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If you don’t know how to handle tension or if the results are less than optimal, decision-making can be the
single-greatest weight on your shoulders. So, how do you know what makes a strong decision? Here are the
nine attributes of a positive decision:
1. Decisions positively impact others.
2. Decisions are replicable.
3. Decisions foster opportunity. (Empowers others to act)
4. Decisions include others.
5. Decisions are executable.
6. Decisions is systematic.
7. Decisions are accountable.
8. Decisions are pragmatic.
9. Decisions involve self-awareness
• GROUP DECISION – MAKING ls also known as “Collaborative Decision-Making”, is a situation faced
when individuals collectively make a choice from the alternatives before them. The decision is then no longer
attributable to any single individual who is a member of the group. This is because the result applies to certain
systems of individual's and social classes such as social power. Community decisions often vary from those
taken by individuals. Collaborative decision taking in workplace environments is one of the most effective
models for creating buy-in from other stakeholders, building trust and promoting innovation. In keeping with
the concept of cooperation, collective decisions often appear too be more successful than decisions made by a
single person. In this way, such collective agreements have the ability to deliver better net output results than
individuals working alone (Larson, 2010).
• Collaborative or collective decision-making would often be preferred under normal daily circumstances and will
produce more benefits than individual decision-making when there is room for proper deliberation, negotiation
and dialogue. This can be achieved using committee, teams, organizations, alliances or other social
collaboration processes. For certain cases, however, this approach may also have disadvantages. Certain
methods of decision-making may be better in serious emergencies or crisis situations because emergency
actions can need to be taken quicker, with less time for deliberation. On the other hand, additional
considerations must also be taken into account when evaluating the appropriateness of a decision-making
framework. For instance, the likelihood of group fragmentation may often also occur, causing certain groups to
make more drastic decisions in the direction of individual inclinations than those of their individual members
(Moscovici, 1969)
• In general, a person takes prompt decisions. When in a group,
keeping any one person responsible for a wrong decision is not easy.
Human decision taking usually saves time, resources, and energy as
individuals make timely and rational choices. Although taking group
decision takes a lot of time, money and energy.

• Individual decision making saves time, money and energy as

individuals make prompt and logical decisions generally. While
group decision making involves lot of time, money and energy.
Individual decisions are more focused and rational as
compared to group.

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