Good Afternoon 8 - Aristotle!!

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Good Afternoon 8 -

Characteristics of a
Good Research

By: Yesha Go and Erika

What is Research?
It is the formal, systematic
investigation and study of
sources and problems to
establish facts and develop
new theories.
Characteristics of a Good Research
a. Systematic - Set of rules, follows certain steps in sequence, invites creative
thinking, and avoids use of guessing and intuition.

b. Empirical - The gathered evidence or information is collected from real life

experiences, observations, and experiments.

c. Valid/Verifiable - Precise observation and accurate description, selects reliable

and valid instruments, uses statistical measures, and can be verified by researcher
and others.

d. Logical - Guided by the rules of reasoning, based on valid procedures and

principles that adheres to the rules of logic.
Characteristics of a Good Research
e. Analytical - Careful analysis or analytical skill is necessary in order to draw
conclusions to explain why something happened or how it came to be.

f. Critical - Involves objective analysis and evaluation of information and facts to

achieve precise judgment using multiple sources.

g. Cyclical - Follows a process which starts with a problem and ends with a

h. Develops Theories and Principles - Accurate prediction on the variables,

generalizations regarding the whole population.
Characteristics of a Good Research
i. Replicable and Transmittable - Any person
other than the researcher can assess validity,
and other researcher may use or transmit the
results obtained by another researcher.

j. Clear - In order to make clear what is being

examined, the research problem must be
properly or clearly stated. The study's primary
variables need to be quantified and described in
the problem statement.
Characteristics of a Good Research
k. Lastly, your research needs to be S.M.A.R.T.

S pecific
M easurable
A ttainable
R elevant
T imely
Characteristics of a Good Research
Specific - Purpose of the research must be specifically
stated. This is possibly the most crucial step in setting
or assessing a goal. It is more challenging to decide
how long a goal should take to complete or how to
gauge achievement the less specific a purpose is.

Measurable - Research should be quantifiable or

observable. Ask, how is the goal measured? Making
sure that the goal is measured in a way that
appropriately represents success is the key to
Characteristics of a Good Research
Attainable - Research should be easily achieved or solved. Ask, do we have the
resources and capabilities required to achieve success? Is the goal reasonable enough
to be accomplished? How so?

Relevant - Research can contribute something to society. Your research must yield
conclusions that will contribute to knowledge and progress. Research that is relevant
can result in observable, real changes.

Timely - Topic must be related to present times. Avoid talking about subjects that
have been covered before or that are too general. The topic that authors choose to
review should not have recently been reviewed.
Characteristics of a Good Research


• Why is it important to know the characteristics of a good research?

• What do you think is the most important characteristic of a good research

and why?

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