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Tt introduces himself

Tt: Good afternoon! (1 minute)

My name is Fernando. I´m going to teach you a topic today. Please help me to have a good class.
Let´s start it.

Tt: Takes the attendace of 36 students (1 minute)

Tt: Open your notebooks and copy this information. (1 minute)

Repeat after me: Mod. III, U. 6B, Topic: Past simple (affirmative)
regular verbs,
Purpose: to talk about past events using regular verbs
Mod. III
U. 6B
Topic: Past simple (Affirmative) regular verbs
Purpose: To talk about past events.
A. 4.4
Warm up
• (WHOLE CLASS) 6 minutes
1. Tell Ss if they identify some verbs. (slide with 20 verbs)
2. Some Ss can stand up and point to the verbs they Know.
3. Teacher shows the same verbs slide by slide. Tt and Ss pronounce
the verbs.
4. Tt clicks slide by slide and Ss say the verb (memory activity)
Presentation (groups of five) 10 minutes
• Ask students to form groups of five. (1,2,3,4,5 - 1,2,3,4,5 – 1,2,3,4,5)
• Ss watch a video about a past event. They pay attention on the question and
the red words.
• Ask Ss which words in red they remember and what do they have in common.
• Explain that the verbs end in ed because they are regular verbs.
• Tt hands out the conversation in simple past about “the driving test”, and 7
color paper sheets with sentences.
• Ss read the conversation and number the sentences 1 – 7 extracted from the
• Tt gives feedback.
1. Alfie took his driving test for the second time this morning. Did he pass?

Past simple
Tt gives feedback

A cat appeared from nowhere. 3

He crossed a red traffic light. 7
The owner of the cat arrived. 5
He stopped at a zebra crossing. 1
The driving instructor and he carried on with the test. 6
An old man walked across the road, so he started to drive. 2
He killed the cat. 4

(Tt gives the sentences in piles color sheets to Ss)

Grammar presentation

• Read the learn this box. Tt asks, what letters do you add to a regular verb in the past simple, e.g. work?,
What do you do if the verb end in e, e.g. like? How about if it ends in y?
• And what happens to verbs which ends with one vowel and one consonant, e.g. chat, stop?
• Ss find regular verbs with the previous rules in the text.
• Tt gives feedback.

• Pronunciation: ed endings
• Tt writes on the board d / t / id and explains there are 3 pronunciations with regular verbs in past.
• Tt hands out worksheet 2.
• Tt plays an audio and Ss repeat some verbs they focus on the pronunciation
• Ss listen again the audio and and classify the verbs (d/t/id)
• Ss pronounce different verbs from the worksheet.
• Tt gives feedback.
What is past simple?
The past simple is the most common way of talking about past events or
states which have finished.
How do we form the past simple?
Pronunciation of the ed ending
Drills / Situations
• Ss complete some sentences with the past simple affirmative form of
the verbs given.
• Teacher gives feedback
Follow up activities
• Tt gives extra-vocabulary: Time expressions
• Ss number the past time expressions 1-10. Starting with the most
• (Tt writes on the board numbers (1-10) and give Ss Foamy bubbles
with time expressions, then they have to stick them in the correct
• (alternative: Jumbled sentences in pieces of paper, Ss stand up and
form sentences moving to the correct place according to the words
Time expressions
• Last night
• Last summer
• An hour ago
• Yesterday morning
• A few minutes ago
• Last month
• Last week
• Ten years ago
• Three hours ago
• Two months ago
• Ss look at a questionnaire. Then tell a partner true sentences with
time expressions.
• e.g. Ss-A: When was the last time you …?
• Ss-B: I cried at the end of a film last week.
• Tt monitors the activity
• (optional: Ss walk in a circle and TT says pairs, trios, groups of five,
etc.- teacher asks questions)

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