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The crowds on Wall Street after the stock exchange crashed.
***The Stock Market was more of a symptom/part of the only cause Depression!
Famous quote below of John Kenneth Galbraith a famous
economist at the time of the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
“The End was here, but it was not yet in sight”
What does the above quote mean?
President Herbert Hoover is a laissez faire conservative & personally a
rugged individualist that deals with the depression that way.
Perception hurt Hoover a great deal in that people lost confidence in the
government under him, they felt the govt didn’t care or would help to
solve the problems.
**Bonus Army incident hurt Hoover.
WWI- Vets. go to D.C. to get
a bonus that was promised
to them but not due until 1945,
Congress re-voted against
Giving it now & Hoover orders
WWI Veterans from D.C. &
some do not go quickly
& Hoover brings in military to
move them & it goes
horribly wrong, as 2 infants
were killed with by the tear gas.

What effect would this

incident have on the
American public?
***Defaulted Loans hurt Banks & the Economy overall.
*Farmers were particularly hurt even earlier than most industries.

Penny Auction
Ironic photo from the Great Depression
Remember the quote of Galbraith he is definitely correct.
From the Stock Market Crash to 1932 things steadily declined.
Hoover towards the end of his presidency starts to realize that Govt.
needs to do more, but it is to little to late.
The country is looking for hope & leadership to help out in this huge
major economic emergency.
The causes of the depression were numerous & the effects of it
were numerous also.

GREAT DEPRESSION QUIZES BELOW a quick review of some items.

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