manage
tensions by realizing and accepting the facts.
 Help in solving social and personal problems and be
able to adjust with oneself and the environment.
 Principle of All-Round Development of the Individual
 Principle of Human Uniqueness
 Principle of Holistic Development
 Principle of Cooperation
 Principle of Continuity
 Principle of Adjustment
 Principle of Individual Needs
 Principle of Expert Opinion
 Principle of Evaluation
 Principle of Responsibility
 Principle of Periodic Appraisal

 Exploring Self
 Determining Values
 Setting Goals
 Improving Efficiency
 Building Relationship
 Accepting Responsibility for the Future
Scope of Guidance

 Physical health
 Home problems
 Personality problems
 School or educational problems
 Vocational problems
 Religious and moral problems
 Democratic and political problems
 Marital and sexual problems
 Old age problems
Need for Guidance in schools

 To help in the total development of the student.

 To make proper choices at various stages of their
education career.
 To help the child to recognize and use his inner
resources to set goal.
 To help students choose, prepare, enter upon and
progress in a career.
 To help students make the best possible adjustments in
school and home.
 It is needed to check wastage
and stagnation.
 To help the exceptional children.
 To tackle emotional problems.
Limitations of Guidance

 Its service are not well organized.

 Lack of personnel and other facilities.
 In it there is an overdoing of psychological
 Conditions of life are too complex for any person
to solve the problems of other through guidance.
 Unqualified guidance personnel may do more

Counseling is a scientific process of assistance
extended by an expert in an individual situation to
a needy person.
 Counseling involves relationship between two
persons in which one of them (counselor)
attempts to assists the other (counselee or client)
in so organizing himself as to attain a particular
form of happiness, adjusting to a
 life situation, or in short,
self- actualization.
Definition of Counseling
 According to Rogers ,“ Counseling is a series of
direct contacts with the individual which aim to
offer him assistance in changing the attitudes and
 Wolberg considers counseling as a form of
interview in which the client is helped to
understand himself more completely in order to
correct an environment or adjustment difficulty.
Objectives of counseling
 To give students information to his success.
 To get information to student in problem solving.
 To establish mutual understanding between students and
 To help student to work out a plan for solving his
 To help the student to know his interest, abilities,
attitudes etc.
 To encourage and develop special abilities and right
 To assist the student in planning
educational and vocational choices.

1. Rapport



4.Change in feeling and expressions

5.Planning of counselling interview

 It is a purposeful learning experience for the
 It is the purposeful oriented and private interview
between the counsellor and counsellee
 Based on mutual confidence satisfactory
relationship will be establish
 Counselling process is structured around the felt
needs of the counsellee.
 Main emphasis in the counselling process is on the
counsellee’s self-direction and self acceptance.
 It is only one aspect of guidance
Principles of counseling
 Self-directed and self- realization of client.
 Its approach VYFKFDKFKFKGJis scientific.
 The client must be accepted as a whole person, as a
human being.
 It believes that the client has strength as well as
capacity to solve problems.
 It varies according to the needs of client.
 It is primarily a preventive and remedial process.
 It is voluntary for the student.
 It should be a structured
learning situation.
 Based on democratic
Significance of counseling

 Give information on important matters leading to

his success.
 Helps for problem solving.
 Makes mutual understanding
 Helps to understand himself.
 Helps to take steps to solve problems

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